Sunday, June 26, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 6:36 p.m.

"Brexit 'resignations multiply Labour, Jeremy Corbyn pushed out  29

Jeremy Corbyn a limogé un cadre qui lui reprochait de ne pas avoir assez fait campagne contre le « Brexit ». En réponse, six membres du principal parti d’opposition ont déjà claqué la porte.
The leader of the party, Jeremy Corbyn, dismissed a framework that accused him of not having done enough campaign against "Brexit". In response, seven members of Labour have already slammed the door.
Les ministres des affaires étrangères des six pays fondateur de l’Europe se sont retrouvés à Berlin le 25 juin 2016.

European meetings and initiatives in series after "Brexit"  13

Two men watch screens displaying news and trading rates at the Euronext Stock Exchange services in Paris' financial district of La Defense on June 24, 2016 as Britain has voted to break out of the European Union, striking a thunderous blow against the bloc and spreading panic through world markets on June 24, 2016 as sterling collapsed to a 31-year low. / AFP / Thomas SAMSON

After the "Brexit" Ile-de-France said "Welcome" to the disappointed of the City  32

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon speaks during an emergency cabinet meeting at Bute House in Edinburgh, Scotland June 25, 2016. REUTERS/Jane Barlow/Pool

Scotland hammers it a "probable" independence referendum  10

Antoine Griezmann, après l’égalisation en huitième de finale face à l’Irlande, le 26 juin 2016 au Parc OL de Décines.

Euro 2016: France team qualifies in pain for the quarterfinals (2-1) 15

The Blues have suffered one hour face Ireland on Sunday before a lined Griezmann sends them to the next round against England or Iceland.
Les Espagnols retournent aux urnes ce dimanche 26 juin avec la sensation que le choix du prochain gouvernement ne leur appartient pas, mais dépend d’accords post-électoraux incertains.

In Spain, back to the polls to identify a clear majority

The Spaniards are voting on Sunday ,, with the feeling that the choice of the next government depends on uncertain post-electoral agreements.
Notre Dame Des Landes le 22 juin 2016. Conférence à la "Vache Rit" avant la consultation sur le transfert de l'aéroport.

Notre-Dame-des-Landes: the quarrel of airports INTERACTIVEinfographics VISUAL  8

Sunday's referendum should help decide between two scenarios, that of maintaining Nantes-Atlantique, or that of 'transfer' in the Nantes grove.
Une Volkswagen Beetle devant la tour Eiffel le 28 juillet 2013.

"Banning older vehicles back to hunt the poor of Paris"  82

Monitor vehicle pollution in the capital, but sanction by old car owners, asks the director François Margolin.
Jerome Boateng auteur du premier but face à la Slovaquie.

Euro 2016: Germany takes the lead against Slovakia (1-0) LIVE

Le pape François à Erevan, en Arménie, le 26 juin.

Pope on a thread in the South Caucasus

Le concrete, Paris en juin 2016

In France, the clubs still standing  13

François Fillon attended Sunday, June 26 at the Grand Appointment Europe 1 / iTELE / Le Monde.

François Fillon criticized the nomination of Patrick Balkany  17

Mohamed  Ben Salman, à Riyad, en octobre  2015.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in self-promotion tour  5

Alexandre Jardin le 20 avril 2015 à Paris.

Alexandre Jardin: "I will not leave France to the extreme right"

ENA, Sciences Po and higher education at two speeds BLOG POST

France's forward Antoine Griezmann arrives at the hotel in Neustift im Stubaital, on May 31, 2016,  as part of the team's preparation for the upcoming Euro 2016 European football championships.  / AFP / FRANCK FIFE

Antoine Griezmann nor awful, dirty, or bad  21

This image made from Associated Press video shows, Iraqi troop carry an Iraqi flags on their tanks after a senior Iraqi commander declared that the city of Fallujah was "fully liberated" from Islamic State group militants, in Fallujah, Iraq, Sunday, June 26, 2016. (AP Video via AP)

The Iraqi army announced it totally liberated Fallujah from the hands of the Islamic State

Bob Kerrey lors de sa campagne pour l’élection comme  sénateur dans le Nebraska en novembre 2012.

In Vietnam, a war criminal to head an American university 18

Gudni Johannesson, le gagnant de la présidentielle islandaise, place son bulletin dans l’urne.

In Iceland, the neophyte elected president Gudni Johannesson  8

Un lycéen révise ses notes juste avant de passer son bac, en 2010 dans un couloir d’un lycée parisien.

