Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 18:30

The strike continues SNCF despite government announcements  32

Manuel Valls, le 8 juin.
The strike was extended an extra day by the general assemblies of several regions.
Martine Aubry, en mars 2015 à Lille.

Martine Aubry met his current just before the Summer of PS  6

The mayor of Lille meets his friends from 23 to 24 August in Montpellier to weigh on the line of the presidential campaign in 2017.
Un premier arrêté interministériel reconnaissant l’état de catastrophe naturelle dans 782 communes situées dans 16 départements sera publié jeudi au « Journal officiel ».

Floods: municipal budgets proof reconstruction

The order of natural disaster was declared for 782 municipalities in sixteen departments. 215 common files are waiting to be processed.
Lors du meeting de campagne de Bernie Sanders, à Santa Monica, le 7 juin.

California, Bernie Sanders of supporters do not let down

Senator from Vermont was beaten by Hillary Clinton in the first estimates of the vote in that State, where he banked.
La joueuse de tennis russe Maria Sharapova a été suspendue deux ans pour dopage, a déclaré mercredi la Fédération internationale de tennis (ITF).

Tennis: Maria Sharapova suspended two years for doping

The Russian player had recognized early March have tested positive for meldonium at the Australian Open in January.
Dans un hôtel d’Istanbul, après l’attentat meurtrier de mardi 7 juin.

New deadly attack in Turkey

Paul Pogba, lors du match France-Cameroun au stade de la Beaujoire, à Nantes, le 30 mai.

Paul Pogba: "I want to kill myself for the team"

Lors de la COP 21.

Parliament adopts climate agreement

Video petrifying, ruined houses and Satanists tags: a visit to Zofiówka, asylum Dread

Eric Ciotti, le 18 mai à Paris.

 Police force and "field", the contortions of Eric Ciotti

Le nombre de dossiers de demandes d’asile étudiés par la France a augmenté de 23,6 % en 2015. 31,5  % des requérants ont vu leur demande satisfaite, taux très éloigné de la moyenne des pays de l’Union européenne.

Asylum applications: the modest records of France 6

Le Conseil d’Etat à Paris, en 2010.

The Council of State rejected the appeal of five fallen men of French nationality  10

Who benefits the Euro football? VIDEO

Bac 2015

APB: Five Keys to bounce back after a disappointing post-baccalaureate orientation answers

Aux Etats-Unis, des agences de recouvrement obligent des débiteurs à rembourser des dettes qui n’existent plus. Pire encore, « n’importe quel idiot » peut créer son agence. John Oliver et son émission « Last week tonight » l’ont prouvé.

Redeem and clear $ 15 million of "zombie debt" to alert on an opaque system

Le Norvégien Magnus Carlsen, en 2013.

The cream of chess confronts Paris

Francois Hollande, Myriam El Khomri, Laurent Berger (CFDT)et Pierre Gattaz (Medef), à Paris, lors de la conférence sociale du 19 octobre 2015.

Guy Minguet: "There are not, in law El Khomri, reversing the hierarchy of social norms"  6

Sur la rive iranienne de la mer Caspienne.

"Decisive instant": a new selection of photos of Magnum for sale

Le ministère des finances à Bercy.

Bercy a complaint after the disclosure of a list of taxpayers subject to the ISF  68

A l’assemblée générale de Nuit debout, le 15 mai 2016 sur la place de la République à Paris.

The statements of François Ruffin go wrong within the nebula Night stand  17

Weather: 18 departments in orange alert for thunderstorms


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The newspaper dated June 9

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Research :
  • Director General of ServicesNEVERS AGGLOMERATION
  • Deputy Director of FinanceCITY ARCUEIL
with La Centrale


Zlatan Ibrahimovic à Paris, en mai.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic: "Ibra came and took power in France"  61

The Euro, PSG, France, silver, refugees, Qatar ... The Swedish footballer confides to the "world" in a zlatanesque maintenance.
La joueuse de tennis russe Maria Sharapova a été suspendue deux ans pour dopage, a déclaré mercredi la Fédération internationale de tennis (ITF).
Tennis: Maria Sharapova suspended two years for doping
Somewhere between Venus, Neptune and Roudourou Stadium, a team necessarily like your zodiac sign.
Horoscope of the Euro: What football team are you?
Who benefits the Euro football? VIDEO
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Une trentaine de tracteurs se sont affrontés lors d’une course annuelle organisée dans l’oblast de Rostov (sud de la Russie), le 5 juin.
In Russia, a tractor race in the mud more than 70 km / h
Après la CFDT, l’UNSA, deuxième syndicat à la SNCF, a annoncé, mercredi, qu’elle signera le projet d’accord sur le temps de travail. Une éventuelle sortie de crise dépend essentiellement de la CGT.
How to overcome the crisis in the train?
Trois momies vieilles de 900 ans ont été découvertes début juin dans la région d’Atacama, au nord du Chili.
Old mummies discovered 900 years in Chile
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Video petrifying, ruined houses and Satanists tags: a visit to Zofiówka, asylum Dread

