Investment bankers take every opportunity to increase their income. German Bank CEO Cryan must try to keep the top people - even though he does not pay the most comment from Meike Schreiber more ....
  • John Cryan
    The invisible
Coalition agrees on tightening of asylum laws
Union and SPD agreed to restrict family reunification. The system will apply for two years. From Nico Fried, Berlin more ...
Why Germany's largest refugee camp is so controversial
At Tempelhof Field soon, up to 7,000 refugees. The discussion about the construction discloses a deep distrust of the Berlin Senate. Analysis of Hannah Beitzer more ...
The Kieler "police scandal" - and what's behind it
The police abandoned the case of smaller offenses obviously sometimes it to ascertain the identity of the perpetrator. The effort is often unreasonably high.The opposition sees this as a "resignation of the constitutional state". By Peter Burghardt, Hamburg more ...
  • Homeland Security
    Ironically Freiburg: The cosmopolitan city has a problem with refugees, so much so that clubs want to refuse them entry. About a troubled world.
  • "I've wasted a lot of money"
    Tatort Harald Krassnitzer about the time when he collected bottles, and as an actor he mistook role and reality later.
  • Underrated effect
    Popular Antidepressants increase the tendency to suicide and intensify agitation and aggression.Because many side effects are patchy documented, the risk is probably even greater.
  • Compassion
    Without his emotions a person would hardly be able to act, which starts with the vacation planning or finding accommodation.Need machines therefore feelings?
Political Paranoia - Donald Trump's election officials
Iowa: The First Battle Ground For The 2016 Presidential Nominationvideo
The success of "The Donald" is no coincidence. Trump benefited from the poisoned environment that have created the Republicans by decades of agitation. Guest article by Stephan Bierling more ...
Zika virus: WHO is considering to declare global emergency
The "explosive" spread of the virus in Latin America leaves the World Health Organization consider the case of an alarm. For four reasons. From Hanno Charisius more ...
Organic Food FoodWho buys organic meat, must reckon with such images
A pent-Sau on Good Herrmannsdorf - such methods are allowed on organic farms.However, in a completely different context than in conventional animal husbandry. From Franz Kotteder and Christian Sebaldmore ...
"Risk of electric shock": Apple gets power supply plug back
This affects power supplies of notebooks and iOS devices that have been purchased 2003-2015More ...
Mattel Barbie DollBarbie has increased
The most famous blonde in the world now has a body in which their bodies could fit. By Barbara Vorsamer more ...
Of 70 000 pubs to get Wifi
Do I need a drink now available for Internet access? A brewery in any case wants to equip its gastronomy partner with complimentary wireless Internet. More ...
Mood at Bayern is "not good"Hamburger SV - Bayern München
A frustrated Bayern players commented on the state of the team - and goes to Pep Guardiola hard by Benedict Warmbrunn more ....
Thomas Berthold West Germany against Stuart Pearce England; Stuart PearceStuart "Psycho" Pearce returns
He once missed in against Bodo Illgner WM a penalty, now is the infamous iron base with 53years making a comeback -. In the well-worst team in England By Jonas Beckenkamp more ...
Lego ToysLego figure brings in a wheelchair on the market
The company is responding to criticism from disability organizations. More ...
Dschungelcamp gleanings: A story of three failuresRTL jungle camp, Thorsten Legat, Jürgen Milski, Menderes Bagci
Day 14 in the Australian bush: Jürgen against Sophia, Thorsten against Helena, three men stood a small red car. And Menderes is again the bogeyman. TV criticism of Johanna Bruckner more ...
Billions - Episode 101Men of indescribable vanity
Obscene amounts of money and huge egos: In the series "Billions" with Damien Lewis is about a new favorite theme of popular culture - the machinations of Wall Street bankers by Karoline Meta Beisel more ....
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