Thursday, December 3, 2015

News from Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell

December 2015 Monthly Update
A Message from Assembly Member Daniel O'Donnell

Dear Neighbor,
Happy holidays! I hope that this season brings good fortune, health, and love to you and your families. I invite you to join my office on Monday, December 21st 2015 as we host a Holiday Party & Toy Drive. For more information, please skip towards the events section of this publication.
As you may know, yesterday concluded Sheldon Silver's federal trial. I am relieved that the trial is over but its conclusion still casts a shadow that hangs over Albany.We need to change the way things work in Albany. As yesterday's verdict demonstrates, the ability to earn outside income creates too much potential for impropriety. To restore respect for the hard work that the New York State Legislature does, we need to make it more like the federal system. There are two easy steps to take: we should ban legislators from accepting outside income and the legislature should be defined as a full time job, to reflect the reality of our positions, and raise our salaries to reflect that change. When you are elected to represent the people, that should be your one job; you should have one focus - your community's needs. We need to give legislators the tools to do that. I introduced a bill, A7815, last session to do just that. Perhaps the conclusion of Silver's trial, and the impending conclusion of Senator Dean Skelos' trial, will create more of an appetite to make meaningful changes like the ones included in my bill.
I would also like to announce that Today, Wednesday, December 2, 2015 I am hosting a Corrections Public Hearing in Albany regarding overseeing and investigating the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. Its purpose is to examine both the internal and external options for independent investigations to ensure the safety of staff and inmates, and guarantee the integrity of the Department. To watch live coverage of the hearing, I encourage you to visit starting at 10:45 am EST.
Finally, this October, heating season began for the year. This means that during the day (between 6AM and 10PM), by law your landlord must heat your apartment to at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit if the outside temperature is below 55 degrees. At night (between 10PM and 6AM), the apartment must be kept at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit when the outside temperature falls below 40 degrees. The landlord must maintain these temperatures until May 31, 2015. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact my office-my staff or I will be happy to answer questions or help you assert your rights.
Toward the end of this month I will be preparing to return to Albany for the 2016-2017 Legislative Session. I will be continuing my seventh term, and am looking forward to continuing my advocacy on behalf of criminal justice reform, improved educational policy, and our community. As always, should you need assistance or information, my Community Office is open from Monday through Friday from 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Feel free to call my office at (212) 866-3970 or email me at
Very truly yours,
Daniel O'Donnell
Assembly Member O'Donnell's Upcoming Free Legal Clinic
For constituents who need help with legal issues but are unable to come to Assembly Member O'Donnell's Community Office during the workday, Assembly Member O'Donnell hosts a monthly evening opportunity for constituents to consult with a volunteer attorney.
Call Joyce at (212) 866-3970 to make an appointment.
**Thursday, December 19th**
Community Office Seeks Winter/Spring Interns and Semester Fellow

Assembly Member Daniel O'Donnell's New York City community office is seeking Winter/Spring Interns & a Semester Fellow. Students interested in public service will have the opportunity to get real-life experience in an active, fast-paced, New York City government office. The program offers interns the chance to engage in legislative research, offer administrative support, and help with constituent services. Successful candidates are personable and have strong research and writing skills. We aim to create an experience that is tailored to individual interests while exposing students to the dynamic day-to-day work of elected officials. Spanish-speaking is a plus. To learn more about Assembly Member O'Donnell, please visit his Assembly webpage at:
Constituent services, conducting policy and legislative research, drafting correspondence, outreach, and press materials, special events planning assistance, and office management tasks.
Semester fellow should complete one individualized research or policy project (to be determined in conjunction with the Internship Coordinator)*
Strong research, writing and analytical skills, excellent interpersonal skills and attention to detail, proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and Google Drive, interest in public and community service, highly organized, proactive, and able to multi-task. Bilingual (Spanish) preferred.
Semester fellow should be available at least 20 hours per week.*
How To Apply:
Please email resume and cover letter to

Community School District 3
Kindergarten Tour and Open House Dates and Times
Community School District 3 has announced kindergarten tours and open house dates and times. For each school's tour information, please visit the sites listed below.
P.S. 9 (100 West 84th Street)
P.S. 75 (735 West End Avenue)
P.S. 84 (32 West 92nd Street)
P.S. 163 (32 West 92nd Street)
P.S. 166 (132 West 89th Street)
P.S./I.S. 180 (370 West 120th Street) or call 212-678-2849 ext. 2370
P.S. 185 (20 West 112th Street)
P.S. 191 (210 West 61st Street)
 P.S. 199 (270 West 70th Street)
P.S. 241 - STEM Institute of Manhattan (240 West 113 Street)
P.S./I.S. 334 - The Anderson School (100 West 77th Street)
P.S. 452 (100 West 77th Street)

Columbia University Shuttle Bus Service for Senior Citizens and Disabled
As part of the State approval process associated with the Manhattanville expansion,Columbia University will be funding and implementing a Shuttle Bus Service for Senior Citizens and Disabled. Known as the Columbia Community Shuttle, this initiative providesfree shuttle bus service for seniors and the disabled in the community, Monday- Friday 9am-5pm. This shuttle service connects the Manhattanville Project site to key subway stations and Medical Centers in the area.
The shuttle is wheelchair accessible and free for people with disabilities, the elderly and a companion, or individuals with a service animal. Along with the Senior and Disabled Persons MetroCard, the Columbia Community Shuttle also accepts the Medicare Card and Access-A-Ride as acceptable forms of identification to use this service.
For more information, please click here.

