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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Grist Environmental

Recent Posts

Why I blocked an oil train — and why you should engage in climate disobedience too

The shock of nonviolent civil disobedience is needed to make our political system function again.

Denmark preps for climate change by building parks that can transform into ponds

Let's hope this new water infrastructure plan puts the "cope" in Copenhagen.

Florida mayors to Marco Rubio: Stop ignoring climate change

Fifteen Florida leaders have a message for the presidential hopeful.

Doomsday Clock says the world is still pretty screwed despite the Paris accord

But don't worry -- this isn't a real clock, just a symbol of how freaked out people are.

This electric concrete melts snow on impact

Electrically heated concrete could make snow shovels obsolete. But is it sustainable?

Bernie bashes Hillary on Keystone and other pipelines

At a candidate town hall, Sanders pointed out that he opposed Keystone from the start, unlike Clinton, and he opposes other oil pipelines too.

Hare today, food tomorrow: Snowshoe hares face climate change

After the snow melts, the hare's bright white coat attracts the attention of predators.

Record hot years near impossible without human-made climate change

There's just a 0.01 percent chance that recent run of global heat records could have happened due to natural climate variations, a new study shows.

Supreme Court does energy conservation a solid

Pound it, SCOTUS.

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Black Lives Matters calls the Flint water crisis an act of “state violence”

The group released a statement of solidarity with the Michigan residents still suffering from a lead-contaminated water supply.

Forget energy storage. We can go renewable without it, scientists say

An "interstate for electrons" could solve the intermittency problem with wind and solar by sharing North Dakota's wind power with New York.

Is that snow in your yard safe to eat?

Soot? Pesticides? What’s a snow cream fan to do?

O’Malley says Clinton will let Earth “literally burn up”

The Democratic presidential hopeful takes Hillary to task on climate change.

The United States ranks pathetically low on list of greenest nations

Think America is No. 1? Not when it comes to environmental protection.

Why is ethanol-loving Iowa embracing ethanol-hating Ted Cruz?

Opposing ethanol in Iowa used to be the touch of death. Not anymore.

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