French Bac 2016: tips for success in oral

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls attends the "Banquet Republicain" organised by Seine-Maritime departmental councilor Marie Le Vern, on June 26, 2016 in Belleville-sur-Mer, northwestern France. / AFP / CHARLY TRIBALLEAU

Tafta: "There can not be any transatlantic treaty agreement," said Manuel Valls  18

Représentation de Piero et Francesca, coupables d’infidélité et du pêche de chair dans le deuxième cercle, chromolithographie de 1918. Divine comédie (Divina commedia) de Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) : chant V de l’Enfer.

Infidelity: How to manage the double ration of feelings?  10

Nicole Courcel.

Actress Nicole Courcel died

Yishaï Shlissel a été condamné pour le meurtre d’une jeune fille de 16 ans lors de la Gay Pride de Jerusalem en 2015.

Life sentence for an ultra-Orthodox Jew who killed a teenage girl at the Gay Pride in Jerusalem  23


  • 6:31 p.m.The press welcomes the return of the Blues
  • 6:02 p.m.Euro 2016: Griezmann as Thuram
  • 5:38 p.m.Euro: Germany-Slovakia Live
  • 5:06 p.m.Euro 2016 in the quarter spin the Blues
  • 4:28 p.m.ENA, Sciences Po university, how?
  • 4:08 p.m.Bac board for the oral French
  • 3:39 p.m.Fillon against the investiture of Balkany
  • 3:31 p.m.Last day in Armenia for Pope
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  • 1"Banning older vehicles back to hunt the poor of Paris"5295
  • 2Alexandre Jardin: "I will not leave France to the extreme right"in 2900
  • 3Donald Trump heckled by protesters during a visit to Scotlandin 1746
  • 4DRC: the United States hope that Kabila will be up and will retire before the end of the year1550
  • 5Bill Cunningham, or the blue soul of New York1488
  • Scotland6drives the point on a "probable"1397independence referendum
  • 7Pope preaches' reconciliation between the Armenian people and the Turkish people "in1275
  • 8The French students are welcome in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada764

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The newspaper dated June 26,

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Euro 2016

Antoine Griezmann, après l’égalisation en huitième de finale face à l’Irlande, le 26 juin 2016 au Parc OL de Décines.

Euro 2016: France team qualifies in pain for the quarterfinals (2-1)  15

The Blues have suffered one hour face Ireland on Sunday before a lined Griezmann sends them to the next round against England or Iceland.
Jerome Boateng auteur du premier but face à la Slovaquie.
Euro 2016: Germany takes the lead against Slovakia (1-0) LIVE
Antoine Griezmann auteur d’un doublé face à l’Irlande.
Euro 2016: Griezmann cheek as Thuram
Le joueur français Blaise Matuidi lors du match contre l’Albanie, le 15 juin 2016 à Marseille.
Euro 2016 football: not the "FREXIT» BLOG POST!
L’Espagnol Cesc Fabregas et l’Italien Giorgio Chiellini lors de la finale de l’Euro 2012 gagnée 4-0 par la « Roja ». Les deux équipes se retrouveront en huitième de finale, le 27 juin.
Euro 2016: Another final table is possible  9
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A British flag which was washed away by heavy rains the day before lies on the street in London, Britain, June 24, 2016 after Britain voted to leave the European Union in the EU BREXIT referendum.       REUTERS/Reinhard Krause
"A blow to David Cameron, a headache for Europeans"
TOPSHOT - Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos (L) and Timoleon Jimenez, aka "Timochenko" (R), head of the FARC leftist guerrilla, hold folders with documents as Cuban President Raul Castro (C) gestures during the signing of the ceasefire in Havana on June 23, 2016. Colombia's government and the FARC guerrilla force signed a definitive ceasefire Thursday, taking one of the last crucial steps toward ending Latin America's longest civil war. / AFP / ADALBERTO ROQUE
Colombia: a historic peace agreement in Havana
Astuce de chef : comment cuisiner du foie gras sans le dénerver avant ?
Chief Tip: how to cook foie gras without the sinews before?
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search engine home page qwant.

