By Alex Ellefson on Mar 31, 2016 05:30 pm
Cops are on the lookout for a man who swiped a UPS package from a neighbor’s doorstep Wednesday afternoon. A reader sent us security footage of the thief pulling car doorhandles outside a home near East 22nd Street and Avenue Z. He then strolls up the house’s front door and snatches a package that had been [...]
By Sheepshead Bites on Mar 31, 2016 04:00 pm
Did you know there’s an app to help you make money by utilizing your driveway, and to help you easily find parking? Parklee, a parking mobile app launched Nov. 2015, has revolutionized the face of parking. This was created in order to optimize the timely process of big city parking, and expanding the amount of [...]
By Alex Ellefson on Mar 31, 2016 03:33 pm
We can smell the pancakes already. IHOP, which joined a slew of national chains signing leases around the amusement district last year, is schedule to open at 1019 Surf Avenue, near West 8th Street, in June or July, according to the business’ franchisee Bryan McKenzie. “There are a lot of businesses opening in the area [...]
By Alex Ellefson on Mar 31, 2016 12:51 pm
Following an uproar at P.S. 193 over a parent’s controversial arrest, the Department of Education (DOE) has removed the teacher involved in the incident. Parent’s learned that teacher Stephen Avena — who allegedly allowed a seven-year-old student to soil himself at school and then filed charges against the irate father who confronted him the next [...]
By Alex Ellefson on Mar 31, 2016 07:00 am
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