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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Grist Environmental

Recent Posts

Artist turns climate data into striking paintings

Jill Pelto's watercolor art combines imagery from the natural world with hard data showing climate change's impact.

Mark Ruffalo comes out for Bernie Sanders. Who’s got Hulk Hogan’s vote?

Here's every celebrity endorsement that's fit to print.

Hellmann’s, defender of all things mayonnaise, jumps into the vegan market

Sayonara, Just Mayo, there’s a new vegan spread in town. Meet Hellmann's Carefully Crafted Dressing & Sandwich Spread.

Say hello to East Africa’s first solar-powered bus

It looks like the wheels are being set in motion for cleaner transit in Uganda.

Move over, civet cats: This coffee company tries a fresh approach with bacteria

A new company is experimenting with custom-fermented coffee that mirrors the flavor profile of civet beans. We put it to a taste test.

Is the Zika outbreak connected to climate change?

A look at Zika, climate change, and whether the mosquito is spreading to the U.S.

Tropical fruit in Nebraska? Geothermal makes it possible … and cheap

A greenhouse in the Midwest is producing oranges, lemons, figs, and more.

Feds halt fracking off California coast, for now

The government will stop approving offshore drilling permits in California until an environmental review can be complete.

Can you turn climate change activism into a game? Here’s how we’ll find out

A new campaign called Get Loud aims to motivate teens to spread the word on climate by getting them to earn points toward prizes.

More Posts

Ben Carson gets called out on climate cluelessness by Iowa voter

A voter questioned Carson's commitment to science. His answer was predictably unilluminating.

Should I wash my clothes in the shower?

His apartment has no washing machine and he hates the Laundromat -- what to do? Advice maven Umbra Fisk to the rescue!

This Silicon Valley hotshot is modernizing one of the world’s most conservative industries

David Friedberg’s Climate Corporation, owned by Monsanto, helps farmers adapt to warming temperatures.

Tips and tricks for eating out as a vegan

Dining in restaurants can be challenging when you're avoiding animal products.

The seas are swallowing South Florida. Where’s Marco Rubio?

Rubio, a Miami native, is still silent on climate change -- even though rising sea levels are already affecting life in his city.

New report shows mistreatment of garment workers by familiar brands

Here’s your regular reminder that where you buy your clothes actually matters.

Huge, hurricane-resistant wind turbines could be coming to an ocean near you

Just one of these turbines could generate as much energy as a small power plant.

Elon Musk’s Hyperloop competition lures in smart students with big ideas

More than 100 teams are presenting their pod designs in Texas this weekend. Finalists will compete at SpaceX headquarters later this year.

How the Koch brothers grew their tentacles

Jane Mayer's new book traces the story of the conservative billionaires who are trying to reshape the American political landscape.

Jeb Bush pins his hopes for a climate solution on some dude in a garage

Keep hoping, Jeb.

Elizabeth Warren: It’s time to focus on the crimes of the rich and powerful

A new report from the Massachusetts senator hits the Obama administration for being lax on corporate crime.

It’s been a crazy week for fights over abortion and sandwiches

One of the most infuriating things a man can say to a woman is “make me a sandwich.” I mean, what even is a sandwich?

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