Monday, May 23, 2016

FDNY -NYPD Football Game Turns into Brawl NY Post

Watch this NYPD-FDNY football game turn into bloody brawl


The NYPD-FDNY charity football game turned into a bloody brawl — when a cop viciously tackled a firefighter during the meaningless final minutes.

The violent hit near the cops’ sideline touched off a pair of fights on the field at MCU Park on Coney Island, site of the 44th annual “Fun City Bowl” on Sunday.

Video shows Bronx firefighter Tom Slane, a 6-foot-3, 285-pound tight end, being escorted off the gridiron in a torn jersey, with blood oozing from his left ear and dripping down his face.

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Photo: Angel Zayas

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Slane, 33, told The Post on Monday, his face still red and swollen more than 24 hours later.

Another firefighter also got laid out during the unsanctioned violence.

The NYPD’ s “Finest” team had a comfortable lead of 29-13 when the FDNY’s “Bravest” team rushed across the field in the wake of the tackle, which didn’t result in a penalty being called.

Both sides skirmished for several minutes, with players tussling and screaming curses at each other before separating.

But the yelling continued and a second fight broke out in the middle of the field.

The firefighters returned to their side as announcer reminded the players they were taking part in a charity event, and officials let the clock run out without resuming the game.

The unsportsmanlike conduct was witnessed by New York Giants running back Shane Vereen, who was honorary co-captain of the Bravest, as well Jets quarterback Bryce Petty and former teammate Brian Fitzpatrick, currently a free agent, sources said.

NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton was also at the game, but left before the fighting broke out, sources said.

In 2014, a similar melee marred a charity hockey game between the NYPD and FDNY at the former Nassau Coliseum, where multiple, one-on-one fights took place on the ice during the second period.

Referees had to halt the game for 25 minutes to penalize and eject the combatants.

That game was tied 3-3 at the time, but the NYPD went on to win by a score of 8 to five.
WARNING: Video contains graphic content 





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