Friday, May 20, 2016

Sci American- MIND


A Simple Trick Helps Kids Learn Colors

A Simple Trick Helps Kids Learn Colors

The way we commonly use color and number words in English makes it exceptionally tricky for kids to learn the concepts
May 1, 2016 — Melody Dye



The Brain Dictionary

Scientists have created an interactive brain map showing which areas respond to different words. Nature Video explores how our brains organise the thousands of words in our heads.This video was reproduced with permission and was first published on April 27, 2016. It is a Nature Video production.
April 28, 2016


Current time00:00 /  Duration00:00
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Everything There Is

60-Second Science - May 11, 2016 - By Steve Mirsky02:32
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Different Minds: The Wide World of Animal Smarts

Science Talk - April 29, 2016 - By Steve Mirsky36:45
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Miley Cyrus and Macaroni Combo Enables Brain-Based ID

60-Second Science - April 28, 2016 - By Karen Hopkin02:18
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Lower Your Voice Pitch to Persuade

60-Second Science - April 22, 2016 - By Christopher Intagliata01:55
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