Qwant, little anonymous search engine that rises 16

Google has a virtual monopoly in Europe. But the alternative search engine qwant that protects privacy, reached 1% market share in France.
Engage fait le tri dans les mentions reçues par ses utilisateurs et fait des statistiques.
Twitter launches Engage, an application for the use of celebrities
Le sénateur républicain John McCain, lors du vote sur des mesures limitant l’accès aux armes automatiques aux Etats-Unis, le 20 juin.
After Orlando, Republican senators want to increase access to the FBI Internet history
An Intel AscTec Firefly drone hovers near the Great Seal of the United States during a flight demonstration at the House Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade subcommittee on Capitol Hill in Washington November 19, 2015. REUTERS/Gary Cameron     - RTS7ZTA
The American sky opens to commercial drones POST BLOG
Le futur économique entre techno-miracle et techno-déprime ?
Our economic future between techno and techno-miracle-depression POST BLOG
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#CeuxQuiFont Ryad Boulanouar, the inventor of the account happens banker
L’Espace périphérique de La Villette à Paris.
La Villette cultivated gardens
Euro 2016: The Toulouse Stadium, the Wembley Small
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • Sabine Weiss, artisan photography
  • Film Fest: 4 euros to see that the session?
  • Parquet Courts soon in the pantheon of New York rock?
  • After double against Ireland, Theo's brother Antoine Griezmann, troll "The Team"
  • Public coverage with the Louane topless shocked his fans
  • Enjoy Phoenix responds to attacks on its weight
  • France-Ireland. "France is Griezmann"
  • Spain.A late campaign marked by Brexit
  • Algeria.The plight of Chinese workers


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My successful real estate project

Content designed & proposed by CREDIT AGRICOLE e-property

Buy a second home: costs and gain

How to finance the purchase of a second home? What are the charges to be expected? What are the tax treatment of the capital gain?

Planning your move: premium, costs and procedures

Termination or transfer services, change of address and moving allowance. What are the cost involved?And there are aids?

Notary fees: if bought in the old and the new

Are notary fees regulated? What share of taxes? What taxation for the former? And the new? Deciphering the notary fees.


Dans un square devant la Bourse de Londres, vendredi 24 juin.

After the "Brexit" the big banks depression

Shares of banks were severely affected by the outcome of the British referendum. Uncertainties about future negotiations weigh on an already battered sector traded.
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls attends the "Banquet Republicain" organised by Seine-Maritime departmental councilor Marie Le Vern, on June 26, 2016 in Belleville-sur-Mer, northwestern France. / AFP / CHARLY TRIBALLEAU
Tafta: "There can not be any transatlantic treaty agreement," said Manuel Valls  18
Le futur économique entre techno-miracle et techno-déprime ?
Our economic future between techno and techno-miracle-depression POST BLOG
Les ministres des affaires étrangères des six pays fondateur de l’Europe se sont retrouvés à Berlin le 25 juin 2016.
European meetings and initiatives in series after "Brexit"  13
Le « Brexit » devait relancer le « moteur » franco-allemand de l’Union européenne. Mais les divergences entre la chancelière et François Hollande sont plus apparentes que jamais.
The "Brexit" undermines the Franco-German POST BLOG
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M mag

Elite or the golden age of supermodels

Naomi, Cindy, Claudia and Stephanie ... From the 1980s to the turn of the millennium, John Casablancas, founder of the Elite agency and now subject of a documentary, made his models superstars. A bygone era but has permanently changed the world of fashion.
Des rats tentent d’échapper à la crue de la Seine, en juin.
Living with rats, or declare war?  7
Joey, à Los Angeles. « En tant que musulman, j'ai le sentiment que c'est un fait, que c'est ainsi que j'ai été créé.  Que mes frères et mes sœurs ont tort de me dire que je suis une abomination. Parce que c'est ma nature, c'est ainsi qu'Allah m'a créé. Malgré tout, il y a toujours une petite voix au fond de moi qui me dit : “Je suis haram !” (interdit). »
Muslims and homosexuals, against all odds PORTFOLIO
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La campagne en faveur du vote pour le maintien du Royaume-Uni dans l’Union européenne à Londres.

How the "Brexit" Will it affect students?  5

tuition increase for departing French study in the UK, decline in research funding and mobility aids British students ... Deciphering the consequences of exit polling of the European Union.
Un lycéen révise ses notes juste avant de passer son bac, en 2010 dans un couloir d’un lycée parisien.
French Bac 2016: tips for success in oral
Le lycée Henri-IV, à Paris, un des 46 établissements à afficher 100 % de réussite au bac en Ile-de-France.
Proceeds from the race to the top of the Paris high schools 8
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The World Festival

#CeuxQuiFont Ryad Boulanouar, the inventor of the account goes INTERACTIVE VISUAL banker

Faced with pessimism, they move the company. Second part of our series: with three associates, Ryad Boulanouar Nickel launched a service allowing unbanked to open an account.
Nolwenn Guillou, institutrice, dans la médiathèque toute neuve de l'école Le Blé en Herbe à Trébédan dans le Morbihan.
#CeuxQuiFont: In Cotes-school Trébédan recreates social INTERACTIVE VISUAL link
Au siege du journal le 17 decembre 2014.
Dialogues with writing the "world"


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L’ancien ambassadeur de France en Côte d’Ivoire Jean-Marc SImon dans sa résidence à Abidjan, en avril 2011.

