Saturday, June 25, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 9:36

 "Brexit": how Cameron has been caught in his own trap  11

British Prime Minister to the end of his term in a referendum on membership of the United Kingdom to the European Union that he himself had organized.
An arrangement of newspapers pictured in London on June 24, 2016, as an illustration, shows the front page of the London Evening Standard newpaper reporting the resignation of British Prime Minister David Cameron following the result of the UK's vote to leave the EU in the June 23 referendum. Cameron is pictured holding hands with his wife Samantha as they come out from 10 Downing Street. Britain voted to break away from the European Union on June 24, toppling Prime Minister David Cameron and dealing a thunderous blow to the 60-year-old bloc that sent world markets plunging. / AFP / Daniel SORABJI
Un bulletin de vote exposée à la vitrine d’une librairie, à Berlin, le 24 juin.

 "Brexit": the answers to your questions  17

practical implications of the vote, impact elsewhere in Europe, calendar ... The answers to the questions that you asked us.
La Bourse de New York est elle aussi en chute le 24 juin.

The stock markets in turmoil  thirty

European financial markets ended down sharply Friday after voting in favor of the release of the UK from the EU.
Quartier pauvre de Whitechapel, à Londres le 25 juin.

After the "Brexit": "what is at stake is the dilution of Europe"  7

Already shaken in previous years by the euro crisis and last summer by the refugees, the EU is now facing an unprecedented challenge.
Le polonais Robert Lewandowski à l’entraînement, le 24 juin.

The Gazette of the Euro "Brexit" Gary Lineker and knockout

With Europe reeling from the release of the UK from the EU, the real fun begins on the forehead of Euro 2016: this is the time of knockout.
Dans un Pôle emploi à Villeneuve-d’Ascq, en 2014.

In France, unemployment is rising again  28

After two consecutive months of decline, the number of job seekers increased by 0.3% in May compared with April, according to figures released Friday by the Labor Department.
Dessin de Fabienne Kabou, le 20 juin à son procès.

Fabienne Kabou, infanticide mother and too fascinating accused 20

She was tried for the murder of her baby abandoned on a beach in Berck-sur-Mer in 2013. The Assize Court of Pas-de-Calais has recognized an impairment of judgment.
Le pape François à son arrivée à la cathédrale d’Etchmiadzin, près d’Erevan, le 24 juin.

In Armenia, the Pope denounced the "genocide" of Armenians  20

The pope said, about the massacres under the Ottoman Empire as "genocide unfortunately marked the beginning of the sad series of huge disasters of the last century."
A White Sulphur Springs (Virginie-Occidentale), après les pluies torrentielles qui se sont abattues le 24 juin.

United States: 23 dead in a "flood of the century" in West Virginia

Bernard Sainz, le 20 juin, dans son manoir d'Almenêches, dans l'Orne.

Doping: the "Dr. Mabuse" always short  6

Dessin de Fabienne Kabou, le 20 juin à son procès.

Fabienne Kabou, infanticide mother and too fascinating accused  20

Un agriculture propage un insecticide, le 10  mai 2015 à Blecourt.

Biodiversity: a green act tarnished by lobbies

Des policiers bloquant l’accès à la scène de règlement de comptes, à Marseille, dans la nuit du vendredi 24 au samedi 25 juin.

Marseille: a teenager seriously injured on the sidelines of a settlement of accounts murderer

Lors de la finale du Top 14 entre le Racing 92 et Toulon.

Rugby: Racing 92 wins against Toulon in the final Top 14 (29-21)  7

Un militaire en patrouille dans une gare, dans le cadre du plan Vigipirate.

A soldier found dead in the basement of Galeries Lafayette in Paris

Le président du Venezuela Nicolas Maduro lors d’une parade militaire, le 24 juin à Caracas.

Venezuela: Opposition obtain the necessary signatures to anti-Maduro referendum

Des militants CGT bloquent, le 9 juin, l’accès à l’incinérateur à Fos-sur-Mer, qui traite les ordures de l’agglomération marseillaise.

Labor law: the incinerator at Fos-sur-Mer released by police  22

Bernie Sanders le 23 juin.