This abandoned mental hospital, the disastrous history, was gradually reinvested by hunters and thrill lovers of creepy puzzles.
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US elections
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reacts to supporters during a presidential primary election night rally, Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in New York. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Hillary Clinton, the first woman presidential candidate  8

The former secretary of state won the Democratic primary, wiping his failed 2008 against Barack Obama.She will have to rally his party after an arduous campaign where Bernie Sanders has hustled to his left.
Manifestants anti Trump durant son meeting de campagne à San Jose le 2 juin.
Trump and Republican California Lesson
Lors du meeting de campagne de Bernie Sanders, à Santa Monica, le 7 juin.
California, Bernie Sanders of supporters do not let down
Donald Trump a décidé d’utiliser l’épisode de la messagerie personnelle d’Hillary Clinton lorsqu’elle était secrétaire d’Etat.
US elections: Clinton Trump and oppose their vision of America
Des supporters d’Hillary Clinton à Brooklyn (New York) le 7 juin.
The Trump-Clinton duel all but academic  6
Hillary Clinton a revendiqué l’investiture démocrate pour la Maison Blanche y voyant une étape historique pour les femmes et les Etats-Unis, mardi 7 juin 2016.
Clinton: "Our children and grandchildren will look at this moment of history" VIDEO

large Formats

The first creation within the fabbrika, the amateur theater workshop of the national stage of the Channel in Calais, the young director Maxence Vandevelde, was played on 27, 28 and 29 May
Calaisiennes Chronicles "Do blackberries we not now", a creation of Maxentius Vandevelde
Roland Garros, Paris, France. Le 27 mai 2016. Portrait de Mary Pierce à Roland Garros durant le tournoi.
Mary Pierce, the devotee of French tennis
Mohamed Ali face à George Foreman, le 30 octobre 1974.
Mohamed Ali, the fighter of the century
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Au Parlement européen à Strasbourg, en juin 2014.

European Union: the French increasingly Eurosceptic  thirty

According to an American study, European supporters of a national decline are the most numerous: 39% in France and 42% on average in ten countries surveyed.
Le 22 mai à Diyarbakir au sud-est de la Turquie.
The PKK took advantage of the regionalization of the Syrian conflict
Norbert Hofer, le candidat du FPÖ, avait recueilli 49,7 % des voix face au vainqueur du scrutin, l’écologiste Alexander Van der Bellen (50,3 %).
Austria: use of the extreme right against the result of the presidential election
Supporters for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton hold up campaign logos during a presidential primary election night rally, Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in New York.  (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
US election: Hillary Clinton made ​​history
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • United States. Now that will make the followers of Bernie Sanders?
  • Austria.The far-right party disputes the result of the presidential
  • Russia.The artist Piotr Pavlenski fined 500 000 rub
  • These festivals have kept their soul
  • Arthur Harari, filmmaker, brother ...
  • Nicolas Demorand will (also) at the head of a cultural magazine of France 3
  • Trump, Clinton and we
  • The Arab still banned from school
  • Labor law: the debate or insult?


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Mario Draghi, président de la Banque centrale européenne, au siège de l’établissement, à Francfort, le 21 avril.

The ECB starts buying corporate debt

Wednesday, June 8, the European Central Bank began its program to purchase corporate bonds.Objective: To revive credit and activity.
Le secrétaire général de la confédération, Philippe Martinez, voudrait maintenir la pression jusqu’au 14 juin, date d’une manifestation nationale à Paris contre la loi El Khomri.
SNCF: CGT seeks a crisis without hitting its base  50
«  la disruption des modèles actuels viendra probablement de la blockchain. Cette technologie permet tout type d’échange (information, produits, services, …) entre personnes (de pair à pair), de manière décentralisée et sécurisée et sans autorité centrale de contrôle (donc sans intermédiaire), notamment en utilisant des cryptomonnaies comme le bitcoin. »
"How to build trust with companies that fetch data increasingly intimate on all of us? "
François Chérèque quitte l’Agence du service civique pour raison de santé, le 8 juin.
François Chérèque leaves the Civic Service Agency for health reasons
Manuel Valls, le 8 juin.
The strike continues SNCF despite government announcements  32
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L’océan Atlantique près de Biarritz, le 26 décembre 2015

Brice Lalonde, "I salute you, old ocean"

On the occasion of World Oceans Day, June 8, ecologist Brice Lalonde believes that the road is still long until the effective protection of maritime areas.
A bucket-wheel excavator extracts brown coal from an open cast mine at the power plant "Weisweiler" on October 2, 2015 in Weisweiler, western Germany. AFP PHOTO / PATRIK STOLLARZ / AFP PHOTO / PATRIK STOLLARZ
Germany hampers the development of renewable energy  5
Le château de Chambord a lancé un appel aux dons pour financer les réparations des dégâts causés par les inondations.
The museums are taking stock after floods
Dans les champs inondés, des champignons pourraient apparaître, comme le mildiou, finissant d’achever les récoltes.
After the flood, the gardeners of the Seine valley note with bitterness losses  9
Glyphosate, "too big to fail"? 14
Lors de la COP 21.
Parliament adopts climate agreement
Nemours (Seine-et-Marne), frappée par les inondations le 3 juin.
After the floods, pollution
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M mag

L’ancien commissaire Michel Neyret, au tribunal correctionnel de Paris, le 9 mai.

