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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Grist Environmental

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Explore climate change with these 2 interactive charts. Maybe grab some spiked eggnog, too

This carbon counter and climate change atlas will add just the right amount of despair to your holiday season.

Tech billionaires team up for clean energy coalition at Paris climate talks

Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and other tech giants pledged to spark a zero-carbon "economic revolution."

Trump’s response to Obama’s climate speech is just as looney as you thought

Shaking our heads.

6 big takeaways from the opening of the Paris climate conference

The summit has just begun, but we can already see themes emerging and battle lines being drawn.

India and France launch a solar alliance — and a book of environmental quotes

On day one of the climate summit, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President François Hollande made some big announcements.

The EPA raises the Renewable Fuels Standard. Here’s why that makes no sense

Ethanol uses up farmland and harms the climate even more than fossil fuels. But it's business, and somebody's making hay.

Soft drink tax war to bubble up in cities across the U.S.

Soda taxes are finally gaining traction. Next year, they might appear at the polling booth in a city near you.

All those toxic chemicals in the ocean? Birds are pooping them back on shore

Guano is even grosser than we thought.

How to read the jargon at the Paris climate change talks

This guide translates the diplomat-speak to more common language.

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