Thursday, March 24, 2016

Gizmodo Australia

Win! A Star Wars: Force Awakens Theatrical Poster And Dendy Direct Gift Cards 

To celebrate the April 1 launch of Star Wars: The Force Awakens on digital, we’ve teamed up with Dendy Direct to give away a framed theatrical poster from the movie and a bunch of gift cards, so you can own The Force Awakens yourself. Dendy loves Star Wars, and we’re sharing the love with you.

Australian Lawyers And Scholars Are Encouraging Civil Disobedience In This Year's Census 

The 2016 Australian Census will not be anonymous, and a lot of people aren’t happy about that. A group of Australian privacy advocates, including a professor of computer science and a former NSW deputy privacy commissioner, are raising concerns, and some are encouraging Australians to avoid the Census, refuse to fill it out, or to use civil disobedience — like listing their religion as “Jedi Knight” — to skew the accuracy of results.

Heat-Assisted Storage Could Squeeze Ten Times More Data On A Drive 

Whether it’s on your laptop or in a data canter, extra storage is always welcome. Now, it’s been shown that heat-assisted magnetic storage could let us squeeze over ten times more data into the same volume.

Leonard Nimoy's Final Artwork Is One Of 50 Pieces Of Star Trek Art Going On Tour 

We’re all well aware that 2016 is the 50th anniversary of Star Trek. But beyond just Star Trek Beyond, there are several other major celebrations planned. One that starts during San Diego Comic-Con is a 50-artist travelling exhibit that includes Leonard Nimoy’s final piece of work.

What If You Accidentally Started The Robot Uprising? 

Video: This is the face of a man who has just realised he’s doomed the human race.

This Beautiful Mess Is What Happens When Sound Hits A Bubble 

Bubbles are delicate little things, which are incredibly sensitive to what goes on around them. And when you hit one with a sound wave, it expands and contacts, creating beautiful patterns in the fluid that surrounds it.

This Fractal Generator Is More Beautiful Than The Hypnotic Patterns It Creates 

Designer Love Hultén is probably best known for his Pixel Vision, a tiny portable gaming machine made of wood that’s reminiscent of the folding Game Boy Advance. His latest creation doesn’t play games, but it does generate mesmerising fractals guaranteed to burn hours of time.

Elijah Wood Is The American Dirk Gently TV Show's American Sidekick 

BBC America’s US adaptation of Douglas Adams’ beloved Dirk Gentlynovels has found the holistic detective’s irascible sidekick Todd. Wait. Who the hell is Todd?

Our Cities May Be Making Birds Smarter 

The term “bird brain” is going out of fashion as biologists come to understand that birds are actually quite smart and competent. Now scientists in Barbados say that, in many respects, urban birds are smarter than rural birds.

Making A Bow And Arrow Without Any Tools Is Damned Impressive 

Video: There’s no such thing as useless knowledge — only knowledge that relies on very specific situations. Which is why, in the event of a horrible Mad Max future, you might want to learn how to make a bow and arrow using no modern tools whatsoever.

Violent Volcanoes Knocked The Moon Off Its Axis Three Billion Years Ago 

A bunch of lunar volcanoes heated the Moon up so much, they changed its density, causing it to wander off its original axis aeons ago.

Google Is Scrapping Chrome's App Launcher On Windows, Mac And Linux 

Like opening Chrome apps using Google’s dedicated launcher? Tough: As of July, it will be entirely scrapped on Windows, Mac and Linux.
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