Buffalo Bill Cody must have despised driving past the Sells-Floto Circus ticket office, as he did in this 1915 photograph. A debt he owed forced him into working for the circus, and the world-famous showman ended up dying, penniless, two years later.
– True West Archives –
J.r. Martin, Lisa Lapointe Hargrave, James Barrett and 786 others like this.
Bill Burch
Bill Burch So sad but what a great life he led and all the great people he met during his time .
149 mins
PL Blackman
PL Blackman But what a life he had!
152 mins
Eva Dugan’s Noose
Eva Dugan, the only woman in Arizona to die on the scaffold, was hanged February 21st, 1930.
Malcolm Beckert Sr., Chuck Smith, Betty Chauncey and 395 others like this.
Mike Miller
Mike Miller Under the gallows, they had pictures of all the people who had been hanged there. I always thought that was a bit morbid.
11 hr
Glenn Chartrand
Glenn Chartrand She would've been called “Claw-Fingered Kitty.” because she stole the miner's gold pokes... She wasn't a whore with a golden heart!
12 hrs
Butch Cassidy’s Castle
What’s the tie between a legendary Scottish castle and an Old West outlaw?
Nimalawansha Dassanayaka, Bob Lechleitner, Allen Trisha Baker and 433 others like this.
John Fife
John Fife There's a stretch.
Sue Chapman Butcher
Sue Chapman Butcher Learn something new every day.
While Buffalo Bill’s Wild West performed in Naples, Italy, in 1890, volcanic activity from Vesuvius could be seen from the arena (shown here). The fireworks-like display of regular ejections foretold the volcano’s severe eruption in 1906. Cody donated $5,000 to relief efforts (that same year, he also donated $1,000 to victims of the disastrous earthquake and fire in San Francisco, California). 
– Courtesy "Buffalo Bill: Scout, Showman, Visionary" by Steve Friesen –
Robert Powers, Richard Quiblat, DanielandBecca Rash Sr and 1,933 others like this.
Mary Sue Allen
Mary Sue Allen Thank you for this bit of history. I had no idea that the wild west show traveled so far.....
87 hrs
Christopher Kilbride
Christopher Kilbride I know Codys Wild West Show played to just about every crowned head in Europe. It was such a popular show. I think Kaiser Willhelm II had a cigarette shot out of his mouth by Annie Oakley. He was advised to not do it. He told his advisers he would and did so.
117 hrs
John Copleston
John Copleston Wow not only was he a real wild west hero, he was also a very generous man
86 hrs
How come Arizona never extradited Wyatt Earp for the Vendetta Ride killings?