Jean-Marc Simon, the uninhibited ambassador

After completing his diplomatic career in the Ivory Coast during the election crisis of 2010-2011, former Quai d'Orsay has gone into business. In Abidjan.
Le premier ministre britannique, David Cameron, lors d’un sommet du Commonwealth en 2013 au Sri Lanka. A sa gauche, le président sud-africain, Jacob Zuma, partenaire important du Royaume-Uni en Afrique.
"For Africa, the" Brexit "opens up opportunities in the coming years"
Thomas Perrello, émissaire spécial du président Barack Obama pour l’Afrique des Grands Lacs. Ici à Genval, en Belgique, début juin 2016, où se retrouvait l’opposition congolaise.
DRC: the United States hopes that Kabila will be up and will retire before the end of the year
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Money & Investing

(FILES) This file photo taken on April 28, 2016 shows a woman browsing the site of US home sharing giant Airbnb on a tablet in Berlin. A Berlin court on June 8, 2016 began hearing a challenge brought by four individuals against the German capital's authorities over their ban on private holiday rentals. / AFP / John MACDOUGALL

Tourism stakeholders in open war against Airbnb and other hosting platforms  22

The Paris prosecutor's office and the tax authorities began an investigation following a complaint filed by tourism stakeholders to "unfair competition".
« Nous comptons nous rémunérer dans un second temps avec de la publicité, et en proposant des nouveaux services qui seront payants« , indique la start-up. 
Train delay: Misterfox helps you make you indemnify POST BLOG
S’il le faut, les grands banquiers centraux, réunis à Bâle (Suisse), samedi 25 juin, puis à Sintra (Portugal), du lundi 27 au mercredi 29 juin, coordonneront leur action. Comme ils l’avaient fait en 2011, afin de soutenir le yen, à la suite du tsunami qui avait frappé l’Archipel.
Central banks ready to inject massive liquidity to extinguish fever markets  9
DEMYSTIFYINGBrexitFINANCEis a failure of the European Union


Place de la Bastille, jeudi 23 juin.

Funny "demo" around the Bassin de l'Arsenal  12

Circumscribing a loop and tightly controlled by police, the Paris march against the labor law took place peacefully, Thursday, June 23
This picture taken on September 17, 2015 shows a general view of the main branch of the Galeries Lafayette store in Paris featuring the stores new visual display. From September 16, Galerie Lafayette changes its visual identity standards, stopping its collaboration with French artist Jean-Paul Goude and revealing a new logo, which has been the same for 25 years.    AFP PHOTO / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN
Green light for Galeries Lafayette on Sunday opening  9
Anne Hidalgo, maire PS de Paris, le 31 mai.
Sundays mayors: the victory of Anne Hidalgo  8
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News in potatoes Blog Martin Vidberg

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  • THE INDÉGIVRABLES ... BUT NOT THEY For xaviergorce union Carousel
  • A YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL By Fabrice Erre GCSE: done!

chef Simon

Pate pancake recipe

Pate pancake recipe

For neutral pancakes! A pancake recipe for Candlemas ... and all the rest of the year for a pancake party! "The batter can be prepared in advance since we must let it rest. For sweet crepes you can add 50 g sugar to the dough. "
mayonnaise recipe
mayonnaise recipe
The egg yolk and without mustard. For this demonstration, the eggs out of the ...
Salmon Gravlax
Salmon Gravlax
Dried salmon salt and spices Salmon is a migratory fish that ...
Bearnaise sauce
Bearnaise sauce
Béarnaise sauce is served warm or cold. Hollandaise sauce as the ...
Brussels sprouts cooking
Brussels sprouts cooking
Cooked English and sautéed in butter Brussels sprouts often accompany ...
Caramel porkAccording to the recipe Sunnath The original recipe Sunnath is realized with ...
Pie Lemon meringuepie meringue or not lemon! Or lemon tarts.Classic version ...
Sabayonserved ice cold / lukewarm Jacques "or" Bernadette "come see I managed my Sabayon" ...
Tarte tatin recipeA tart apples overturned the history of the Tatin tart, everybody ...
Poule au potMaking a white chicken stock You enter the temple of the sacred. I do not speak ...


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