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Sean Nee Gene Lazcano this is how you need to propose if your gonna keep calling me your work wife
LikeReply2 hrs
Jake Cvetan It's the cubic zirconia of Littmans
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Lawrence Kreger
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We hope everyone had a fantastic holiday! Although we know not all the holidays have ended, it's back to work for most of us. Stay safe. - Saber
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Lawrence Kreger
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The downfalls of private ambulance.-Irish
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Lawrence Kreger
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Well there you have it folks. Now it's lego official.-Irish
Working on the rescue on Christmas and you're like...-Irish
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The EMS Lounge Happy holidays everybody- Irish
Lawrence Kreger
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Sydney Bryce to The EMS Lounge
Dear EMS Crews Everywhere,
This is our EM-XMAS Tree. We re-wrote this little guy a song. If you're on duty, hopefully you'll enjoy this. Merry Christmas, and have an easy day!
The Freckle Twins♡♡
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Lawrence Kreger
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So who drew the short straw and has to work today?
Roy Atkins and 150 others like this.
Dayne Burroughs I do, I do!! 11 hrs has turned into 18 hrs here in New York, USA
James Tobiasen Not me woohoooo .......
LikeReply119 hrs
Lawrence Kreger
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Got a little emotional tonight. Started thinking about all the families who lost loved ones around this time of year l. Then I thought, because of me, my co-workers, and all of you, a few families, (actually a lot), get to spend at least one more together.
Thank you to all who put others before yourselves, so others may live. Merry Christmas to each and every one of you.