Friday, April 29, 2016

Singapore Straits Times

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ST Index  2,838.520 -23.780


SINGAPORE - A new fast response police unit trained to react swiftly to armed threats will be formed from June to beef up Singapore's counter terrorism strategy.


Live Breaking News

Telcos announce plans for HetNet trials at Jurong Lake District
HetNet is a new wireless system that allows users to automatically switch between Wi-Fi and cellular networks, like 4G, in order to minimise surfing slowdowns and disruptions.  
Happening now: Chee Soon Juan wraps up SDP rally for Bukit Batok by-election
People queueing up for Dr Chee's autograph after his rally speech. ST PHOTO: DELPHINE KAO 
Happening now: Chee Soon Juan speaks at the SDP rally for Bukit Batok by-election
Dr Chee says he wants a clean fight for this election, even though some have suggested that he "whack David Ong', the former PAP MP who quit over an alleged extramarital affair. Describing Mr Ong as a "good guy", he says: "I don't want to do that, it's not my style. You don't want to kick a man when he is down."
He also calls Mr Murali "a decent chap" and says he has heard good things about him. "My criticism is not about him as a person but his political views." He adds that he has told SDP members not to launch personal attacks against Mr Murali because "he is Singaporean first, PAP member second".
Wrapping up his speech, he urges residents to vote for him: "Now is the time to bring your dreams, your hope, your concerns and worries with me to Parliament... we may not get another chance like this." ST VIDEOS: DELPHINE KAO, SAMUEL MAK
Happening now: Chee Soon Juan speaks at the SDP rally for Bukit Batok by-election
Dr Chee says residents are paying high S&CC fees because PAP MPs outsourced the running of the estate to profit-making companies. But as a full-time MP if elected, he will be personally overseeing the running of the estate to avoid adding to cost. 
Referring to Mr Murali's comment that it is possible to juggle both work and his duty as an MP, Dr Chee says: "If you want to personally oversee estate... and tend to the needs of resident, there is absolutely no way you can be a part-time MP."
He has a proposition for Mr Murali who has said that a team approach - not just a single MP - is needed to address the needs of residents: Why not fulfil his duty as an MP in the day time and work as a lawyer at night since he is also not a one-man show at his law firm?
He adds that the SDP will be accountable to residents by consulting them on issues, such as how town council funds will be used and invested. ST VIDEOS: DELPHINE KAO, SAMUEL MAK

Happening now: Minister Grace Fu raises questions about Dr Chee Soon Juan's promise to be a full-time MP
Culture, Community and Youth Minister Grace Fu asks if Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) has the experience of running a town council. She worries that the SDP does not "understand the complexity" of running a town council. 
She also says that SDP chief Dr Chee Soon Juan will not be giving up a full-time job to be a full-time MP. "Work experience or the lack of, is a relevant fact for a candidate," she says. To recruit a person, you need to look at their work experience and references from those who worked with them, she says.
"It will be very interesting to see if there will be a reference letter from Mr Chiam See Tong, the 'sifu' (master) who recruited Mr Chee into the SDP," she said.
Speaker of Parliament Halimah Yacob is the last to speak. She told residents to vote for Mr Murali as he is an "old boy" and not a "new kid on the block". Mr Murali has been a grassroots volunteer for 16 years and was the former PAP branch secretary in Bukit Batok. 
Madam Halimah says that Mr Murali was the man who "held the PAP branch together" when former Bukit Batok MP Dr Ong Chit Chung died in 2008.
Of Dr Chee Soon Juan's promise that he will head to Bukit Batok first every morning, she said: "You go to Bukit Batok, you stand there for 24 hours, but you may not achieve anything."
In closing, she said that Mr Murali "will be that connector; he will be that catalyst; he will be that link" for the ward.
British pair charged with giving money to Brussels, Paris attacks suspect
Briton Mohammed Ali Ahmed, 26, and Belgian citizen Zakaria Boufassil, 26, both from Birmingham in central England, are charged with giving £3,000 (S$5,887) to Brussels and Paris attacks suspect Mohamed Abrini (above) when he was in Britain last summer.   PHOTO: REUTERS
Happening now: Mr Murali Pillai speaks at the PAP rally
Mr Murali outlines some of his plans. He said he has proposed ways to help unemployed Singaporeans and Bukit Batok residents in his manifesto. He wants to advocate fair employment practices, and if necessary, tighten the employment pass criteria to preserve the Singaporean core. He also wants to start a commmunity job placement programme.  
"Last but not least, we will always keep an eye out for our low income families," he said.
He rouses the crowd at the end of his speech. "Which party will be better able to take care of needs of the residents?" he asks, and tells residents to vote for him on May 7. ST VIDEO: NG KENG GENE
Happening now: Chee Soon Juan speaks at the SDP rally for Bukit Batok by-election
SDP candidate Chee Soon Juan takes the stage, begins his speech in Malay to cheers from the crowds saying "Dr Chee, we want you", "Send him to Parliament". 
Continuing his speech in a mix of Mandarin and Hokkien, Dr Chee says he feels it's "not very right" when PAP candidate Murali Pillai pledged to build a new garden in Bukit Batok but "only if he is elected". He also reiterates that he will be a full-time MP if elected, unlike Mr Murali who will be in his Shenton Way office in the day if residents need to talk to him. Another difference, Dr Chee says, is that PM Lee Hsien Loong is Mr Murali's boss, "while you are my boss". ST PHOTO: DELPHINE KAO 

