A horrific accident brought a woman who is critically injured and the man who saved her life together. Now they met again for the first time since that fateful day.
Lawrence Kreger
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Miami-Dade Fire Rescue added 23 new photos from February 16 to the album: Marlins Play Ball Event — at MDFR Training Facility.
February 16
Marlins Play Ball Event
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Margate Firefighters Happy Presidents Day! Please share our event with our Brothers & Sisters at MFD.

Lawrence Kreger
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‪#‎BlackHistoryMonth‬, in 1818 Molly Williams was the first female firefighter working for the New York firehouse.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Join Antonio Allen with Miami-Dade Fire Rescue as he gives us tips on how to properly use a fire extinguisher in the case of a fire.
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Lawrence Kreger
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As we observe ‪#‎BlackHistoryMonth‬, take part in events planned throughout @MiamiDadeCounty http://ow.ly/Y8qyK
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Lawrence Kreger
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Dropping temperatures increase the chances of home fires due to improper use heating equipment. Share these safety tips and check on those who might be most vulnerable.