Thursday, January 21, 2016

Le Monde

Update 2:16 p.m. to

In Kasserine, smoldering under the ashes of the Tunisian revolution

Manifestations à Kasserine, en Tunisie, le 20 janvier 2016.
Demonstrations and clashes continue in various cities of Tunisia after the electrocution of a young unemployed and the death of a policeman. Déjà vu.
La directrice générale du Fonds monétaire international, Christine Lagarde, devant le Forum économique mondial, à Davos, le 20 janvier.

In Davos, the integration of refugees in Europe at the center of debate

The IMF stressed the importance of facilitating refugees' access to the labor market. German President Joachim Gauck, recalled that his country could not "accommodate everyone."
La tour Edf de la Défense, en août 2015.

EDF will eliminate about 3500 jobs in France by 2018

This decision comes EDF faces the opening of the competition, the sharp fall in wholesale electricity prices in Europe and huge investments.
Le dissident Alexandre Litvinenko, ancien espion auteur d'un livre accusant les services secrets russes d'une vague d'attentats en 1999, meurt à Londres en 2006 après avoir absorbé du polonium, substance radioactive.

Litvinenko: Putin "probably approved" the murder of the Russian opposition  8

The public inquiry conducted by the British court over death of former KGB spy concludes that it has been poisoned by polonium in 2006.
L'humoriste Jérémy Ferrari.

Jérémy Ferrari, the comedian who revolted "fuck" all the POWERS of POST BLOG

From the buzz generated by the passage of the actor in Ruquier, bookings for his show "Sell two pieces in Beirut" exploded.
La Ministre de l'Education Najat Vallaud-Belkacem en visite au collège Paul Eluard à Beuvrages dans le nord de la France le 18 janvier 2016.

College Reform: imbroglio surrounding the future of bilangues classes  55

A la Bourse de New York, le 15 janvier. En moins de trois semaines, les marchés mondiaux ont perdu près de 10 %

Scholarships: the explosive cocktail that scares markets

L'écrivaine Edmonde Charles-Roux, membre et présidente de l'Académie Goncourt, pose chez elle, le 10 septembre 2003 à Paris.

Free and unruly, the novelist Edmonde Charles-Roux died 10

Xavier Broseta, alors DRH d’Air France, et deux vigiles, le 5 octobre lors d’une manifestation contre un plan de suppressions de postes.  REUTERS/Jacky Naegelen  TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Violence Air France: the Labour Inspectorate refused the dismissal of a CGT  13

L'utilisation grandissante des bloqueurs de publicité inquiète les éditeurs de contenus sur Internet, privés d'une partie de leurs revenus.

"Brave" Internet browser that blames advertising


Belgium: Molenbeek arrest of two suspects in connection with the attacks in Paris

Examens de fin de premier semestre de médecine à la faculté de  La Timone, à Marseille.  AFP PHOTO / ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT / AFP / ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT

Medical Education: A way after a failure in the first half?

Sept minutes de câlin par jour seraient nécessaires pour se sentir heureux.

Why we should not forget the hugs  12

Image des cinq planètes visibles à l’aube le jeudi 21 janvier 2016.

Five planets to the naked eye in the sky of dawn POST BLOG

Des panneaux de la campagne « Stop Ebola » à Freetown, la capitale sierra-léonaise, le 15 janvier 2016.

New Ebola cases in Sierra Leone

François Hollande à l'école militaire de Saint-Cyr-Coëtquidan le 14 janvier.

Hollande wants to request an extension of state of emergency  67

Au Québec, une veillée a été organisée, le 18 janvier 2016, pour rendre hommage aux six victimes québécoises des attentats de Ouagadougou.

Attack of Ouagadougou who are the victims of the attacks of 30 January 15  5

Une présentation du cœur artificiel Carmat en 2009.

Fourth patient died grafted CARMAT artificial heart  9

Les supporteurs nantais, samedi 16 janvier, à Guingamp.

Travel ban supporters: "A disproportionate and draconian measures"

Le logo d'UBS à Zurich en Suisse.

