Friday, January 29, 2016

Bratton Comes to Aid of Nigro- NY Post

‘He’s a 9/11 hero’: Bratton says FDNY chief shouldn’t be fired for snow job

Top cop Bill Bratton said Wednesday that the FDNY commissioner’s service on 9/11 should preclude him from losing his job for using firefighters to clear snow from his house after last weekend’s blizzard.
“This is a hero of the city,” the police commissioner said following a State Bar Association luncheon. He said he disagrees with a Post editorial calling for Daniel Nigro’s firing for the abuse of power.
“This is an individual who was at 9/11, who led that department after 9/11,” he said. “And we’re calling for his resignation because he may have had a couple firefighters try to clear access from his house so in his capacity as commissioner he could get out and basically deal with emergency situations?”
Bratton said he agreed with the Department of Investigation’s decision to look into the shoveling — but took a shot at The Post for saying he should be booted.
“I understand that the Department of Investigation is doing an inquiry. Appropriate,” he said. “But I think a little heavy handed calling for his resignation. Let’s remember the 40 years of dedicated service. I can guarantee the writers of that editorial weren’t standing at the base of . . . the towers when they fell down. So let’s get real.”
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Rudy Giuliani shakes hands with Daniel Nigro at a promotion ceremony on Sept. 16, 2011.Photo: Reuters
NYPD spokesman Peter Donald went on the defensive when asked if Bratton thinks service on 9/11 puts police and fire officials above the law.
“I think your implication that his comments are an endorsement for firefighters or police officers to break the law is ridiculous,” Donald said.
Nigro, who was appointed by Mayor de Blasio in 2014, is a 34-year veteran of the FDNY and former chief of department — a role he was given on the afternoon of 9/11 when Chief Peter J. Ganci was killed in the collapse of the North Tower.
But even FDNY members don’t believe his service at Ground Zero is relevant to the current situation.
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The front page of the New York Post on Jan. 26.
“No one is above the law,” said a department insider. “It was unethical. Do all the thousands of other 9/11 heroes get a free pass on misconduct? Maybe he should cut the city a check [or] do what a real hero would do and admit it was wrong.”
Meanwhile, the chair of the City Council’s Fire and Criminal Justice Services Committee said Nigro’s decision to ask firefighters to shovel snow outside his house need to be examined.
“The recent report raises concern about the appropriate use of city resources,” Elizabeth Crowley told The Post. “I trust the Department of Investigation will conduct a fair and thorough review.”
On Wednesday evening, FDNY online message boards titled “Snow Removal” and “Post front page” had both been removed.
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