Translation from English

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

MY VIDEO: In my role as Fire Buff, on the Scene of "The Big One" at Broadway and West 100th Street

Well, I am just going to have to wait for the TV news and Googling to see just what really happened over on Broadway and West 100th Street today ( You are not going to believe this. but I was able to shoot firefighters on the fire escapes of the building in question and for some reason my camera recorded NONE of this even though I thought it had. So what we get are the hustle and bustle around the scene....which was quite a scene.)

Have to add too you will notice the absence of ambulances...whatever it was that happened here, there apparently were no serious casualties. Good.

First saw that Eng 76 and L 22 had gone over there - I was on my way to an appointment and said oh hell, I am going to miss seeing this fire right in front of me.. and why don't I have my camera on me now that I need it?

But an hour later coming home the hubub was bigger than ever.

I stopped off at Eng 76 L 22 and found two fire trucks from Hell's Kitchen who were lodged there to cover the rest of the district while " everybody and his brother"- Battalion Chiefs, Hazmat, an official FDNY photographer, -- were running around.

"It started small and then got into all these air ducts," one of the Firemen from Hell's Kitchen told me. " Small..and then "The Big One."

He believed me when I protested I was totally innocent of any pyromania in all that had happened.. ( I have a good alibi-- I was true to my previous appointment).

 One thing that was so interesting was that after two hours and no raging blaze or anything, people were merrily ignoring all the barrier tapes and walking their dogs around everywhere or just standing anywhere they chose, gawking..

Well, despite losing the GREAT SCENE OF THE REAL ACTION dammit,, here is the rest of the story

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