UBS: the French tax authorities discovered 38,000 accounts hidden French  8

Une agence Pôle emploi à Lille. / AFP / PHILIPPE HUGUEN

 The France she compensates the unemployed better than its neighbors?  15

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The newspaper dated January 22

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Research :

The victims of the November 13

Claire Maitrot-Tapprest. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont réservés exclusivement au "Monde".
Claire Maitrot-Tapprest, 23 # inMemory
Thomas Ayad. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Thomas Ayad, 32, # inMemory
Madeleine Sadin. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Madeleine Sadin, 30, # inMemory
Antoine Mary. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Mary Anthony, 34, # inMemory
Anne Guyomard. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Guyomard Anne, 30, # inMemory
Franck  Pitiot. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Franck Pitiot, 33, # inMemory
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Every week, find the essential news "techno" by subscribing to the newsletter Pixels.
Des touristes se photographient devant la pyramide du Louvre.

What is the "panorama freedom" controversial provision of digital law? 6

MPs want to register an exception to copyright in the code of intellectual property, to allow among others to post photos of architectural works in the public space.
La secrétaire d’Etat au numérique Axelle Lemaire lors de la discussion du projet de loi numérique à l’Assemblée nationale, mercredi 20 janvier.
The Assembly votes available for a "sovereign Operating System"
L'application du site de rencontre AdopteUnMec a dominé le classement 2015 des applications les plus rentables, hors jeux vidéo, selon App Annie.
AdopteUnMec and "Clash of Clans", the most profitable applications in France in 2015
David Duchovny et Dana Scully dans un épisode de la série "The X-Files".
"The X-Files is a hybrid series that assumes such as" POST BLOG
L'utilisation grandissante des bloqueurs de publicité inquiète les éditeurs de contenus sur Internet, privés d'une partie de leurs revenus.
"Brave" Internet browser that blames advertising
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Enjoy a month of being free English with Gymglish and LeMonde.frDiscover Le Petit Ballon

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Expériences sur les robots effectuées par l’université de Lincoln. Construire des robots humanoïdes crédibles prendra du temps.
What dream robots?
Jacky Ickx à Bruxelles, le 3 décembre 2014.
We found Jacky Ickx ...
Dans les rues d'Oran.
Immigrants, often illegal, the invisible Algeria
See the Great Chain Formats


Delphine Ernotte, le 22 août 2015.
Delphine Ernotte: "No news channel will never make an election"
APB : Dédramatiser les inscriptions
Post-baccalaureate admission (PDB): the importance of perspective
Police forces face protesters in the city of Ennour, near Kasserine, Tunisia, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016. Tunisia has declared a curfew in the western city after clashes between police and more than 1,000 young protesters demonstrating for jobs. Tensions have risen in Kasserine since Sunday when an unemployed youth killed himself by scaling an electricity transmission tower to protest his rejection for a government job. (AP Photo/Moncef Tajouri)
There is anger in Kasserine after the death of an unemployed
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La tour Edf de la Défense, en août 2015.

EDF will eliminate about 3500 jobs in France by 2018

This decision comes EDF faces the opening of the competition, the sharp fall in wholesale electricity prices in Europe and huge investments.
Un croupier au casino Barrière de Toulouse.
The French lost the game 10 billion in 2015
Les trains de la Deutsche Bahn ne circuleront pas le tunnel sous la Manche cette année.
Eurostar trains competition Deutsche Bahn is not for tomorrow
A la Bourse de New York, le 15 janvier. En moins de trois semaines, les marchés mondiaux ont perdu près de 10 %
Scholarships: the explosive cocktail that scares markets
Seul en lice, le groupe Cosco a emporté avec une offre sur le port d’Athène de 368,5 millions d’euros.
The port of Piraeus to the Chinese Cosco sold
Le Président du Forum économique de Davos Klaus Schwab accueille le Vice-Président des Etats-Unis Joe Biden le 20 janvier 2016.
In Davos, MM. Trudeau and Biden embody the confident America  6
Cérémonie de remise du doctorat à l'université Paris-VI Pierre-et-Marie-Curie.
Against fraud, the state will scan diplomas
Police forces face protesters in the city of Ennour, near Kasserine, Tunisia, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016. Tunisia has declared a curfew in the western city after clashes between police and more than 1,000 young protesters demonstrating for jobs. Tensions have risen in Kasserine since Sunday when an unemployed youth killed himself by scaling an electricity transmission tower to protest his rejection for a government job. (AP Photo/Moncef Tajouri)
There is anger in Kasserine after the death of an unemployed VIDEO
Une personne âgée assise sur un banc, le 6 juillet 2011, au milieu du Village générations de Saint-Apollinaire, en Côte-d'Or.
The French paradox facing the loss of independence
See Economics chain
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In a group sites Le Monde

