Monday, May 2, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 2:20

The FN wants the resignation of Mr Gollnisch and arnautu of party bodies  16

Paris, le 1er mai. Jean Marie Le Pen dépose une gerbe de fleurs. Derrière lui, Marie-Christine Arnautu, et Bruno Gollnisch, qui discute avec Roger Holeindre.
Both MEPs went to the rally organized by Jean-Marie Le Pen, disobeying the instructions given by the party.
Selon la préfecture, plus de 1 600 migrants du camp de Stalingrad, à Paris, ont été évacués et "mis à l'abri" dans des centres d'hébergement.

Migrants: "Being visible in the public arena to enter into hosting devices"

The Stalingrad camp in Paris was evacuated and more than 1 600 people "put away", according to the prefecture. But associations denounce the lack of a comprehensive settlement policy.
Place de la République à Paris, le 1er mai.

The prefecture toughens conditions gathering Night stand  12

Monday 22 hours to Tuesday 7:00 will be prohibited activities "generated by the gathering night stand."
Hubert Mounier, en juin 2011.

Death of Hubert Mounier, founder of the group L'Affaire Louis' Trio 8

The singer and cartoonist died at age 53. It is the origin of several tubes, including "Chic planet" and "Separate Ways".
Vue d'artiste d'un système planétaire.

Why exoplanets around the dwarf star Trappist-1 are not "living"

"Nature" describes three exoplanets around a very small star. They were presented too quickly as that could harbor life.
Protesters wave a giant Syrian revolution flag during a protest in front of the United Nations headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, Sunday, May 1, 2016, against Syrian President Bashar Assad's military operations against areas held by insurgents around the country, mostly in the northern city of Aleppo that has been the main point of violence. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

The US attempt to obtain a truce to save Aleppo

To cancer, inequalities persist

Mardi 5 avril 2016, le hall du lycée Léonard-de-Vinci de Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine) est gravement endommagé par un incendie pendant un blocus organisé en marge dune manifestation contre la loi Travail.  AFP PHOTO / DOMINIQUE FAGET

Thirteen students in custody in the Hauts-de-Seine

Des supporteurs de Leicester City célèbrent le sacre de leur équipe en Premier League, le 2 mai.

Football: Leicester crowned English champions for the first time in its history

Members of the "Stop TAFTA" collective stand outside the building of French employers' organisation MEDEF after being removed for interrupting the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) conference organised by MEDEF in Paris on April 19, 2016. Demonstrators protested against what they see as the undemocratic way the trade deal is being negotiated between Europe and North America. / AFP / Elliott VERDIER

Tafta: why Americans are reluctant to compromise 8

Opposition Senator Aecio Neves of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) gestures during a senate session to elect members for a special committee, which will organise impeachment procedures against President Dilma Rousseff, in Brasilia, Brazil April 25, 2016. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino

Brazil: Justice request an investigation of the Leader of the Opposition for corruption

Réfugiés mozambicains au Malawi, en janvier 2015.

UN concerned by military abuses in Mozambique

Lyon's players celebrate after scoring a goal during the UEFA Women's Champions League semi-final second leg football match between Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) and Lyon at the Parc des Princes stadium in Paris on May 2, 2016. / AFP / FRANCK FIFE

Women's Champions League: Lyon ensures its place in the final

Un juge brésilien a décidé de bloquer l’application WhatsApp pendant soixante-douze heures.

Brazil: Justice blocks WhatsApp for 72 hours

People visit the Engie stand at the "Solutions COP21" exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris on December 4, 2015 on the sidelines of the COP21 United Nations conference on climate change. / AFP / LOIC VENANCE

Gas: Engie must stop its price war  5

Des teknivaliers prennent soin d'un camarade, près d'une scène du Teknival, le 30 avril 2016.

Teknival "illegal" Salbris, the day of reckoning

Screenshot of "Special Investigation" aired on Canal + at 8:55 p.m. Monday.

Six months in the privacy of a jihadist cell in France  5

The most disliked YouTube videos POST BLOG

Des intermittents du spectacle occupent le Théâtre de l'Odéon à Paris, le 25 avril 2016.

