3,000 Life Vests Arranged On Mountain To Send 2016 Message Of Hope

3,000 Life Vests Arranged On Mountain To Send 2016 Message Of Hope

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Over 100 volunteers from Greenpeace, MSF, and other organizations just kicked off 2016 with more compassion and grace than ever.
Designed to be a message of hope, 3,000 abandoned life jackets were arranged in the shape of a peace sign on the Greek island Lesbos where thousands of refugees arrived in 2015 seeking solace.
Greenpeace’s Facebook page posted the video today with the tagline “Peace and #safepassage to all in 2016.”
(WATCH the video below)
100 volunteers, 3000 life jackets. One message.
On the first day of the new year, more than 100 volunteers from Greenpeace, MSF and other organisations used 3000 discarded refugee life jackets to form one simple message to the world.Peace and #safepassage to all in 2016
Posted by Greenpeace International on Sunday, January 3, 2016