Translation from English

Friday, February 19, 2016

Jakarta Post

Holding company paves way for specialty state banks: BI

The establishment of a holding company for Indonesian state-owned banks will boost efficiency in the banks' business plans and strategy, allowing Indonesia to see large-scale specialty lenders by 2018, Bank…

Jokowi plays virtual ping-pong with Facebook founder

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg invited President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to join him for a game of zero-gravity ping-pong on a virtual-reality headset called Oculus Rift on Wednesday.

Science students vulnerable to radicalization 

Radical Islamic ideology has spread freely on secular university campuses across Indonesia, with students from science and engineering majors more susceptible to infiltration, researchers from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences…

EU warns Austria that asylum seeker caps are unlawful 

The European Union's top migration official told Austria Tuesday that its plan to cap the number of people who can apply for asylum is unlawful, but Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann…

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