Intermittent: the CFDT-Culture said "yes" to 507 hours in 12 months  5

L'écrivain Alexandre Jardin, coorganisateur de La Primaire des Français, à Reims, le 15 avril.

Presidential 2017: three primary for citizen candidacy  10

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem et l'ancien ministre de l'éducation nationale Vincent Peillon à son arrivée à la conférence pour la refondation de l'école lundi 2 mai.

"Refoundation" of the school: the government makes its show  16


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The newspaper dated May 3

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L'histoire douteuse de l'avion détruit par un employé d'aéroport.

The dubious history of the employee would have "destroyed a plane after being fired"

This video was taken by the international media, but the real story seems far from the presentation that was made.
False pictures of incidents in the protests against the labor law 8
Le nom « saint-nectaire », protégé dans l'Union européenne, peut être utilisé en Russie ou aux Etats-Unis, faute de protection juridique internationale.
Why the US can produce mozzarella, champagne or chablis  16
Les Bleus lors du match face à la Russie, en mars au Stade de France.
Compose your "list of 23" French for Euro 2016, even if you know nothing INTERACTIVE VISUAL Football  6
La mesure proposée le 27 avril par Bruno Le Maire est inspirée d'initiatives de plusieurs conseils départementaux.
Can we control the accounts of the beneficiaries of RSA as proposed by Bruno Le Maire? 89
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The American, Jesse Hall, won on Friday, the first place in low altitude jumping championship which was held in Sichuan, Chongqing.
Skydiving: an American won a low altitude jumping championship
In the San Diego Zoo, California, discovers a jaguar snow, Thursday, April 28.
At the San Diego Zoo, two jaguars discovering snow
Images taken from a video shot by a jihadist fighter EI.
In full attack, a jihadist the EI films the rout of his battle group
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Jean-Michel Aulas à Monaco le 13 juin 2015.

Ligue 1: Aulas, the president of the provocative  19

"It's nice to have a championship final against Monaco of France, because Qatar is not part of France," said the boss-joker OL.
Les Lyonnaises célèbrent un but lors de la demi-finale aller face au Paris-Saint-Germain, le 24 avril.
Women's Champions League: suspense, missing major PSG-OL
Draymond Green (à gauche) et Klay Thompson, le 1er mai 2016.
NBA: Golden State Warriors are needed without Stephen Curry
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US elections
PHILADELPHIA, PA - APRIL 25: Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during a Get Out the Vote rally at Philadelphia City Hall on April 25, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Hillary Clinton is campaigning in Deleware and Pennsylvania ahead of Tuesday's presidential primaries.   Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have companies in Delaware, a tax haven  17
Lors d'un meeting de Donald Trump à Poughkeepsie, dans l'Etat de New York, dimanche 17 avril 2016.
Donald Trump, false herald "values ​​of New York"
Hillary Clinton est largement en avance sur Bernie Sanders : depuis le début des primaires, elle a recueilli 10,4 millions de voix, contre 7,71 millions pour le sénateur du Vermont, soit 2,69 millions de voix d’écart.
Prospects for Bernie Sanders?  14
Barack Obama a lâché son micro à la fin de son discours lors du dîner des correspondants de la Maison Blanche, le 30 avril 2016. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas
Obama mocks Trump at the Correspondents' Dinner White House VIDEO
Le président amériacain, Barack Obama, au dîner annuel de l'association White House Correspondents, au Washington Hilton, samedi 30 avril.
US President Barack Obama enjoys the primary candidates


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« The Witcher » est un des jeux vidéo polonais les plus célèbres.

