As a long-time supporter of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), the IAFF invites members to tune in live at on January 29 at 12:30 p.m. (ET) for big news about MDA's revitalized mission and how it will help IAFF members continue and strengthen the decades-long commitment to helping MDA find a cure for muscle-debilitating diseases.
*/ Something special is about to happen at MDA.
Mustafa Yousef, Ron Krieger, Fred Wiemer and 3 others like this.
Every 45 minutes a child is treated in the ER due to a TV tipping over. National TV Safety Day on February 6 helps to create awareness of these types of accidents and provides information on how to make TVs in your home safe and secure. Use these safety tips in your community.
Children 5 and under are at higher risk for TV tip-overs. There are simple and low-cost ways you can keep curious kids safe from this potential hazard.
Patricia Einhorn, Ron Krieger, Chris Cutshall and 15 others like this.
Members of the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) Firefighter Affinity Group will meet at the 2016 FIREHOUSE World Conference January 31-February 4, 2016 in San Diego on February 3. The gathering will be an opportunity for fellow Eagle Scouts to share the camaraderie of the fire service with the fellowship of scouting.
Danny Coughlin, Nicholas Florio, Dale Peer and 24 others like this.
Joe Kruzan Jr
Joe Kruzan Jr Please share this post. Thank you brothers and sisters!
The “Liquid and Steam Burn Like Fire” message is a perfect way for IAFF locals to reach out to families and caregivers during Burn Awareness Week. Use the online toolkit to promote safety in your community
Bob Burkes, Dale Peer, Fred Wiemer and 29 others like this.
FALL RIVER — More than 250 students at Mary Fonseca Elementary School received brand-new winter coats Wednesday. The coats come courtesy of Fall
Heber Retana, Joyce Zumbo, Lea Couture-Charpentier and 88 others like this.
Susan Flores
Susan Flores You guys are above AWESOME!!!! God bless you all! Stay safe out there!!
19 hrs
Two Jackson, MI ‪#‎firefighters‬ to be laid off by Friday
The deal, however, hinged on a potential proposal to jointly staff the now-closed Jackson fire station at 1906 S. Milwaukee St. with firefighters from…
Jim Cook, Raymond Hooper, Roy Lovelle Owens and 71 others like this.
James Shank
James Shank I will not say where I live but many of you already do. The last election asked for a small miilage increase to keep the FD funded. It didnt pass. Now there are "rolling brown outs"...AKA scheduled closing of stations on a rotational schedule. One day...See More
Dave Paul Johnson
Dave Paul Johnson since when is firefighting and rescue a 9 to 5 job ??? dumb bastards. I'd love to hear the fire call on the fools house that axes the jobs. sorry mate, no crew
Cheyenne, WY ‪#‎Fire‬ & Rescue Sees 22% Jump in #Fire Calls
Cheyenne Fire & Rescue responded to 22 percent more fire calls in 2015 than the previous year.
Karen Staats, Roy Lovelle Owens, Dawn Staples Sadler and 160 others like this.
Steve Mathis
Steve Mathis Typical trend in most cities. Since I retired in 2015 my former employer has reduced staffing by 10% through attrition with no plans to replaced those of us who retired. Run volume continues to increase with less manpower available to handle the load. Education requirements continue to rise with little time do it all.
Tom Wheland
Tom Wheland Damn
As a long-time supporter of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), we’re excited to see what they have in store this Friday. We’ll be tuning in live at on January 29 at 12:30 p.m. ET to hear the big news and support families with muscular dystrophy. Will you join us?
Mike Rowland, Jerry Rey-Travis, Mary Sloan and 23 others like this.
A Chicago firefighter is organizing an effort to send relief to Flint, Mich. residents - he's behind a plan to donate thousands of bottles of water there.
Joseph Crowshaw, Tracy Sheehan DelBrocco, Barbara Neugroschel and 344 others like this.
Lawrence Kreger
Lawrence Kreger If Chicago has one thing, it is plenty of fresh water...(they chlorinate it anyway though)...Lake Michigan is a great huge inland bathtub and reservoir
Daventaryn Kilbert
Daventaryn Kilbert Why don't we truck snow from DC Maryland and NYC to flint and process it into drinking water for them. Just a thought - Dave