"...while Freud's ideas are no longer considered an authority on the human condition, they remain inherently dramatic and compelling, and many of his theories contain more than a grain of truth. No wonder novelists and script writers are reluctant to let go of such an excellent source material." 
The "Oedipus complex" lives on.
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Lawrence Kreger
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According to a May study in JAMA Pediatrics, adolescent suicides in rural areas are roughly twice that of urban populations. Moreover, these disparities have unexpectedly increased over time. In 2012, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported Wyoming as the state with the highest suicide rate in the nation. Others not far behind were Alaska, Montana, New Mexico, and Utah. Shared characteristics of these states were propensity for isolation, low income, family issues, health problems, access to firearms, and a mind-set that individuals should “own” their problems, rather than seek assistance. What do you think about this?
People living in rural areas kill themselves far more often than those in urban settings. One reason: poor access to mental health care.
“Long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy involves the shared commitment for patient and therapist to understanding emotionally painful parts of a depressed person’s life. This may activate a beneficial process of psychological growth with a lasting gain in resilience.”
Chronic depression is a major mental health problem. A research study by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust compared the use of psychodynamic treatment to that of other modalities. The study, which w...
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A ground-breaking research study conducted by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust and published in the October issue of World Psychiatry is…
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After losing her husband, Anne Schomaker found herself in an extended state of grief. Although she relocated, volunteered, and even dated, she could not depart from an unwavering feeling of despair. Nine years after her loss, she discovered an announcement from Columbia University, which sought participants in a study of “complicated grief.” According to the New England Journal of Medicine, this type of grief involves a blockage in adaptation, and includes intense longing or yearning, preoccupying thoughts and memories, and an inability to accept the loss and imagine life without a loved one. Recent findings about complicated grief can help us to better understand it’s various degrees and manifestations, and distinguish its unique effect for every individual.
Following the death of a loved one, some people experience a mourning period that may last for years, signaling the need for aggressive therapy.
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This article examines the concept of a “life story,” and the human inclination to lean towards the narrative mode. However, life’s complications and disarray often deviate from the logical progression of “good” stories, in which all aspects come perfectly together. Rather than the chronology, a life story is about the meaning an individual derives from their lives. This is an interesting read, particularly for those who devote themselves to these stories, and work to help others find meaning, balance, and insight.
How you arrange the plot points of your life into a narrative can shape who you are—and is a fundamental part of being human.
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“Inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive behavior may mirror the effects of adversity, and many doctors don’t know how-or don’t have time- to tell the difference.”
While completing her residency in pediatrics at John Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Nicole Brown noted that many of her low-income patients had been diagnosed with ADHD. However, after more careful analysis, she realized that many of them exhibited behavior similar to post-trauma. She conducted a national survey of 65,000 children diagnosed with ADHD, and found that these children also experienced higher levels of poverty, divorce, and family substance abuse. 
Some experts say the normal effects of severe adversity may be misdiagnosed as ADHD. 
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Traditionally, rather than being at the forefront of couples’ therapy, topics such as communication and blame have taken precedence over sex. Previously, sex was only discussed if broached by the couple, rather than the therapist. With relationships being continually redefined, new voices of qualified clinicians have emphasized the importance of sex, and its significant role in a relationship. The article highlights recent conferences such as, “Sex and Attachment: Coming Together” by the New York Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy, and nine workshops within the Psychotherapy Network Symposium in Washington, D.C. which focused on sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Both were widely attended and reveal a new lens of focus within couples therapy.
Offering the radical notion that couples should fix issues in the bedroom before tackling other concerns like communication.