How Poland has made ​​a place among the giants of the video game  6

"The Witcher 3", "Dying Light," "this war of mine" ... In 2015, the Polish studio chained commercial success and critical. And no complex feed.
Craig Wright, 45 ans, a confié à la BBC qu’il était le mystérieux créateur du bitcoin.
An Australian claims to be the creator of bitcoin VIDEO
Un juge brésilien a décidé de bloquer l’application WhatsApp pendant soixante-douze heures.
Brazil: Justice blocks WhatsApp for 72 hours
Dans le prochain « Call of Duty », le joueur embarquera pour la première fois dans un vaisseau spatial pour quitter la Terre.
The next "Call of Duty" will take place in the solar system
The promises of saving 3.0
Deux yôkai de "Yo-Kai Watch", le jeu de Nintendo dédié aux esprits traditionnels japonais.
"In the Japanese imagination, all things, animate or not, can be inhabited by a spirit"
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Un mémorial a été installé dans la station de Maelbeek en hommage aux victimes de l'attentat commis dans la station de métro bruxelloise.
The Memorial to the victims of bombings Brussels
Un supporteur de Trump, le 17 avril 2016.
Donald Trump supporters portraits
In Belarus, the tormented lands of Chernobyl
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Le président amériacain, Barack Obama, au dîner annuel de l'association White House Correspondents, au Washington Hilton, samedi 30 avril.

US President Barack Obama enjoys the primary candidates

Barack Obama scratches Donald Trump, Mike Tyson support the campaign of the Republican billionaire, most of the US campaign.
Assiettes souvenir montrant l'actuel  président chinois Xi Jinping, et Mao Zedong  dans une vitrine de Pékin le 17 janvier 2016.
Fifty years later, the Cultural Revolution still torments the Chinese  7
Une attaque à la bombe a eu lieu dans le sud de Bagdad le 2 mai.
At least 14 people in an attack against the Shiite community in Baghdad
Des femmes iraniennes montrent leurs doigts tachés d'encre, signe qu'elles ont voté pour le second tour des élections législatives, dans un bureau de vote à Robat Karim à environ 40 km au sud-ouest de Téhéran, la capitale iranienne, vendredi 29 avril.
Iran: legislative reinforce President Rohani
Marine Le Pen et Heinz-Christian Strache, président du Parti libéral d’Autriche, le 8 juin 2011.
Why the National Front wants to see win the extreme right in Austria
Le président congolais, Denis Sassou-Nguesso, lors de son investiture, le 16 avril 2016, à Brazzaville.
Repression closed in Congo - Brazzaville
Protesters wave a giant Syrian revolution flag during a protest in front of the United Nations headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, Sunday, May 1, 2016, against Syrian President Bashar Assad's military operations against areas held by insurgents around the country, mostly in the northern city of Aleppo that has been the main point of violence. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)
The US attempt to obtain a truce to save Aleppo
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Myriam El Khomri, lors de la séance de questions au gouvernement, à l’Assemblée nationale, le 6 avril.

The "labor law" proof of Deputies  5

The text presented by Myriam El Khomri struggled from Tuesday, May 3 until May 12 in the Assembly.
Evacuation des migrants installés sous le métro aérien au niveau de la station Stalingrad, à Paris, le 2 mai.
Paris: the camp again Stalingrad evacuated 1,600 migrants "sheltered"  12
La ministre du travail Myriam El Khomri, le 6 avril à l'Assemblée nationale.
Myriam El Khomri "refuses" to the threat of 49.3 on the labor law
Des teknivaliers prennent soin d'un camarade, près d'une scène du Teknival, le 30 avril 2016.
Teknival "illegal" Salbris, the day of reckoning
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • The incredible story of the "Bolero" by Ravel, now in the public domain
  • Shirley Horn (4), the best is yet to come
  • Venice Biennale: France wants to honor the city outskirts
  • UK. Semitism: the Labour Party in turmoil
  • Economy.Puerto Rico suspends debt repayment
  • Seen from Europe.France: after May 1, a hot spring?
  • A world without forgiveness?
  • Bishop Sako: "Fundamentalism of Daech is doomed to disappear"
  • The desperate daily mini-camps in Calais

M mag

Une vue panoramique depuis Gibraltar. Au premier-plan, l'aéroport du Rocher. Au loin, les villes espagnoles La Línea de la Concepción (frontalière) et Algésiras.

In Gibraltar, the Union is strength

The 33 000 inhabitants of this confetti fear, in case of exit from the United Kingdom to the European Union, isolation and Spanish territorial appetite.
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La marche pour l'unité républicaine place de la République à Paris le  11 janvier 2015.