US elections: Bernie Sanders ensures that he will vote for Hillary Clinton  8

Abou Dhabi, capitale des Emirats arabes unis.

The United Arab Emirates, the Middle East Sparta  9

A un peu plus d’un mois du coup d’envoi des Jeux olympiques de Rio, l’Agence mondiale antidopage a annoncé avoir suspendu l’accréditation du laboratoire de Rio.

The anti-doping laboratory of suspended Rio Olympics for a compliance issue

Audrey Chabot, lors de son procès en première instance au tribunal de Bourg-en-Bresse, le 27 février.

Babies frozen in Ain: thirteen years in prison for mother

Au Texas, le 4 juin 2015.

Shale gas: Germany bar the road to hydraulic fracturing  8

Portrait de l’auteur, compositeur et interprète canadien Neil Young, pris en mai 2016.

The septuagenarian Neil Young ignites Bercy

Capture d’écran d’une vidéo de propagande du régime érythréen.

Eritrea: "The Sawa camp, this is the beginning of hell"


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The newspaper dated June 25,

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Euro 2016

L’Espagnol Cesc Fabregas et l’Italien Giorgio Chiellini lors de la finale de l’Euro 2012 gagnée 4-0 par la « Roja ». Les deux équipes se retrouveront en huitième de finale, le 27 juin.

Euro 2016: Another final table is possible  8

The final table of the tournament seems very unbalanced: the five heavyweights of European football are all in the right half. The mathematician Julien Guyon proposes a method to better distribute the favorites from the knockout.
Le match Italie-Irlande à Lille, le 22 juin.
Euro 2016: "Let's go beat France! "
22 juin 2016 à Lille. Au stade Pierre-Mauroy de Villeneuve-d'Ascq, l'Irlande affronte l'Italie à 21 heures dans le groupe E de l'Euro 2016. Dans le centre-ville près de la place Philippe-Lebon des supporteurs déambulent en sympathisant avec les habitants du quartier et les policiers locaux.
Euro 2016: And during that time, in France ... PORTFOLIO
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"Brexit" cities (and Scotland) campaigns against  10

British demography and population distribution played on the referendum on leaving the United Kingdom of the European Union.
À la bourse de Francfort, le Dax a chuté de presque 10% à l’ouverture - le 24 juin 2016, REUTERS/Staff/REMOTE
The polls and the markets were wrong on the "Brexit"  11
A workers counts ballots after polling stations closed in the Referendum on the European Union in Islington, London, Britain, June 23, 2016.        REUTERS/Neil Hall
"Brexit" what country can you organize a referendum (and how)?
"Brexit" event, Euro ... What he should not miss this week
Un bulletin de vote exposée à la vitrine d’une librairie, à Berlin, le 24 juin.
"Brexit": the answers to your questions  17
Nigel Farage, le chef du parti populiste UKIP, a affirmé que c’était une erreur de la campagne des pro-Brexit de dire que le budget britannique à l’UE serait alloué à la NHS.
The leader of UKIP recognizes that one of the key arguments of the pro-Brexit was false  23
An arrangement of newspapers pictured in London on June 24, 2016, as an illustration, shows the front page of the London Evening Standard newpaper reporting the resignation of British Prime Minister David Cameron following the result of the UK's vote to leave the EU in the June 23 referendum. Cameron is pictured holding hands with his wife Samantha as they come out from 10 Downing Street. Britain voted to break away from the European Union on June 24, toppling Prime Minister David Cameron and dealing a thunderous blow to the 60-year-old bloc that sent world markets plunging. / AFP / Daniel SORABJI
"Brexit": how Cameron has been caught in his own trap  11
Rassemblement pro-UE à Londres, le 21 juin.
Have the young Brits really "overwhelmingly voted" against "Brexit"?  10
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A British flag which was washed away by heavy rains the day before lies on the street in London, Britain, June 24, 2016 after Britain voted to leave the European Union in the EU BREXIT referendum.       REUTERS/Reinhard Krause
"A blow to David Cameron, a headache for Europeans"
"Draw me eco!"Understanding TAFTA
Astuce de chef : comment cuisiner du foie gras sans le dénerver avant ?
Chief Tip: how to cook foie gras without the sinews before?
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US elections
Bernie Sanders à son QG de campagne à Washington, le 14 juin.

