Attacks of November 13
A "sad spectacle" to the Assembly, four days after the attacks
It had been weeks that the opposition had not been rising. Maybe even since the opening of Parliament, MPs Republicans were not so booed the government that during the question session of Tuesday, November 17. The first since the deadly bombings in Paris and Saint-Denis, while the three days of national mourning are still not completed.
Hoots of never-finished, of vociférés comments at virtually every speaking of Manuel Valls, speaking out the polemics ... The Prime Minister ensures that the government will act quickly, and a voice gives him right: "C is a little late! "Lethim admit having" regret "and the opposition howls him "Only one? ! one? ! ",Covering the end of his response. As for Christiane Taubira, she has not even had time to begin to respond to the Socialist MP Patrick Bloche (Paris) a "Bouuuuh" childish stood straight benches.
"And to say that this morning we have supported the request to amend the agenda of Republicans [to defer consideration of the health law] to maintain a good parliamentarian held" sighs environmentalist Cécile Duflot on Twitter. The Assistant National Secretary of the party, David Cormand, following the meeting from a distance, also publishes a message to deplore this "sad spectacle of national representation."
But some on the right do not see what the problem is, like daniel fasquelle (RS, Pas-de-Calais), which will then explain to the press that the boos are a way of opposition quite respectable to challenge the political criminal the Keeper of the Seals. Surely a position shared by Patrick Balkany, screaming, face scarlet, since its hemicycle bench.
Cliver, challenge, accuse
For his part, MP LR North Sébastien Huyghe is justified on his Twitter account:"The lyrical flights of Manuel Valls in the context that we know are paltry and are the manipulation. "It is true that the Prime Minister did not hesitate to showoffensive or provocative with the opposition, doing everything to bring to light their contradictions -" Either you are for a constitutional reform and you vote or you are against and you're not consistent. "
But is that really the reason why no elected from the right and the center only stood up to applaud the tribute paid by Mr. Valls police and firemen? Is it the responsibility of the majority if no right speakers has tried to calm down a little game? On the contrary, Laurent Wauquiez or Christian Estrosi, heads of lists for regional in Rhône-Alpes and Alpes-Maritimes, took advantage of the platform offered by the microphone of the hemicycle to cleave, to challenge, accuse. Or simply unwind their program as Valérie Pécresse, candidate in Ile-de-France,did by listing his proposals for greater safety in transport.
"Really sad week"
Admittedly, some (few) LR elected deplored this approach to judging the schoolyard behavior "pathetic", as Thierry Solère elected in Hauts-de-Seine. "National Day of mourning yet to the Assembly, insults, provocations and whistles. On both sides. Really sad week, "also commented on his colleague Edouard Philippe (Seine-Maritime) on Twitter.
Yet this falls a "selection policy" laments a part of the party. "Nicolas Sarkozy and Christian Jacob [president of the parliamentary group] have chosen to leavethe floor to more aggressive, they thought it was necessary to be super aggressive. "Proof if necessary: Bruno Le Maire, who wanted to ask a question about living together, was asked to wait for Wednesday's session to play in rallying.
- Hélène Bekmezian
Journalist with WorldWatchGo to this reporter
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