Sunday, November 29, 2015

Le Monde Turkey and Migrants


Crisis of migrants: the EU and Turkey reached an agreement

Worldwide | • Updated 
L’Union européenne et la Turquie ont trouvé un accord sur la crise des migrants.

European leaders and Turkey agreed, Sunday, November 29, a fund 3 billion to help the Turkey to host Syrian refugees, said the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, to after a summit in Brussels.

The two sides also decided to activate a "joint action plan" to curb the influx of refugees, and to "reinvigorate" the negotiations for accession of Turkey to the European Union (EU) said President of the European Council, Donald Tusk at a press conference attended by the Prime Minister of Turkey Ahmet Davutoglu.

Two EU-Turkey summits each year

Davutoglu announced that the EU leaders had also agreed on the principle of organizing two summits Union / Turkey each year. Turkish Prime Minister then greeted "a historic day" in the accession process of Turkey to the EU. "We expect a major boost in our reports. I think 2016 will be a pivotal year in (our) relations, "he said.
The president, Francois Hollande, said his side on Sunday that there was "no reason" to "speed up" or "slow down" the Turkey's accession process to the EU. "This issue has not changed" and "the conditions have not changed," said the French head of state told reporters.

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Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (L) shakes hands with French President François Hollande after a press conference at the Elysee palace in Paris on November 26, 2015.  Francois Hollande and Mattero Renzi called for a "global agreement" with Turkey on the question of refugees during a meeting on November 26. AFP PHOTO / MIGUEL MEDINA
Francois Hollande receives Italian Prime Minister

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