  • Three reasons to (re) read Agatha Christie
  • Edmonde Charles-Roux died: it was a rebel academician
  • "Convoy," "Legend" ... Can we reuse a movie name that has been used?
  • United Kingdom - Russia.Litvinenko case: the man who led the investigation of his own death
  • Space.Huge ice volcanos: Pluto continues to surprise
  • Having regard to US.How does our country is not the best?
  • When Christian unity borrows new paths
  • Migrants on the trail of dead exiles near the border
  • Inequalities: more


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Les supporteurs nantais, samedi 16 janvier, à Guingamp.

Travel ban supporters: "A disproportionate and draconian measures"

Associations of supporters went to court when the travel bans are increasing, especially since the introduction of state of emergency.
Nikola Karabatic en duel avec le Polonais Michal Szyba, le 19 janvier à Cracovie.
Handball: The Blues en-they want POST BLOG?
Lleyton Hewitt lors de son match perdu contre David Ferrer, jeudi 21 janvier, à Melbourne (Australie).
End of career for Lleyton Hewitt
Avec « Sports Stadium », Facebook veut s'imposer comme le « deuxième écran » en cas de rencontre sportive.
"Sports Stadium", the new functionality of Facebook to follow sport
Présenté comme la parade contre le dopage sanguin, le passeport biologique est la victime collatérale du scandale de corruption qui frappe l’athlétisme mondial.
Doping: the limits of the biological passport
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The traces of more ancient battlefield discovered in Kenya POST BLOG

Archaeologists have discovered in Kenya the remains of victims of a fierce battle that took place there ten thousand years.
Dominique Dupagne dans son cabinet, à Paris, le 13 janvier 2016.
Dominique Dupagne, Jedi medicine 2.0
Orbite possible de la neuvième planète expliquant les trajectoires elliptiques semblables d'objets de la ceinture de Kuiper.
A giant planet discovered by numerical simulations  21
Mouche drosophile.
The cold "vaccine" against the aggressions of life? BLOG POST
Schizophrenia poorly treated by the media ...  9
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L'amphithéâtre Cujas de la faculté de droit de l'université Toulouse 1

What lead law school?BLOG POST

Law studies on the rise. Guided tour of the different courses (IUT, BTS, university license) and their markets: lawyer, judge, but also a lawyer, notary clerk ...
Examens de fin de premier semestre de médecine à la faculté de  La Timone, à Marseille.  AFP PHOTO / ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT / AFP / ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT
Medical Education: A way after a failure in the first half?
Le 20 janvier marque l’ouverture du portail d’admission post-bac, plaque tournante de l’orientation des futurs bacheliers. Petit guide pratique pour y faire ses premiers pas.
The complete guide to take his first steps on APB
Cérémonie de remise du doctorat à l'université Paris-VI Pierre-et-Marie-Curie.
Against fraud, the state will scan diplomas
Page d'accueil de la plate-forme APB.
Post-baccalaureate admission: Ask us your questions
Capture d'écran du portail gouvernemental Etudiant.gouv.
Etudiant.gouv, the portal of information and services dedicated to student life
Au lycée Georges-Brassens, le 7 juillet 2015.
White Bac listen again the emissions of France-Culture to review Le Monde
APB : Dédramatiser les inscriptions
Post-baccalaureate admission (PDB): the importance of perspective VIDEO
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M mag

Sept minutes de câlin par jour seraient nécessaires pour se sentir heureux.

Why we should not forget the hugs  12

In a world where the virtual exchange is king, the hug is never superfluous. On the occasion of the World Day hugs, January 21, here are five good reasons not to do without.
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L'écrivaine Edmonde Charles-Roux, membre et présidente de l'Académie Goncourt, pose chez elle, le 10 septembre 2003 à Paris.

