Thursday, April 28, 2016

TIMH - Psychoanalytic


Imaginary Gardens, Real Toads:
On Memory and its Uses in Psychoanalytic Treatment

Presented by:
Theodore Jacobs, MD

"Dr. Jacobs is one of the most esteemed present-day psychoanalysts, with a special interest in Transference/Countertransference. He also is a stimulating presenter. Do not miss our May 13 Psychoanalytic Society event."
-Joan Erdheim Ph.D., President, TI Psychoanalytic Society
Dr. Jacobs is a pioneer in the use of countertransference in the analytic setting. He is regarded as the originator of the term enactment to describe the actions and emotions that occur between the patient and analyst during treatment.

May 13th at 7:00pm

Program Description:
In this paper, Dr. Theodore Jacobs offers a contemporary perspective on the place of memory in  psychoanalytic theory and treatment and reviews current psychoanalytic controversies over memory. The presentation considers the ways in which the recovery of declarative memories  aids the analytic process. Clinical material is used to demonstrate how one can work therapeutically with the explicit memory system.
Theodore J Jacobs, M.D. is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Albert Einstein Medical College in New York, Training and Supervising Analyst at NY Psychoanalytic Institute and at NYU University Psychoanalytic Institute where he is also a Child Supervising Analyst, Dr. Jacobs has served on numerous editorial boards and is currently on the Board of Directors of the Psychoanalytic Quarterly. He is the Past President of the Association for Child Analysis and author of over 50 papers. 
Conference Location:
Training Institute for Mental Health
115 West 27th Street, 4th Floor

Mental Health Professionals: $30
Students: $15
Psychoanalytic Society Members: Free

Register & Purchase tickets:
Please visit the bottom of the TI Calendar Page

Please email Heather deCastro at

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