Thursday, February 4, 2016

Gizmodo Australia

One Of Tasmania's Major Undersea Internet Cables Will Be Cut For Over A Month 

The major Basslink undersea power and communications cable that connects Tasmania to the Australian mainland will be cut until mid-March, while the company investigates and fixes a failure in its electricity transmission capacity. That’ll leave Tasmanians with severely reduced connectivity to the internet for nearly six weeks, although contingencies are in place.

I Can't Stop Staring Into Superman Barbie's Dreamy Eyes 

Following Wonder Woman and Batman, the latest addition to the Barbie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice line has finally been revealed, and Mattel definitely saved the best for last. If being dreamy was a superpower, this version of the Man of Steel would be invincible even to kryptonite.

The Intense Shockwave Of Flattening A Car Into A Pancake With Explosives 

Video: Mythbusters attempted to turn a car into a pancake with the help of 454kg of ANFO (ammonium nitrate fuel oil) and a giant steel plate, which resulted in a enormous explosion and a really spectacular shockwave. Seeing the whole thing in high speed, you can see the shockwave grow like a bubble beyond the explosion.

I Have Seen The Future, Filled With VR 

…and all of our necks are broken.

Google Rolls Out Free Gigabit Ethernet To Public Housing Locations 

High-speed internet is improving across the US, but not everyone is experiencing the same level of improvement. Google wants to help solve that problem, albeit in a highly limited fashion.

Watch A Drone Fly Into The Crevasse Of A Glacier 

Here’s some really cool footage from Flyability that shows a drone exploring a crevasse into the Zermatt Glacier in the Swiss Alps. Flyability says that the ice caves were previously inaccessible to other drones but they managed to get their UAV down the narrow crack because of its protective cage. It’s just really cool to see the previously unseen crevasse up close.

This Simple Black Film Made From Carbon Nanotubes Is Stronger Than Kevlar 

This looks like the kind of thin material you might make a trash bag out of. But that would be a waste because this material, made from carbon nanotubes, is stronger and more compliant then kevlar or carbon fibre.

This Is What You See When You Scan A Forest With Lasers 

Do not adjust your monitor. This is a perfectly normal forest, but it happens to be the view that’s seen through the eyes of a 3D laser scanning system developed by a company called Treemetrics.

What It's Like To Wear Bionic Earbuds 

If you love live music, the new Here Active Listening System is an impossibly nerdy idea that might change the way you experience your favourite hobby. I’ve been using one of the first production versions of the sound-altering tech for a few days, and I’m excited about the potential for a world in which I might never hear anything except for exactly what I want to — exactly the way I want to.

Can You Solve This Complex Riddle About Escaping A Cursed Temple? 

Video: This one’s a doozy in that there is a lot going on. The goal is simple, you need to escape a collapsing tunnel with a group of nine people (including yourself). It’s all the other variables that confuse things.

Aeroplane Makes Safe Landing Despite Having Huge Hole Blown In Fuselage 

A passenger jet has safely made an emergency landing at Mogadishu’s international airport after an explosion pierced a large hole in its fuselage.
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