Translation from English

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Gizmodo Ted Cruz Flap

Ted Cruz Really Was Pointing His Gun At His Friends

Ted Cruz Really Was Pointing His Gun At His Friends12345...7
Yesterday, we showed you Ted Cruz holding his shotgun backwards, blatantly flouting the first two rules of gun safety. Now, we have a new video from the same photo op perfectly demonstrating why this is a bad idea. Would you want to be one of the hunters he’s pointing his gun at? 
Since you can never emphasize gun safety enough, let’s look at its four rules again: 
  1. Treat all guns as if they are loaded. 
  2. Never point a firearm at something you’re not willing to destroy.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. 
  4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it. 
And this is a perfect demonstration of why those rules are so important. Seemingly unaware, Cruz is pointing the muzzle of his shotgun directly at his hunting buddies. Ask yourself, if you were standing back there, would you want that gun pointed at you? Would you know it was broken open and unloaded? 
Accidental shootings kill hundreds of Americans every year. Accidents happen. But, observing proper gun handling form, always, every single time, can prevent them. Doing just that is drilled into all new shooters as they learn and is something any experienced shooter or any gun rights advocate should not only observe, but espouse. 
No, a broken-open shotgun like this one, demonstrably unloaded, does not present a hazard. It’s simply careless gun handling. Practicing safe form, always, habituates behavior and guards against mistakes. There’s no gun range in America that wouldn’t caution you for pointing a gun — even an unloaded one — at other people. And there’s no hunter who wouldn’t immediately tell anyone pointing a gun at them to knock it off. 
As a public figure campaigning on a pro-gun platform, Cruz should first and foremost consider himself a role model for gun safety. The responsible use of guns is central to any pro-gun argument. And that’s why shooters and hunters like you and me should hold Cruz to a higher standard. 
The simple fact of the matter here is that Cruz is not only setting a bad example, but he’s also demonstrating a lower alacrity for gun handling than you’d expect from someone claiming to be a gun enthusiast. 
Scott Nathan, the hunter and lifetime NRA member we quoted yesterday sums things up nicely. I sent him the video and asked him what he thought. His response? “Putz.”
IndefinitelyWild is a new publication about adventure travel in the outdoors, the vehicles and gear that get us there and the people we meet along the way. Follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.
  • At first I wasn’t worried as much because the action is obviously clear, but you make excellent points and have added 2 hash marks to my mental Ted Cruz Is A Dangerous Putz column. 
    (ETA: Dangerous)
    • Per the gun: I’m kind of with you. I mean, the breech is clear, but then again, you often hear about people being shot with “unloaded guns.” The 4 rules are pretty absolute, and for good reason. 

      Poor form Ted, poor form. 

      But, this is more of a slap him on the hand no no because the breech is so obviously clear. It’s not a “never associate with this guy again” level of offense in my eyes. Of course, you may or may not have other reasons to not associate with Ted. :D
        • You should have seen all the supposed gun enthusiasts on the last article about this. Basically they were all saying the author was over-reacting, mostly because you can tell the gun isn’t loaded.
          They were also ensuring I’d never want to be around any of them while they’re handling firearms.
          What was rule #1 up there again?
          • As Wes stated, there are plenty of places you could stand behind him and not see the breech is open and the chambers are empty. As Wes also stated, if you’re campaigning as a pro-gun candidate, even the appearance of irresponsible gun handling is a “never associate with this guy again” level of offense.
            • I had an asshole muzzle-sweep not only me, but my then-girlfriend (Now wife) and best friend and HIS wife with a jammed pistol. My friend and I yelled at the guy, then went and told the range officer, who was like “yeah, thanks” and stayed sitting on his ass. We left that range, and I haven’t been back. NEVER go to Alpine shooting range in Everman Tx. Sad too, because it was the first public range I ever shot on. (The first place I shot was a private range as my dad was an ROTC instructor at a High School... almost my own private range.... suhweet!)
              • Funny story, but not really, I was shot with an “unloaded gun” when I was younger. Granted it was a pellet gun. But that’s why my 2 front teeth are fake. 
                  • Well, here’s the problem and why it’s more than a “slap on the hand” issue:
                    This man is running for President. Guns are a HUGE hot-button topic in this country.
                    For those two reasons, he absolutely *MUST* be held to a higher standard of conduct.

                    Now, I’ve seen some people mention that this is a “common practice.” Well, so is texting and driving. Common doesn’t make it safe.
                    The best point I’ve seen made is Wes’s comment about how practicing safe form reinforces safe behavior.
                    If someone, Ted Cruz or anyone, allows themselves to fail to *ALWAYS* be fully aware of where the barrel of their gun is pointed, then how can they be trusted to maintain awareness when it really matters?
                    And when a Presidential hopeful fails to demonstrate such basic gun safety — when he knows he is on camera — how can we trust his policies on guns?
                        • Thanks... it was my worst moment ever at a gun range. After the fact, I was slightly proud of myself that my first urge was to pull my girlfriend behind me, then start bitching the guy out. 
                          • Common practice: If this is indeed proper clay etiquette, then we all need to realize this and stop. 

                            My 3 second, super-intense Google research shows that THIS is probably the preferred way to hold it: 

                            The pic below is acceptable with caveats: 
                            “The shoulder carry balances the rifle on your shoulder, controlling the firearm by a hand on the grip. Always keep your finger off the trigger and on the outside of the trigger guard. This is a good carry when walking beside or behind others. It is not a good carry ifothers are behind you.”
                            (Texas Gun Safety site)
                            • I learned about ricochets from a BB gun (I was about 8). That was a lesson I never forgot. I never had a BB gun, and stopped hanging out with the kid who decided to shoot his at a target right in front of an aluminum garage door... I damn near got my eye shot out. Probably why I never liked “A Christmas Story”
                                • The breach is clear, but that shit will get you kicked out of the conservation range I go to. They will shame your ass over the loudspeaker and send you packing. I’m glad for it, but have been reprimanded once myself about firing more than one round every three seconds. Have never been busted for pointing the barrel anywhere but downrange - that shit is stupid.
                                  Funny how the gun nuts are playing it down, but every responsible gun owner should rightfully have cringed at the sight. 

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