Free and unruly, the novelist Edmonde Charles-Roux died  10

Journalist and literary woman, Edmonde Charles-Roux, died at the age of 95 years, received the Prix Goncourt in 1966 for "Forget Palermo".
THE WORLD SERIES OFThe influence of X-Files is still visible today
LAUGHTER SCENESJérémy Ferrari "fuck" all the powers
See Culture channel
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Holiday Ideas

  • VIEWPOINTRepression of Chinese lawyers must stop
    China which claims to be a full member of the international community assume its responsibilities superpower must stop arbitrarily imprison those that ensure the rights of defense.
  • VIEWPOINTHow to enforce human rights within the European Union?
    To prevent the Polish and Hungarian governments from exploiting populist hostility from other EU members to their undemocratic excesses, the establishment of an independent commission is needed. It could have the power to freeze the allocation of structural funds by way of sanctions, says Green MP in the German Bundestag, Franziska Brantner.
  • VIEWPOINT"full currency": a referendum in Switzerland to rein finance
    More than 100,000 Swiss have proposed to their fellow citizens to "vote again" the removal of the banks money creation power, says Christian Gomez, economist and former banker. The initiative aims to entrust the currency issue only to the National Bank not to credit as banks.
See the Ideas chain

My successful real estate project

Content designed & offered by e-CREDIT AGRICOLE property

Calculate its budget to purchase real estate in the former

Calculer son budget immobilier pour un achat dans l'ancien
Looking to buy a property in the former? Learn how to calculate your budget and some tips to not go wrong.

Real Estate: 5 Steps to buy a good new home

Immobilier : 5 étapes pour bien acheter son logement neuf
Discover the keys to buy your property in the new: buildings budget, location, sponsor, reservation contract ...

Loan: What insurance for my home loan?

Emprunt : quelles assurances pour mon prêt immobilier ?
You will take out a mortgage? What does the law on creditor insurance? What does this insurance and how much does it cost?

Money & Investing

Annoncé par Michel Sapin en septembre 2015, le label public « Investissement socialement responsable » vient de voir le jour, suite à la publication d'un décret le 10 janvier 2016.

Socially Responsible Investment: a public label, not very "mainstream"

Despite these new rules, individuals may still have trouble understanding this type of investment.
Placements, fiscalité, immobilier, donation... Nous répondons à vos questions.
Investment, tax, real estate ... Ask your question LIVE
Une personne âgée assise sur un banc, le 6 juillet 2011, au milieu du Village générations de Saint-Apollinaire, en Côte-d'Or.
The French paradox facing the loss of independence
DEMYSTIFYING FINANCENationality: France in the role of Pontius Pilate
KEEP THE CHANGE!Jardiland testing new concepts in stores
See Silver Chain & Investments
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Manifestation contre le chômage des jeunes à Londres en 2011.

200 million unemployed worldwide in 2016

According to the ILO's annual report, the labor market situation continues to deteriorate, partly because of the economic difficulties of emerging countries.
Une agence de l'Assurance maladie, à Lille en janvier 2014.
The Economic Analysis Council proposes to reorganize the "Safely"  11
Dans les rues de Mumbai. Quelques semaines après son arrivée au pouvoir, le premier ministre indien, Narendra Modi, a lancé le programme « Make in India » pour relancer l’industrie, seule capable d’absorber autant de nouveaux actifs
12 to 15 million new assets per year: the Indian challenge
  • Financial Advisor M / F - LyonFCG PRIVATE FINANCE - 69000
  • Research Officer H / F basedEIFFAGE - 78000
  • Head of Technical StudiesSIACI SAINT-HONORE - 92110
the sale
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The news in potatoes blog of Martin Vidberg

Chef Simon

Fire pot recipe

Fire pot recipe

Preparations for a good pot-au-feu - Finishing pot-au-feu. The stew ... so ingrained in the cultural pathos, fabric terroir "of French. Flat and rustic franchouillard, it is known that so many people over the kitchen, except in a pressure cooker ... Here a compromise to ... "
Boiled egg
Boiled egg
Cooking eggs in classical shell.The representation of the egg cup is ...
Egg casserole
Egg casserole
Here classic baking casserole eggs were flavored with cream ...
Lamb shank
Lamb shank
Cooking en papillote. We speak of confit lamb shank in connection with the ...
Beef bourguignon recipe
Beef bourguignon recipe
A classic stew cooking in red wine, here with marinade. Beef ...
Stew of lambshoulder pieces, necklace and / or breast of lamb cooked slowly in a ...
Jerusalem artichoke recipeA great tasting tuber artichoke. Jerusalem artichokes can also be ...
Poached eggClassically ... Take your cookbooks and torch ... the poached egg ...
CrepesFor neutral pancakes! A pancake recipe for Candlemas ... and everything ...


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