Sunday, June 26, 2016

Gizmodo Australia

DC Did Something Pretty Radical To Distance Itself From Marvel, And You've Already Seen It 

Recently, we were on the set of Zack Snyder’s movie Justice League. The trip was coordinated to try change perception after the polarising response to Batman v Superman, but it also provided answers to burning questions. Among them, why the heck did DC release a deleted scene online immediately after that film’s opening weekend?

The List Of Zika Birth Defects Is Even Longer Than We Thought 

Since the Centres for Disease Control confirmed that the Zika virus could cause microcephaly in newborns, the list of the effects of the virus only continues to grow.

The Detail In This Apollo 11 Poster Is Almost As Amazing As The Trip Itself 

Apollo 11 is the most famous space flight of all time, due to it being the trip that first brought human beings to the moon. Now, you can get a bit closer to what Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins experienced back in July 1969.

John Boyega Teases Talks With Attack The Block Director, World Explodes With Excitement 

The majority of the world now knows John Boyega as Finn, the Stormtrooper-turned-hero of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. For some of us though, he’ll always be Moses, the badass star of 2011’s cult film Attack the Block, and the star just potentially teased a return to that world.

Termites Have Been Farming Longer Than Us 

Hey termites, we’re not so different, you and I. Termites are usually one of the banes of human existence, as they feed on dead matter — such as the wood that we use to build our homes — but they supersede humans in one interesting way: they have been farming for millions of years longer than humans.

It's Your Fault For Ordering A Cocktail That's Both Frozen And On Fire 

Video: Ha! I trapped the drink you ordered in a weird ice sphere. Bet you weren’t expecting that. Don’t even try melting it with your tongue or some shit, because I also lit the glass on fire.

A 3D-Printing Soap Suds Pen Takes Bubble Baths To The Next Level 

Replacing desktop 3D printers with hand-held 3D-printing pens never quite lived up to the promise of letting users turn sketches into real-life objects. And that’s partly because 3D-printing pens aren’t as forgiving as this 3D Foam Pen that swaps melted plastic for soap suds.

Hardcore Henry Is A Groundbreaking Movie, But Not A Particularly Good One 

When history’s first filmmakers ran film through a camera at 24 frames per second, they weren’t concerned with story. They were just wowed by what they’d achieved, which was considerable. Hardcore Henry, history’s first first person POV action movie, feels like that. It’s groundbreaking and visually impressive, but simply not very good at telling a story.

Here's The Fastest Way To Defrost Your Car Windshield, According To Science 

If you’ve ever driven a car that’s parked outside in winter, you’ll know it’s frigid as hell inside your car and the windshield can be totally opaque from all the foggy arse frost. Not cool. How do you get rid of it? Hit the defrost button right? That’s not all. The always inquisitive Mark Rober tested out every combination on how to defrost your windshield and came up with a way that is twice as fast as other methods. That means you’ll get a clear windshield in half the time.

Ancient Insects Had Some Pretty Funky Camo 

New evidence shows that insects were using camouflage to hide from their predators as many as 100 million years ago — and wow did these ancient bugs ever employ some strange forms of deception.

Right Before They Erupt, Volcanoes Become Ominously Silent 

If an active volcano nearby suddenly kicks up its activity with steam, smoke and below-ground rumblings, it’s a good idea to get away very quickly. But now researchers have found an even more dangerous sign to watch volcanoes for: Sudden, total silence.

These Images Were Taken With An Entirely New Kind Of Photography 

These beetles may look like two different species, but they’re the same individual. The difference lies in how they were photographed, using a new lens that allows scientists to “see” one of the most fundamental properties of biology: Chirality.

What Was Going On With Earth's Magnetic Field A Billion Years Ago? 

We know about our North and South poles, but what about an East, West, or slightly-to-the-left pole? According to new research published in Geophysical Research Letters, around one billion years ago, that might have been a possibility. 

These Astronauts Are Getting Sealed In A Cave To Practise Life In Space 

An underground cave is precisely the wrong direction if you’re hoping to go into space — so why is the European Space Agency sending the latest batch of ISS-bound astronauts on a spelunking expedition? To practise for life in a sealed tin can, of course.

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