Bernie Sanders sets conditions before rallying to Clinton  5

Aware of the weight it may have in the presidential campaign, the independent senator from Vermont does not intend to agree with the former Secretary of State eyes closed.
«  Cela a été un honneur et un privilège de travailler à ses côtés », a déclaré Corey Lewandowski.
CNN has hired Corey Lewandowski, former manager of Mr. Trump campaign
Donald Trump sur son golf de Turnberry, près de Glasgow, le 24 juin 2016.
Trump assures that "people want to see the borders"  7
Bernie Sanders le 23 juin.
US elections: Bernie Sanders ensures that he will vote for Hillary Clinton  8
Antolin Aguirre, directeur de la Coalition des droits des immigrants d’Austin, lors d’une veillée devant la demeure du gouverneur du Texas, à Austin, le 23 juin, après la décision de la Cour suprême.
US election: on immigration, Obama makes an appointment in November
Barack Obama à la Maison Blanche, le 23 juin à Washington.
The Supreme Court deals a setback to Barack Obama on his immigration reform

large Formats

#CeuxQuiFont Ryad Boulanouar, the inventor of the account happens banker
L’Espace périphérique de La Villette à Paris.
La Villette cultivated gardens
Euro 2016: "The Parc des Princes, it's magic"
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • A burning house floating on a flooded river in the US
  • "Le Petit Journal" ruined his target after his last on Canal +
  • Public coverage with the Louane topless shocked his fans
  • Seen from Russia. After Brexit, there will be less of EU and NATO more
  • Press review.Europe facing the earthquake "Brexit"
  • Seen from Bucharest.Brexit: betrayal UK
  • Brexit: How did we get here?
  • The Brexit, or the posthumous victory of De Gaulle
  • Armenia and Pope Francis in three questions


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My successful real estate project

Content designed & proposed by CREDIT AGRICOLE e-property

Buy a second home: costs and gain

How to finance the purchase of a second home? What are the charges to be expected? What are the tax treatment of the capital gain?

Planning your move: premium, costs and procedures

Termination or transfer services, change of address and moving allowance. What are the cost involved?And there are aids?

Notary fees: if bought in the old and the new

Are notary fees regulated? What share of taxes? What taxation for the former? And the new? Deciphering the notary fees.


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M mag

Elite or the golden age of supermodels

Naomi, Cindy, Claudia and Stephanie ... From the 1980s to the turn of the millennium, John Casablancas, founder of the Elite agency and now subject of a documentary, made his models superstars. A bygone era but has permanently changed the world of fashion.
Des rats tentent d’échapper à la crue de la Seine, en juin.
Rats of Discord
Joey, à Los Angeles. « En tant que musulman, j'ai le sentiment que c'est un fait, que c'est ainsi que j'ai été créé.  Que mes frères et mes sœurs ont tort de me dire que je suis une abomination. Parce que c'est ma nature, c'est ainsi qu'Allah m'a créé. Malgré tout, il y a toujours une petite voix au fond de moi qui me dit : “Je suis haram !” (interdit). »
Muslims and homosexuals, against all odds PORTFOLIO
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La campagne en faveur du vote pour le maintien du Royaume-Uni dans l’Union européenne à Londres.

How the "Brexit" Will it affect students?

tuition increase for departing French study in the UK, decline in research funding and mobility aids British students ... Deciphering the consequences of exit polling of the European Union.
More university libraries open evenings and weekends in September
La cour intérieure du lycée Chaptal, dans le 8e arrondissement de Paris.
Started high school: user manual for "unaffected" in Ile-de-France
Vue de l'Hôtel-Dieu sur l'île de la Cité à Paris.
"The training of private practitioners is a field of professional business"
Enjoyed the patent? You will love the tank! BLOG POST
Voyager à petit budget, c'est possible et même facilité par une foule de sites et applications.
Sites and Apps to travel cheap this summer
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The World Festival