Happening now: Mr Murali Pillai speaks (and sings) at the PAP rally
Mr Murali emphasised repeatedly that he will put the Bukit Batok community ahead of his own personal interests.
"The day I stop (making a positive difference) to Bukit Batok, I will leave. When I leave, I leave with shirt on my back and nothing else except memories of my service with you," he said. At one point, he broke into song. ST VIDEO: NG KENG GENE
Happening now: Mr Murali Pillai speaks at the PAP rally
Mr Murali started his speech in Malay, then switched to Tamil. "Ah Mu" also greeted the crowd in Mandarin before switching to English. 
He joked that a friend asked him to shave his moustache so he would look better in media, but he refused. Now, some supporters sport a moustache, he said. Some in the audience shout: "It's your trademark."
Mr Murali also spoke about his mentors - his father, a former political detainee; former Bukit Batok MP Ong Chit Chung; and former Cabinet Minister Lim Boon Heng. PHOTO: NG KENG GENE
Happening now: SDP rally for Bukit Batok by-election

Several speakers have addressed the audience, including SDP's Dr Paul Tambyah (in video), Dr Wong Souk Yee, Mr Damanhuri Abas, Mr Sadasivam Veriyah and Mr Bryan Lim. The speakers outlined four social initiatives for Bukit Batok residents which Dr Chee Soon Juan unveiled earlier. They are: 
  • Hearts for Bukit Batok: Under the plan, households will be encouraged to “adopt” a needy family
  • Pathfinder: Book clubs, science fairs and youth sports clubs will be organised. Subsidised private tuition will also be given to students of low-income families.
  • Dollars And Sense: A financial clinic.
  • Legal Lifeline: A legal clinic providing advice.
Happening now: PAP rally for Bukit Batok by-election
Deputy Prime Minister and MP for Jurong GRC Tharman Shanmugaratnam is at the rally to greet supporters, accompanied by SMS Desmond Lee. Speaker of Parliament Halimah Yacob arrived earlier. PHOTO: KEVIN LIM
Happening now: SDP rally for Bukit Batok by-election
The Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) is holding its first rally at the field along Bukit Batok Industrial Park A. ST's Samuel MakDelphine Kao and Neo Xiaobin will bring you the latest updates. ST PHOTOS: NEO XIAOBIN, SAMUEL MAK
Happening now: PAP rally for Bukit Batok by-election
The People's Action Party's candidate Murali Pillai holds his first rally for the by-election at the Bukit Gombak Stadium. ST's Kevin LimNg Keng Geneand Royanne Ng bring you live reports from the ground. PHOTOS: KEVIN LIM, NG KENG GENE
Swimming: National coach Sergio Lopez to step down after Olympics
The head coach's departure will leave a big void in the high performance department. Under the Spaniard's guidance, the national swimmers won an all-time high of 23 golds at last year's Singapore SEA Games.  PHOTO: ST FILE
Citi names new Singapore country officer and Asean head
Mr Amol Gupte replaces Mr Michael Zink, who retired earlier this year after 28 years at Citi.  PHOTO: CITI 
Maarof Mosque in Jurong West to be completed in time for Hari Raya Haji in September
The mosque, scheduled originally to be completed by the end of the year, cost about $16.8 million to build and can accommodate about 4,500 worshippers. ST PHOTO: DESMOND FOO
Woman found dead in idling car at Tampines
Police are investigating the unnatural death. Media reports said she likely suffered an asthma attack, but did not have her inhaler with her.  PHOTO: LIANHE WANBAO
PrimaDeli apologises, sacks staff for making racist remarks to job interviewee
Facebook user Sarah Carmariah had posted on Thursday about going for a job interview on Monday at a "well-known halal bakery" for a position as a cake decorator.  
JUST IN: Prima Deli has posted on its Facebook page the following statement
"We would like to clarify that there was an immediate dismissal of the employee. We have a zero tolerance policy for such behaviour. We once again apologise to the candidate and the wider community with regards to the circumstances." - Yours sincerely; the Management at PrimaDeli
Earlier on Friday afternoon, PrimaDeli had posted on its Facebook page that a staff member had made discriminatory remarks to a potential candidate during a job interview.
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