Janet L. Yellen testifying before a House committee on Wednesday. CreditDrew Angerer for The New York Times 
WASHINGTON — The Republicans described the Federal Reserve as ineffective, secretive and out of touch with the economic realities of ordinary Americans.
The Democrats showered it with praise, using words like “herculean.”
And those were just the opening statements on Wednesday, as the Fed’s chairwoman, Janet L. Yellen, began two days of testimony on Capitol Hill.
Ms. Yellen functions as the nation’s economic weather forecaster and, on Wednesday, she sounded more worried than at her last public appearance, in December.
“Financial conditions in the United States have recently become less supportive of growth,” she told the House Financial Services Committee. “These developments, if they prove persistent, could weigh on the outlook for economic activity.”
She meant that convulsions in the stock markets could harm the economy. But Ms. Yellen said it was too soon to assess any damage, and she suggested it was also too soon to say whether the Fed would raise interest rates in March. “Let’s remember that the labor market is continuing to perform well,” she said. “We want to be careful not to jump to a conclusion about what is in store for the economy.”
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Yellen on International Threats to Economy

Janet L. Yellen, the Federal Reserve chairwoman, said during a biannual report to Congress that foreign economic developments could pose a risk to American economic growth.
 By REUTERS on  Publish Date February 10, 2016. Photo by Drew Angerer for The New York Times.Watch in Times Video »
The Fed raised short-term interest rates in December for the first time since the financial crisis. Low rates encourage borrowing and risk-taking and, after a seven-year stimulus campaign, the Fed said it planned to gradually curtail those incentives. It started small, raising its benchmark rate to a range from 0.25 percent to 0.5 percent, and it predicted that it would gradually increase rates by roughly an additional percentage point this year.
Even those plans, however, now look ambitious. Like predicting the weather, economic forecasting is an inexact science.
Around the world, equity markets have tumbled, erasing wealth and undermining confidence. And loans, already in short supply, are becoming even harder to come by. Investors are demanding higher rates from risky borrowers while pumping so much money into safe havens like government debt that governments are increasingly charging interest instead of paying it, a phenomenon known as negative interest rates.
Ms. Yellen argued on Wednesday that the rest of the world was to blame. She said the crucial question confronting the Fed was whether the domestic economy is strong enough to keep growing modestly even as the global economy struggles. That disconnect has raised the value of the dollar, allowing consumers to purchase imports more cheaply, but has reduced demand for American exports.
Ms. Yellen highlighted the “solid improvement” of the United States labor market. The unemployment rate fell to 4.9 percent in January from 5.7 percent a year ago, while the economy added an average of 222,000 jobs a month. Wages also rose more quickly.
She also suggested, ever so gently, that investors were not behaving rationally, indicating that the markets might rebound. While global economic and financial conditions have taken a turn for the worse, “we have not seen shifts that seem significant enough to have driven the sharp moves that we have seen in markets,” she said.
The Fed is not ready to raise rates at the moment but, as Ms. Yellen noted, “There are a number of weeks before we meet again in March.”
Members of both parties challenged Ms. Yellen’s economic assessment — the Fed is a popular punching bag, particularly during a presidential campaign — but political imperatives muddled their arguments. Republicans said the economy was struggling and the Fed should do less; Democrats painted a sunny picture and said the Fed should do more. Several noted the high rate of unemployment among black Americans in urging the Fed to extend its campaign.
Representative Maxine Waters of California, the committee’s ranking Democrat, hailed the Fed’s “herculean efforts” and the resulting “tremendous progress,” before warning against rate increases as “a step that takes us further away from making sure that the needs of vulnerable populations are met.”
Ms. Waters directed attention to the small public gallery along one wall of the hearing room, filled by green-shirt-wearing activists from Fed Up, a coalition of community groups pressing the Fed to focus on reducing unemployment. Among them: an Atlanta child care provider, an administrative assistant from St. Louis and a fast-food worker from Wichita, Kan.
The Republican argument is that the Fed is making things worse.
“It’s really disingenuous to say to the American people that these policies have contributed toward 4.9 percent unemployment,” said Representative Robert Pittenger, Republican of North Carolina. He added, referring to the activists, “I think that should be understood and absorbed by these wonderful people who have come, that the types of policies that have been enacted, been enforced, this last seven years, have worked against your interests.”
One sign the economy is not doing so badly is that the sharpest questions at the hearing focused mostly on other issues. Republicans once again pressed Ms. Yellen to embrace legislation increasing the transparency of the Fed’s decision making, as they have done at each of her previous appearances.
The legislation would require the Fed to articulate a rule for setting interest rates and explain any deviations. Proponents claim such a rule would discourage the Fed from trying to do too much. Ms. Yellen has previously described the proposal as a “grave mistake,” saying it would constrain the Fed from responding appropriately to unexpected economic developments.
Representative Jeb Hensarling, Republican of Texas, on Wednesday introduced a letter in support of the legislation that had been signed by several former Fed officials and conservative economists, including three Nobel laureates. Quoting Ms. Yellen’s earlier remarks, he cautioned, “When you use such apocalyptic and hyperbolic language, you might consider whether this undercuts your credibility as Fed chair.”
Members of both parties also criticized a new tool the Fed is using to raise its benchmark rate. It is paying large banks billions of dollars not to make loans at rates below the benchmark. Congress created the power in 2006 without any objections, but banks are less popular now.
The Fed paid banks $6.9 billion in interest in 2015, and the payments will increase as it raises the benchmark rate, prompting Ms. Waters to warn, “We’re about to have some bipartisan concern on this issue.”
Ms. Yellen also struggled to answer questions about a growing trend among central banks around the world, which are experimenting with negative interest rates because they have exhausted their traditional tools for stimulating growth.
Asked whether the Fed could impose such a policy, Ms. Yellen said she was not aware of any obstacles, but she cautioned that the Fed had not carefully explored the issues.
Pressed repeatedly, she finally conceded, “It is something we will look at, we should look at, not because we think there is any reason to use it, but to know what potentially would be available.”