Cop informant, dangerous liaisons

They can not do without one another. The "contractor" to nab the kingpins. The "uncle" to monetize the information and escape justice. Relationships with many gray areas.
Football: ultras (and) well undermined PORTFOLIO
A Port Navalo.
Rhuys peninsula treasure
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Antisèche, le 25 mai 2012…

In the United States, foreign students cheat more than Americans  7

According to a survey of the "Wall Street Journal", foreign students cheat five times more than Americans during examinations.For fraud, the champions were the Chinese.
La découverte des résultats du bac, au lycée Jean-de-La Fontaine, à Paris.
Depending on where you live, the tray can pay big  6
Trente-deux pour cent des élèves qui étaient en difficulté en troisième obtiennent un baccalauréat professionnel, 11 % un bac techno, 5 % un bac général.
A two students with learning difficulties in 3rd gets her bac
La lutte anti-plagiat est de plus en plus prise au sérieux par les universités.
Damning new evidence on a case of academic plagiarism POST BLOG
Pour certains, la publication des résultats est un choc, à moins d’une semaine du bac
On Twitter, joy and post-APB disarray
Une étudiante de l'université Paris-VI-Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (UPMC) porte la toque lors de la remise des diplôme de doctorat, le 13 juin 2009, à Paris.
French parents willing to sacrifice for the future of their children  7
Bac 2015
APB: Five Keys to bounce back after a disappointing post-baccalaureate orientation answers
Dessin d’Olivier Bonhomme
The facs will credit the student engagement
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Un requin-tigre.

The skin of the shark inspires VIDEO Search

Consists of a mat denticles, the skin of sharks has excellent hydrodynamic properties but also ... antibacterial.
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Le président sud-soudanais Salva Kiir (à gauche) et son vice-président Riek Machar (à droite).

Salva Kiir, "South Sudan needs truth, no trial"

In an article in the "New York Times", the South Sudanese president and his vice president announce want to create a "truth and reconciliation" commission.
Anders Kompass en 2006.
UN: Anders Kompass whistleblower resigns  5
Une concession automobile à Johannesburg, le 3 juin 2016.
Drop in mining output and drought crippling growth in South Africa
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Money & Investing

Times Square, en août 2015.

The Exchange at the time of the economic reality

In the coming weeks, the "Brexit" will be stressful for investors. But the risk to markets is more global: it is economical, says Didier Saint-Georges, a member of the investment committee of Carmignac.
Une étudiante de l'université Paris-VI-Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (UPMC) porte la toque lors de la remise des diplôme de doctorat, le 13 juin 2009, à Paris.
French parents willing to sacrifice for the future of their children  7
A la Bourse de Shanghaï.
Tomorrows Disenchantment for date funds
DEMYSTIFYINGTheFINANCEcan France is being crushed by the Conspiracy Striker Cheats?

My successful real estate project

Content designed & proposed by CREDIT AGRICOLE e-property

Notary fees: if bought in the old and the new

Are notary fees regulated? What share of taxes? What taxation for the former? And the new? Deciphering the notary fees.

compulsory building diagnoses before a sale: the complete list

From classic to most recent, real technical diagnostics are designed to protect and inform purchasers. List of mandatory diagnostics.

Calculate its borrowing capacity and establish its financing plan

Take stock of your borrowing capacity before purchasing. Calculate your personal contribution and determine the loan that suits you.


The small employers plébiscitent the signing bonuses

More than 380 000 cases have been filed since mid-2015 to get help to recruit an employee.
The tail of an Air France plane is pictured on the tarmac of the Marseille-Provence airport on October 5, 2015 in Marignane, as Air France-KLM unveiled a revamped restructuring plan on today that could lead to 2,900 job losses after pilots for the struggling airline refused to accept a proposal to work longer hours. Four unions called a strike to coincide with the launch of the plan at a central committee meeting early today, which was interrupted when several hundred workers stormed in to the headquarters in Roissy, just outside Paris. AFP PHOTO / BORIS HORVAT
At Air France, management and pilot union continue to negotiate
Le fret ferroviaire devrait encore perdre du terrain face à la concurrence de la route.
SNCF: first lessons of a showdown
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chef Simon

Flemish stew

Flemish stew

Or Flemish stew. Beef stew with beer. The stew is a typical dish of the North (yeah, that's right chti) and Belgium, but that was invented by the Spanish community who worked in the mines: Carbonade "having in its etymological root of the word" charcoal " .... "
Mimosa eggs
Mimosa eggs
A good old perfume! This is the typical entry of another time, but ...
In stewed fruit used may be of different varieties but ...
Butter cream
Butter cream
classic and derivative method to successfully buttercream. Cream ...
Pancakes recipefor neutral pancakes! A pancake recipe for Candlemas ... and everything ...
Whipped creamor whipped cream. Unsweetened is whipped and sweetened cream becomes ...
ChouquetteWhether you use water or milk will not make much difference except for the ...
Cook lambfor the lamb Easter sacrosanct but not only! For small parts ...


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