Friday, June 24, 2016



“Getting to the point…of care. Curbside patient management in EMS.”

In much the same fashion that patients may have to wait until they get to the hospital for definitive treatment, EMS providers often do not have ready access to clinically meaningful data that may ...

The evolving role of the Supraglottic Airway in Prehospital Airway Management

Supraglottic airways have evolved beyond the combitube with more and more devices available in the field today. They can be very powerful tools in the management of airways both in the field and th...

Patient Experience Scores, Top Box & Percentiles

JEMS and EMS Survey Team host Lyn Evans, Experience Improvement Specialist  EMS Survey Team and Jared Cosper EMS Director, Montgomery County Hospital District in Conroe, Texas. Topics discuss...


Cleveland Paramedics Seek Mental Health Help as Calls Increase

Thu, Jun 23, 2016
Union representative says medics are pressured to go to the next call without any downtime.


The “FirstNet-Ready” Mobile Office: Top Considerations for Connecting First Responders

First-response mobile workforces face the most demanding and often dangerous work environments, performing jobs that are critical to our infrastructure—protecting public safety,...

Top 5 Reasons Paramedics need an In-Vehicle Gateway

Technology in the ambulance is advancing every day.  EKGs and patient care records, dispatch, telemedicine and tracking technologies enable medics to safely treat patients,...


EMS Compass: The Quality Imperative

EMS Compass: The Quality Imperative

Harnessing the power of data, with a forward from Mark Rosekind, administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


Ambulance strike teams respond to Orlando mass shooting.

Why Ambulance Strike Teams Will Improve Homeland Security Response

Mac Kemp
The recent mass shooting in Orlando emphasizes the need for a coordinated, multi-agency response ...
Study Links Simulation Training with Improved Prehospital Pediatric Care

Study Links Simulation Training with Improved Prehospital Pediatric Care

David Page, MS, NRP
Study shows that high-fidelity simulation training improves care of high-acuity and low-frequency...
Paul Combs cartoon for JEMS

Paul Combs June 2016 Cartoon

Paul Combs
Our monthly look at EMS through the lens of Paul Combs. 
Fran Hildwine, EMS equipment and gear

Hands On Product Reviews May 2016

Fran Hildwine, BS, NREMT-P
Check out the latest products reviewed in JEMS.
Steve Berry, EMS driver and ambulance safety

Vintage Driver Safety Films Show the Progress of Emergency Care

Steve Berry
Despite all our advances in automotive design, public health & safety, the National Highway T...


Philippines Earthquake Drill

Philippines Agencies Participate in Large-Scale Earthquake Drill

Wed, Jun 22, 2016Government agencies, schools and private companies participated in a massive drill across Manila designed to boost emergency preparedness in the country.


ImageTrend Elite Community Health™

ImageTrend Elite Community Health™ gives integrated healthcare providers a comprehensive view of patients’ conditions, treatments and success factors for better outcomes. The exclusive Impact Score™ helps you select candidates for enrollment into the ideal program, while Timelines™ view provides a patient-centric view of important factors that can change over time.


Interprofessionalism in EMS

Responding to the Call for Interprofessionalism

What is 'interprofessionalism' and where does EMS fit in?

National Data Collection Efforts Pose Challenges for Many EMS Agencies

The responsibility for national data collection is often passed on to the states, which in turn pass the responsibility to local EMS agencies. The purpose of this article is to ...
Bruce Moeller, PhD, Fitch & Associates

Bridging the Gap to Understanding

Strategies for building effective relationships with elected officials.
EMS transformation

Spearheading an EMS Transformation

Everyone is looking for new ways to collaborate and partner to provide high quality patient care, and strong EMS leaders will capitalize on this opportunity for their community.




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