Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Fire Critic

The Capability of a Water Can Caught on Video!

capability of a water can
Over the years I have often heard of the power of one water can. I can't say I have ever put out a building fire with it, but this is a great teachable moment about not underestimating the abilities of a single water can...or a videographer who is looking at the bigger picture. Nice work by all!
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Video: Quick Knockdown from the Inside in Stockton, CA

stockton house fire december
Stockton Firefighters responded to reports of smoke in the area of 700 block of North Yosemite on December 27th, 2015. Crews arrived on scene to heavy smoke coming from a two story, partitioned single family dwelling. After waiting for '2 in / 2 out' and donning all safety gear, firefighters committed to an aggressive interior attack- extinguishing the fire quickly and without incident. A search was conducted, but no victims were found. No injuries occurred. Stockton Firefighters are proud to serve and protect the City of Stockton.
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Close Call Video: Firefighter Catches Fire in Flashover and Escapes With Minor Injuries!

firefighter catches fire
A video of a firefighter jumping out of the window of a burning second-floor apartment in Jianli county, Hubei Province, has gone viral on Chinese social media. In the video, the firefighter is seen standing by the window attempting to arrange a line that he could grab to slide down, as the flames continue to grow intense. However, as his clothes caught fire, he was left with little option but to jump off the window holding on to the fire hose. Fortunately, he survived the incident, only suffering minor injuries to his hands.
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