Friday, January 29, 2016

Der Spiegel

Viewing an Old World with Fresh Eyes: A Visit with Orhan Pamuk in Istanbul

Viewing an Old World with Fresh Eyes: A Visit with Orhan Pamuk in Istanbul
Charlotte Schmitz/ DER SPIEGEL
Orhan Pamuk, the Nobel-prize winning author, talks about the success of his latest book, "A Strangeness in My Mind," the "crippled" state of Turkish politics and the January terrorist attack in Istanbul, which he could hear from his apartment. By Volker Weidermann more...Comment ]
Information for Whistleblowers

Sexism and Islam'Where I'm From, This is Handled By Men'

Sexism and Islam: 'Where I'm From, This is Handled By Men'
The New Year's Eve attacks on women in Cologne have led to a new discussion within Germany about the treatment of women in Islamic societies. The issue has become central to the country's heated refugee debate. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Greek Registration CentersWhy Refugee 'Hotspots' Aren't Working

Greek Registration Centers: Why Refugee 'Hotspots' Aren't Working
The construction of registration centers for migrants in Greece was meant to stem the tide of people into Europe. But so far only one exists on the island of Lesbos -- and it's not making much of a dent. By Giorgos Christides in Mytilene, Greece more... Comment ]

Lurching RightThe Escalating Fight for Poland's Future 

Lurching Right: The Escalating Fight for Poland's Future
The new government in Warsaw is transforming Poland into a nationalist, anti-Western and arch-Catholic country. Now, though, a protest movement is forming, made up of leftist activists, journalists and even a former prime minister. By Jan Puhl more... Comment ]

The Isolated ChancellorWhat Is Driving Angela Merkel?

The Isolated Chancellor: What Is Driving Angela Merkel?
Chancellor Angela Merkel spent a decade amassing political capital. Now, with the refugee crisis showing no signs of abating, she has decided to spend it. With her legacy in the balance, she has finally found an issue to fight for. But why now? By Markus Feldenkirchen and René Pfistermore... Comment ]

Stemming the FlowBerlin Hunts for Back-Up Plan in Refugee Crisis 

Stemming the Flow: Berlin Hunts for Back-Up Plan in Refugee Crisis 
Officially, the German government wants a Europe-wide solution to the Continent's mounting refugee problem. Behind the scenes, though, Berlin is searching for a Plan B to solve the crisis. Is the country moving closer to closing its borders? By Dietmar Hipp, Peter Müller, Ralf Neukirch and Christoph Schult more... Comment ]

Chinese Billionaire Zhang Xin'The Old Model Doesn't Work Anymore'

Chinese Billionaire Zhang Xin: 'The Old Model Doesn't Work Anymore'
In a SPIEGEL interview, billionaire real estate mogul Zhang Xin discusses the recent market crash, the end of China's building boom and why she views Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as a role model for the wealthy. Interview Conducted by Bernhard Zand more... Comment ]

Interview with German Finance Minister Schäuble'We Are Running Out of Time for Refugee Solutions'

Interview with German Finance Minister Schäuble: 'We Are Running Out of Time for Refugee Solutions'
Thus far, Europe has failed to agree on a joint approach to the refugee crisis. In an interview in Davos, Germany's finance minister warns that time is running out. If Schengen collapses, he warns, the European Union is in trouble. Interview Conducted by David Böcking and Stefan Kaiser in Davos more... Comment ]

'I Wish I Could Die'Meeting the Man Who Helped Trigger the Arab Spring

'I Wish I Could Die': Meeting the Man Who Helped Trigger the Arab Spring
The Arab Spring began five years ago when two men set themselves on fire in Tunisia. One of them survived his self-immolation -- and now wishes he hadn't. This is his story. By Clemens Höges in Kasserine, Tunisia more... Comment ]

Stretched to the LimitHas the German State Lost Control?

Stretched to the Limit: Has the German State Lost Control?
After the violent excesses in Cologne on New Year's Eve, German government failures have come to light, with many asking if the country is still safe. Police and the justice system have been stretched to their limits. New laws won't fix the problem, but extra personnel could. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Calling in KallstadtA Visit to Donald Trump's Ancestral Home

Calling in Kallstadt: A Visit to Donald Trump's Ancestral Home
The village of Kallstadt is famous in Germany for its local specialty, stuffed pork belly. It's also the place that Donald Trump's grandfather called home before emigrating to America. Locals are ambivalent about the man's politics and his bid for the presidency. By Kevin Hagen and Maria Feck (Photos) more... Comment ]
Photo Galleries
Meet Poland's New Opposition MovementWhat's Left of the RevolutionGermany on the Brink
At Home with Orhan Pamuk
Looking for the Real MerkelIslam Clashes with Women's Rights in GermanyA Strike at the Heart of Europe

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