Bloomingdale School of Music Concert Series

On Friday, December 4th join Bloomingdale School of Music (323 West 108th Street) at 7:00pm for a concert entitled "Give the Drummer Some." The Jeremy Noller Quartet showcases compositions by some of jazz music's most notable drummers, from Max Roach to Brian Blade. Free and Open to the Public. Call 212-663-6021 ext. 0 for more info.
On Tuesday, December 8th join Bloomingdale School of Music (323 West 108th Street) at 7:00pm for a concert entitled "New York, New York Series: American Mavericks," featuring works by major American composers who have lived and worked in New York City, including Copland, Ives, Previn, and Del Tredici. Free and Open to the Public. Call 212-663-6021 ext. 0 for more info.
On Friday, December 11th join Bloomingdale School of Music (323 West 108th Street) at 7:00pm for a concert entitled "Schubert in the Shadow of Beethoven?" Faculty artist Anna Khanina presents "Schubert in a Shadow of Beethoven?" highlighting the intimacy, tragedy, and lightness of Schubert's Piano Sonatas. Free and Open to the Public. Call 212-663-6021 ext. 0 for more info.
On Friday, December 18th join Bloomingdale School of Music (323 West 108th Street) at 7:00pm for a concert entitled "Holiday Brass." Enjoy your most cherished holiday tune--from classical to contemporary--in a concert for brass quintet and percussion. Free and Open to the Public. Call 212-663-6021 ext. 0 for more info.

SoHarlem Holiday Bazaar

1361 Amsterdam Avenue, Suite 340
New York, NY 10027
First three weekends in December (5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20)
11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Check out SoHarlem's annual holiday bazaar featuring pieces from artisans in the community!
They'll be showcasing local jewelry makers, hat makers and clothiers, including Valerie Deas and Sumiko Takeda Nakazato.
And, of course, there will be samples of SoHarlem's signature coquito.
For more information, email

Mount Sinai St. Luke's Community Forum
Future Plans for Mount Sinai St. Luke's New and Improved Programs and Services
When: Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Mount Sinai St. Luke's
Muhlenberg 4 Auditorium
(Enter through the Chapel Entrance, mid-block on 113th Street
Between Amsterdam Avenue and Morningside Drive.)
Please RSVP to:
Marian Y. Scott, Director, Community Health Education
E-Mail: - Phone: 646-605-7206

Citizen's Committee for New York City Neighborhood Grants
From community gardening and tenant organizing to school recycling drives and art projects, Citizens Committee awards grants of up to $3,000 to grassroots groups working oncommunity-building projects across NYC.
Never applied for a grant before? No problem! The application is simple to fill out.
The 2016 Neighborhood Grants application is now available on the CCNYC website - start brainstorming about your project now!
  • Learn more about the grant on their website by visiting
  • Look through previously funded projects to get inspired by visiting
  • Read more about if your group is eligible at and find out what the grants can and cannot fund by visiting
  • Keep an eye out for grant application workshops in the coming months, where they will go over the application process and answer your questions about the grant
Applications are due January 25, 2016.
Questions? Contact Tehmina at or 212-822-9563.
The New York State STEM Incentive Program
The NYS STEM Incentive Program provides a
full SUNY or CUNY tuition scholarship for the top 10 percent of students in each New York State high school if they pursue a STEM degree in an associates or bachelor degree program and agree to work in a STEM field in New York State for 5 years after graduation.
For eligibility requirements and deadline information, please click here.

Assembly Member O'Donnell's Holiday Party & Toy Drive

December 21st @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
245 West 104th Street between Broadway and West End Avenue
Join the Office of Assembly Member O'Donnell for a Holiday Party and Toy Drive. Please visit our office from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on December 21st to enjoy refreshments, speak with the Assembly Member, and donate unused toys to children and teens in the community.
Contact our staff at (212) 866-3970 for more information.

