Saturday, March 26, 2016

Gizmodo Australia

Apple's New 4-Inch iPhone SE: Australian Price And Release Date 

The rumours were right: this morning, a brand new iPhone SE was announced by Apple. The smaller phone is nearly identical in hardware to the larger iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, but it’s a lot friendlier to smaller hands and slimmer pockets. It’s also the cheapest iPhone ever, which is nice too. Here’s how much you’ll pay, and when you can buy one in Australia.

Samsung Galaxy S7: Australian Review 

The new Samsung Galaxy S7 is out noww, in electronics stores all across Australia. It’s $1149, and you’ll pay $1249 for the larger S7 edge. What do you get for all that money? Is this new phone worth it? 
Yes, it’s worth it. The Galaxy S7 and S7 edge are — equally — two of the best phones Samsung has ever made.

A Smartphone Gun Is The Last Thing We Need 

Given the number of people shot by police every year because they were reaching for a “suspicious object”, you might think that disguising firearms as everyday objects is a bad idea. But US company Ideal Conceal disagrees — a double-barrelled .308 iPhone is exactly what we need to ensure our safety and freedom.

How The Rubik's Cube Juggler Tricked The Internet 

Last week the internet watched in amazement as Leo Weston solved three Rubik’s cubes while juggling them. Now he’s back to show us how he faked the entire thing and its just as impressive. 

8 Craziest Mega-Engineering Projects We Could Use To Rework The Earth 

Humans have been modifying the Earth for thousands of years, but we’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible. Here are eight dramatic ways we could change the face of our planet.

Sterling Archer Reviewing Every James Bond Film Is As Delightful As You'd Expect 

Archer‘s titular hero is either the greatest spy, or… the worst spy. Let’s be honest, it probably skews a little closer to the latter more often than not, much to our pleasure. But all that experience makes him the perfect person to review every James Bond film, in his own hilarious style. 

A Nightmarish Timeline Of Earth's Fate After A Massive Solar Flare 

At first, things could actually be rather beautiful: worldwide auroras! A brighter sun! But then things would rapidly get ugly, with the breakdown of communications, rolling power outages, and a burning away of the ozone. 

Dizzying Hyperlapse Tour Of Paris Is Better Than Being There 

Video: Filmmaker Tyler Fairbank spent two weeks in Paris last summer but instead of snapping a bunch of random photos, he captured a series of glorious 4K hyperlapse videos that when edited together let him relive and share his visit to the city of lights — and its most popular landmarks — in just two frantic minutes.

Google's New Cuban Tech Center Is A Symbolic Victory For Silicon Valley Elite 

Brett Perlmutter, head of Google in Cuba (right), poses for a selfie with Cuban sculptor Kcho (Associated Press) Silicon Valley has officially invaded Cuba. Cuban sculptor Alexis Leiva Machado, better known as Kcho, has helped Google open a small “technology center” in Havana that offers free internet via Chromebooks, complete with those goofy cardboard VR headsets.

6 Hulk Stories That Deserve A Movie More Than Planet Hulk 

There have been rumours that Marvel Studios has been going to turn Greg Pak’s hit comic saga Planet Hulk into a movie for years. It’s also been tied to Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Guardians of the Galaxysequel, and now Thor: Ragnorak, too. But why are people obsessed with Planet Hulk getting a movie, when there are other, more appropriate Hulk stories available?

This Instructional Book Makes A Strong Case For Having Recess At Work 

Sometime between grade school and high school the daily ritual of going outside for recess gets phased out. But why should it? It’s not like our daily need for physical activity and sunshine disappears. Recess should carry on right until we retire, with this new book to remind us all how to have fun.

Cooking Dime-Sized Doughnuts In A Tiny Kitchen Is Damn Impressive 

Miniature Space has been making beautiful “kawaii cuisine” for ages, and the mystery chef is now tackling adorably small fried doughnuts. This is a lovely video — but we do want to know what’s up with the random screaming in the background.
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