Tolerance has gained ground in France in 2015  83

Against all odds, the 26th report of the CNCDH made 2015 one of the years in which the French company had the highest tolerance. A reaction to the violence of the attacks, but also a fundamental change.
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The victims of the attacks of 13 November

Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Cécile Martin, 33, # inMemory
Baptiste Chevreau. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Baptiste Chevreau, 24, # inMemory
Emmanuel Bonnet. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Emmanuel Bonnet, 47, # inMemory
Thibault Rousse Lacordaire. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Thibault Rousse Lacordaire, 36, # inMemory
Find all the portraits in our Memorial


Vue d’artiste de l’astromobile de la mission ExoMars.

Mars: the departure of the first European rover delayed two years

The second part of the ExoMars mission will leave in 2020 due to delays by the European and Russian industrialists.
Vue d'artiste d'un système planétaire.
Why exoplanets around the dwarf star Trappist-1 are not "living"
Fourmi d'Argentine.
War ants
François Bourdillon, le 20 avril, à Paris.
François Bourdillon, health foremost
Vade retro porn!
Vue d'artiste de l'exoplanète 55 Cancri e, constamment exposée aux vents puissants et à la chaleur de son étoile, 55 Cancri.
All understand exoplanets, distant worlds and fascinating INTERACTIVE VISUAL
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Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, ici dans une conférence économique à Londres en 2013

Nigeria: Emir of Kano, between Islam and finance

Sentenced to death by Boko Haram, the former governor of Nigeria's central bank became Sanusi II vowed to make his emirate a prosperous and safe, able to compete with the economic capital, Lagos.
Réfugiés mozambicains au Malawi, en janvier 2015.
UN concerned by military abuses in Mozambique
Dans le parc national de Nairobi, le 30 avril 2016, 105 tonnes de défenses d'éléphant ont été brûlées, soit la totalité du stock d'ivoire kényan.
In Kenya, the scenes of the "Davos of elephants"
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Hubert Mounier, en juin 2011.

Death of Hubert Mounier, founder of the group L'Affaire Louis' Trio  8

The singer and cartoonist died at age 53. It is the origin of several tubes, including "Chic planet" and "Separate Ways".
Des intermittents du spectacle occupent le Théâtre de l'Odéon à Paris, le 25 avril 2016.
Intermittent: the CFDT-Culture said "yes" to 507 hours in 12 months  5
A Salbris (Loir-et-Cher), des teknivaliers dansent devant un dispositif sonore.
The Teknival Salbris revives its clandestine origins  20
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  • VIEWPOINTNicolas Hulot, "With migrants, where's our humanity?"
    Our indifference feeds the hatred that people valued input a Europe where human rights are no longer, according to the ecologist, a statement.
    Nicolas Hulot (Producer, writer and president of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation for Nature and Man)
  • MINUTESFrance will she really better?
    In his speech on France 2 on Thursday 14 April, the President of the Republic, François Hollande, has assured that the country's economic situation had improved, creating a stir within his majority.
  • VIEWPOINT"We are the doctors of Aleppo;Russia must stop the strikes "
    A group of doctors working in Aleppo, Syrian city with fire and blood, called to preserve the truce which allowed them to take care of the wounded.
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Money & Investing

These start-ups that scare bankers

The FinTech, concentrate finance and technology ringardisent banks with innovative services and lower prices. But they must still convince the public.
DEMYSTIFYING FINANCEVote for Hillary Clinton ... conviction.

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Promise or compromise of sale: what do they undertake?

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Interest loan (PTZ): what's new?

The interest loan (PTZ) allows some households, in terms of resources, to partially finance the purchase of their main residence

Succession: how to pass a property

Succession : comment transmettre un bien immobilier
Several solutions exist to convey in his lifetime his properties to his children or his grandchildren. What are they ?

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Crepe batter

Crepe batter

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Chocolate fondant
A small heart flowing chocolate cake with fondant flowing heart of ...
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Pot au feu
Preparations for a good pot-au-feu - Finishing pot-au-feu. The stew ... so ...
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Basque chicken
Typically there are no olives in the Basque chicken but personally ...
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Quiche Lorraine
Without cheese if we are to respect the appellation. The realization involves ...
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Tarte tatinAn apple pie overturned the history of the Tatin tart, everybody ...


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