The legacies of FDNY Captain Timothy Stackpole and Firefighter Carl Asaro, both of whom were killed on September 11, live on through their sons Brendan Stackpole (right) and Matthew Asaro (left). Both FDNY Probationary Firefighters graduated today from the Fire Training Academy. "I feel a sense of pride,” says Probationary Firefighter Stackpole, “This has been a dream of mine since before he passed. I want to carry on the tradition."
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Gerri Frasca Jackson As a personal friend of the Stackpole family, I know Timmy must be smiling down on Brendan and all the probationary firefighters. God Bless all of the young men starting out, and their fellow brothers who have been on the job. Stay safe and Thank you for your service.
Dennis N Georgianne Asher Carry on Firefighters and stay safe.
“It’s an extremely unique experience being able to do this having my real brothers next to me to help me along. I feel very fortunate for it, it’s very exciting. I could never have done it without their encouragement every day.” Probationary Firefighter Lisa Cusimano on what it means for her to graduate from FDNY Training Academy, following in the footsteps of her father and two brothers.
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Theresa Chip God Bless our New York City Fire Dept
Linda Chisholm Thank all of you for all that you do!!
“The respect and admiration of a grateful city has been earned through the blood, sweat and far too many tears of generations who have come before you. As of this moment, that history…that tradition…it is in your hands as well. Cherish it. Honor it. Hold it to the highest standard possible. That’s a right you’ve earned. But it’s a right you must earn again and again every day of your careers. Countless young boys and girls dream of one day being where you are now. So many ve...
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Rosalie Tortora Washack Congratulations, thank you for your service.
Antonio Llonch Where is a cop when you need them? Every one forgot about that? Yes you right, very true. you see? I told you.
FDNY Family Day was held on Saturday, October 31st, at the Fire Academy on Randalls Island. The families of Probationary Firefighters were welcomed to the Fire Academy to see firsthand the skills their loved ones have learned over the last 18 weeks as they trained to become New York's Bravest! See more images at [Flickr]
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Roy Cotignola Congratulations to our newest Probationary Firefighters. You now enter the Family of The Bravest. A few words of advise to help you through your career. No ones asks you to do anything that they themselves haven't done. Do the right thing always, if yo...See More
LikeReply18November 5 at 5:42pmEdited
Diane Paul Congratulations to all of our new FDNY firefighters. God Bless you and keep you safe always.
Shout out to ‪#‎FDNY‬ members Christopher Feliciano and Ian D’Soza of EMS Station 49, who sprang into action and defibrillated a male patient in cardiac arrest at a ‪#‎Queens‬ gym. The patient arrived at Mt. Sinai Queens hospital alert, and giving a thumbs up.
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Jackie Santiago Congratulations also to FDNY EMTS Frank Rodriguez and Nemorin Henry who were part of the call that save the man' s life
Lisa Oriol Good job!!!!!! May God Bless the paramedics and the hospital staff.
Today's FDNY Throwback Thursday photo is from a second-alarm fire this date in 1970 in the East Village. See this image and more at [Flickr]
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Andy Bidlingmaier I remember wearing that model SCBA.
Dennis Le Moignan Well worth a look Milton. Click on the site and check the old Throwback pictures.
There’s still time left to grab your ticket to the New York City Fire MuseumFirefighter Cook-Off and Fundraiser, this Thurs Nov 5, where you can watch Firefighter chefs battle it out for the title of Best FDNY Chef. Purchase your tickets at
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Dagmar Brecht I would like to come, but i am from Germany
Joanne Beebe Good luck fellows
On November 1, 2015, FDNY Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro and the FDNY Running Team were awarded the Mayor’s Cup, the trophy for the competition between the running teams of FDNY and NYPD at the NYC Marathon. Congratulations FDNY! View images at [Flickr]
On November 1, 2015, Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro and the FDNY Running Team were awarded the Mayor’s Cup, the trophy for the competition between the…
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Lynn Casey Congratulations FDNY !!!
Tom Gerrish We should rename it city cup or something and remove any association with the word mayor. He apparently dislikes PD & FD
Mayor Bill de Blasio, Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro, NY Red Cross CEO Josh Lockwood, Council Member Chaim Deutsch, Council Member Jumaane Williams and Fire and Criminal Justice Chair Council Member Elizabeth Crowley today announced the launch of a new fire safety program, ‪#‎GetAlarmedNYC‬, the largest smoke detector giveaway and installation program in the nation. The $4 million fire and life safety initiative will provide free inst...
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Danny Lin $40 each. About right. Yet that is probably not including labor cost. I am all for mandating fire/smoke alarm
Danny Nolan Is De Blasio asleep?
Congrats ‪#‎FDNY‬ on our TCS New York City Marathon Mayor’s Cup victory! NYPD you are tough competition! So proud of everyone involved.
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Darleen Lebow Congratulations to all!!!!!
Brian Tracey Congrats from DFB Athletics
Change your clocks, change your batteries! Watch to see how you can be ‪#‎FDNYSmart‬ when you change your clocks on Sunday.
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Stuart Duke Shepley checked my smoke alarms last week when turn back our clocks in the uk
Be ‪#‎FDNYSmart‬ this Halloween by wearing costumes made of flame resistant materials & accessories that are soft & bendable. When you go trick-or-treating, always carry a flashlight & make sure costumes are visible to drivers. And remember, as you set up decorations, illuminate pumpkins with glow sticks or tea candles only. Never let children carve pumpkins alone & always supervise preparations. Have a Happy Halloween!
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