#CeuxQuiFont Ryad Boulanouar, the inventor of the account goes INTERACTIVE VISUAL banker

Faced with pessimism, they act, are shaking society. Second part of our series "Those who" With three partners, Ryad Boulanouar Nickel launched a service allowing unbanked to open an account.
Nolwenn Guillou, institutrice, dans la médiathèque toute neuve de l'école Le Blé en Herbe à Trébédan dans le Morbihan.
#CeuxQuiFont: In Cotes-school Trébédan recreates social INTERACTIVE VISUAL link
Au siege du journal le 17 decembre 2014.
Dialogues with writing the "world"


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L’ancien ambassadeur de France en Côte d’Ivoire Jean-Marc SImon dans sa résidence à Abidjan, en avril 2011.

Jean-Marc Simon, the uninhibited ambassador

After completing his diplomatic career in the Ivory Coast during the election crisis of 2010-2011, former Quai d'Orsay has gone into business. In Abidjan.
Capture d’écran d’une vidéo de propagande du régime érythréen.
Eritrea: "The Sawa camp, this is the beginning of hell"
Biniam Simon, dans les locaux de Radio Erena, en mai 2016.
Radio Erena, the voice of Eritrea in Paris!
Le premier ministre britannique, David Cameron, lors d’un sommet du Commonwealth en 2013 au Sri Lanka. A sa gauche, le président sud-africain, Jacob Zuma, partenaire important du Royaume-Uni en Afrique.
"For Africa, the" Brexit "opens up opportunities in the coming years"
Dans la localité de Didoko, située en zone cacaoyère, des habitants ont fait construire leur propre école pour leurs enfants.
In Ivory Coast, the school as a bulwark Child Labour VIDEO
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Money & Investing

(FILES) This file photo taken on April 28, 2016 shows a woman browsing the site of US home sharing giant Airbnb on a tablet in Berlin. A Berlin court on June 8, 2016 began hearing a challenge brought by four individuals against the German capital's authorities over their ban on private holiday rentals. / AFP / John MACDOUGALL

Tourism stakeholders in open war against Airbnb and other hosting platforms  20

The Paris prosecutor's office and the tax authorities began an investigation following a complaint filed by tourism stakeholders to "unfair competition".
« Nous comptons nous rémunérer dans un second temps avec de la publicité, et en proposant des nouveaux services qui seront payants« , indique la start-up. 
Train delay: Misterfox helps you make you indemnify POST BLOG
S’il le faut, les grands banquiers centraux, réunis à Bâle (Suisse), samedi 25 juin, puis à Sintra (Portugal), du lundi 27 au mercredi 29 juin, coordonneront leur action. Comme ils l’avaient fait en 2011, afin de soutenir le yen, à la suite du tsunami qui avait frappé l’Archipel.
Central banks ready to inject massive liquidity to extinguish fever markets  8
DEMYSTIFYINGBrexitFINANCEis a failure of the European Union


Place de la Bastille, jeudi 23 juin.

Funny "demo" around the Bassin de l'Arsenal  9

Circumscribing a loop and tightly controlled by police, the Paris march against the labor law took place peacefully, Thursday, June 23
Des militants CGT bloquent, le 9 juin, l’accès à l’incinérateur à Fos-sur-Mer, qui traite les ordures de l’agglomération marseillaise.
Labor law: the incinerator at Fos-sur-Mer released by police  22
This picture taken on September 17, 2015 shows a general view of the main branch of the Galeries Lafayette store in Paris featuring the stores new visual display. From September 16, Galerie Lafayette changes its visual identity standards, stopping its collaboration with French artist Jean-Paul Goude and revealing a new logo, which has been the same for 25 years.    AFP PHOTO / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN
Green light for Galeries Lafayette on Sunday opening  9
Anne Hidalgo, maire PS de Paris, le 31 mai.
Sundays mayors: the victory of Anne Hidalgo
La Gare de Lyon pendant la grève à la SNCF, le 7 juin.
SNCF: When the CGT whistles the end of the game  5
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