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Friday, November 6, 2015

State Senator Liz Krueger


News &
          Events from Sen. Liz Krueger

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Anti-woman sentiment in America keeps escalating, from Donald Trump's misogyny to Jeb Bush's claim that we spend too much on women's health care to Carly Fiorina's opposition to equal pay bills. We have been blocked from passing pro-woman laws like paid family leave while state-level abortion restrictions tighten and Congress sponsors witch hunts against Planned Parenthood.

Has it become a winning strategy to attack women for political gain? What does the data show about women as an electorate? Have women moved far enough up the equality ladder for a new generation of men to feel threatened? How does anti-woman sentiment negatively impact men?

In just over a week I will be hosting a forum called "Counterattack: The Media, The War on Women, and How to Fight Back" to learn more about these issues and strategize about how we can take action to win the war against women. Guests include Micky Blum, distinguished lecturer and Director of Baruch College Survey Research; Ariel Chesler, lawyer and author; Katie Halper, comedian and writer, host of The Katie Halper Show on WBAI; and Tanya Melich, political analyst and author of The Republican War Against Women: An Insider's Report from Behind The Lines.

The forum will take place on Monday, November 16th, from 6pm to 8pm at the Baruch College Newman Conference Center, Rackow Room 750, at 151 E. 25th St. Space is limited, so please RSVP by contacting my office at 212-490-9535, or via email at


Liz Krueger
State Senator

**This event is being co-sponsored by: Eleanor’s Legacy ∙ Planned Parenthood of NYC Action Fund ∙ NARAL Pro-Choice NY & Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney ∙ Congressman Jerrold Nadler ∙ NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer ∙ Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer ∙ Senators Brad Hoylman & José Serrano ∙ Assembly Members Deborah Glick, Richard N. Gottfried, Dan Quart, & Rebecca Seawright ∙ Council Members Daniel Garodnick, Ben Kallos & Corey Johnson ∙ Sarah Lawrence College Graduate Program in Women's and Gender History ∙ The Women and Gender Studies Program at Hunter College ∙ Women's City Club of New York ∙ Gray Panthers**

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