Holiday on the Hudson

December 12 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
West Harlem Piers Park, West 125th Street & Marginal Street

FREE. Join the Riverside Park Conservancy for our annual holiday tree lighting party. Celebrate the season with the local community, enjoy live music to sing and dance with, make holiday decorations and more. Weather looking iffy? Want to know if the event is still on? Visit

 two hours before the event. Held by the Riverside Park Conservancy.
Youth Beginner Ice Skating Clinics

Time:  4:30 PM - 5:15 PM
Session 3:  Wednesdays, January 6 - February 3
Session 4:  Fridays, January 8 - February 5

This free, five-lesson ice skating clinic teaches the basic elements of ice skating through group and individual instruction. Each session includes equipment rental. Ages 6-10.  Space is limited; pre-registration is required.  Each child may register for a maximum of two sessions. Please call 212-348-4867 for more information.
Location:  Lasker Rink, Mid-Park between 106th and 108th Streets (enter the Park at 110th Street and Lenox Avenue)

Public Hearing on Maximum Base Rent

Thursday, December 17, 10am - 12:30 pm and 2pm - 4:30pm

Location: 25 Beaver Street, 5th floor, Room 510

The New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) will conduct a public hearing relating to Maximum Base Rent (MBR) for rent controlled housing. Pre-registration of speakers is advised. Those who wish to pre-register may call the office of Michael Berrios, Executive Assistant, at (718) 262-4816 and state the time they wish to speak at the hearing and whom they represent. Pre-registered speakers who have reserved a time to speak will be heard at approximately that time. Speakers who register the day of the hearing will be heard in the order of registration at those times not already reserved by pre-registered speakers. Speaking time will be limited to five minutes in order to give as many people as possible the opportunity to be heard. Speakers should be prepared to submit copies of their remarks to the DHCR official presiding over the hearing. The hearing will conclude when all registered speakers in attendance at the hearing have been heard. DHCR will also accept written testimony submitted prior to the end of the hearing. Submissions may also be sent in advance to Michael Berrios, Executive Assistant, 6th Floor, Division of Housing and Community Renewal, Gertz Plaza, 92-31 Union Hall Street, Jamaica, NY 11433. To obtain a report on the DHCR recommendation for the 2016-2017 MBR cycle, interested parties should call (718) 262-4816.

Community Board Membership Applications Are Now Open

The Manhattan Borough President's office is now accepting applications for Community Board membership. All eligible New Yorkers living, working, or studying in the borough of Manhattan are encouraged to consider applying.
Manhattan's 12 community boards are local organizations each composed of 50 volunteer members serving staggered two-year terms.  Community boards are tasked with being the independent and representative voices of their communities-the most grass-roots form of local government. The boards are pivotal in shaping their communities and work to enhance and preserve the character of the city's many unique neighborhoods.
Community boards consider a wide range of issues, including distribution of liquor licenses, consideration of sidewalk café applications, and permits for street fairs and other outdoor events. They may also weigh in issues before the Landmarks Preservation Commission, the Board of Standards and Appeals (the city agency dedicated to land-use and zoning regulation), and provide input on proposals from city agencies.
Members are officially appointed by the Manhattan Borough President. Half of the members of these boards are selected unilaterally by the Borough President, and half with the nomination of the City Council Members who represent the district. The Borough President must ensure adequate representation from different geographic neighborhoods in the district and must consider whether each community's constituencies are represented.
For more information, and for application instructions, please visit
Special briefing for HDFC shareholders
Can my HDFC be sold to a private real estate entity? How does the law protect my HDFC building?
Last summer, NYS Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued a "guidance memo" for HDFC shareholders. This is your chance to learn more about these guidelines, and about HDFC sales and property transfers, affordability requirements, and safeguards for preservation directly from the A.G.'s Real Estate Finance Bureau Chief.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015, 6:30-8:30 pm
163 W. 125th St., 2nd Floor Art Gallery
RSVP at or call (212)531-1609
This event, sponsored by Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer will be held in cooperation with Congressman Rangel, NYS Senators Espaillat and Perkins, NYS Assembly Members Farrell, O'Donnell, Rodriguez, and Wright, NYC Council Members Dickens and Levine, as well as Community Boards 9 & 10 and the West and Central Harlem Housing Group. 

La oficina comunitaria del Asambleísta Daniel O'Donnell tiene empleados que hablan español para asistir al público, tiempo completo, de lunes a viernes desde 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM. La oficina de la comunidad está localizada en el 245 West 104th St., cercana a la calle Broadway. También se puede contactar la oficina en horario de trabajo al (212) 866-3970.
Assembly Member O'Donnell's community office has full-time Spanish-speaking staff available to assist you, Monday through Friday from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM. The office is located at 245 West 104th Street, just off Broadway. You can also call (212) 866-3970during business hours.  
If you are visually impaired or feel that you read better in large print, please do not hesitate to request a large print copy of Assembly Member O'Donnell's monthly update. Please call or stop by the Assembly Member's Community Office to request a copy. 
Assembly Member Daniel O'Donnell |

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Assembly Member Daniel O'Donnell | 245 West 104th Street, Suite 1D | New York | NY | 10025


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