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Koch brother praises Bernie Sanders; hell begins freezing over
The conservative billionaire penned an op-ed lauding the socialist senator. And it wasn't a joke.

Oil industry donors flock to Cruz. Sorry, Bush
Jeb used to be the industry favorite, but now oil and gas company employees are putting their money on someone more likely to be a winner.

Waka Flocka Flame is our generation’s vegan Martha Stewart
Vegan apostle and lemon zest aficionado Waka made it insanely easy to bake your own vegan blueberry muffins.

Mysterious goop falls out of the sky in suburban Michigan
No one seems to know what the substance is, or where it came from.

Prisoners draw corporate evil-doers who should be in jail but aren’t
A new art project highlights just how flawed our criminal justice system is.

Food stamps change would make convenience stores stock actual food
A new proposal would require stores that accept food stamps to carry some real food, not just calorie-laden facsimiles.

Artist creates exquisite, hand-crafted coral to send a message about climate change
See photos of the beautiful "Sea Change" exhibit by Courtney Mattison.

Apple issues $1.5 billion in “green bonds” for clean energy projects
The basic idea is that Apple will raise quick cash from investors, spend it on climate-savvy projects, and then pay back the money with interest.

Meet the most overpaid CEOs in America
These execs make obscene amounts of money and they aren’t even doing a good job.
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Republican governors happily halt compliance with Obama’s climate rules after Supreme Court order
While some states suspend efforts to implement the Clean Power Plan, others announce a new clean energy coalition.

Putting corn in your car isn’t as crazy as it sounds
Ethanol is complicated, but it's not nearly as bad as some accounts make it sound.

A talking cure for climate-based depression? It worked for Renee Lertzman
The cofounder of the Climate Psychology Alliance explains why she sees climate inaction as a psychological issue.

Which type of fence material is greenest?
A new homeowner needs help deciding which material is best to fence in his yard. Advice maven Umbra Fisk writes a post. Post! Get it? Oh fine: She has some ideas for him.

If Trump wins, this Canadian island will have you
Fellow Americans, meet your new home: the island of Cape Breton.

Big Oil could be hit with a wave of oil company bankruptcies
According to a new report, a third of publicly traded oil companies could go bankrupt this year.

Obama’s potential Supreme Court pick has a shady history with ExxonMobil
Sri Srinivasan defended the oil giant against charges of human rights abuses, which makes some green activists very skeptical.

Baltimore youth of color are still fighting plans for gigantic garbage incinerator
United Workers has filed a notice of intent to sue over the polluting project.

The world’s first zero-carbon city is a big failure
Don't move to Masdar, people -- there's not much there.

California’s drought led to less hydropower and more carbon emissions
With less water, California has shifted toward dirtier sources of electricity.

Here’s what we should be asking Clinton, Sanders, Trump, and Cruz about food
We wish presidential candidates were asked these 18 questions about food and agriculture.

Obama blasts GOP candidates for denying climate change — and says Trump won’t be president
At a press conference on Tuesday, the president said the international community is troubled by Republicans’ refusal to act against climate change.

Can climate change cause wars?
Grist video explains the link between spikes in heat and spikes in violence.

Meet the scientist connecting the dots between air pollution and dementia
Grist chats with writer and neuropsychologist Aaron Reuben about dirty air, brain disease, and environmental justice.

Mountaintop removal country’s mental health crisis
In Central Appalachia, areas closer to surface mining operations appear to be associated with higher rates of clinical depression. Why?

Hunting for the neuroscience of heat and violence
Economists and psychologists tell us that increased temperatures can drive conflict. Is there any brain science here?

Here’s yet another way that Amazon sucks
The e-commerce giant and other speedy deliverers are creating mountains of waste.

This database could help end animal testing — if only scientists had access to it
A legal battle stands in the way of easily accessible health data on nearly 10,000 industrial chemicals.

Climate activists and pipeline protesters turn to civil disobedience in the Northeast
Activists who tried to block work on a gas pipeline will argue in court that their actions were necessary to protect humanity from climate change.

Huge spike in methane emissions tied to the U.S.
There's been a spike in global methane emissions -- and fracking in the U.S. may be largely to blame.

150,000 penguins have disappeared in Antarctica. Thanks, climate change!
As the planet warms and ice continues to melt, this kind of thing could become commonplace.

A bogus theory connecting Zika virus to Monsanto could give mosquitoes a boost
Protecting actual people from mosquitoes should take priority over crediting imaginary Monsanto rumors.
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