Monday, November 2, 2015

Die Welt- Turkey and Erdogan




Erdogan's victory as a triumph over the "infidels"

The election victory of the AKP is a triumph of political Islam. Erdogan speaks already of 2071, when the victory of the Seljuk Turkish marks the thousandth time on Byzantium.
From      Turkey correspondent
The favorite author of the Istanbul taxi driver called Aziz Nesin. Not that she had read all the satirical short stories of writer who died in 1995. But a word from him they love to quote: "Aziz Nesin said yes, that 60 percent of Turks idiots But in truth, there are 90 percent."
Since the surprisingly high election victory of the Party of Justice and Development (AKP), the word makes under her disillusioned opponents around.The Turks are not stupid than others. You're just Muslim. And that's the problem: The AKP victory is the victory of political Islam.
Because unlike her first election victory in 2002, the AKP is the presence of a party with a mission. With a dawa, as it is called in the jargon of the Islamists. From the former Alliance Party, the left-liberal intellectuals and Muslim human rights activists and the Gülen movement belonged alongside the Islamist Milli Görüs movement and the large part of the bourgeois-conservative milieu, there is nothing left.
"We have stripped our Milli Görüs Shirt" Erdogan had said. Meanwhile, he has unearthed this shirt out of the closet and still won half of the Turkish population.

Lenin would say: Islamism plus road

This is the equally remarkable as frightening power of the AKP: it has most of the former center-right spectrum inherits and this Islamized where the Milli Görüs parties had a voting share of ten, 15 percent - and with a rhetoric, is the polarizing than anything had ever been heard of Milli Görüs. The AKP today, which is to be free to express by Lenin, Islamism plus road.
After all, the basis on which Erdogan and the AKP in "we", "the" divide the society and is Islam - precisely: Sunni Islam, more precisely: the orthodox Sunni Islam. That is also the answer to the question that arises not only in Europe but also in parts of Istanbul or Izmir: How the hell can a party after all the turmoil and scandal even retract such results? The answer: It's the religion, stupid!
Mag ACP control a large part of the television and the newspapers, with their paid Trolls now make social media a powerful force - with a lack of voter information alone can not explain the success. No, their voters are not stupid.You are a believer.

21 times the word "Allah"

Because of this, its ultimate argument evades any rational argument: choose the faithful against the infidels. Exactly what the Islamist uproar journal "Yeni akit" on election day called: "Power to the unbelievers no joy!"
The "unbelievers" are not only Europe, America and Israel, constantly practicing against the AKP media and politicians in conspiracy theories. The "unbelievers" are also the enemies inside: Left, liberals, Kemalists, Social Democrats, Alevis and the Kurdish movement. In a campaign spot ACP repeated the myth that the PKK is dominated in reality by foreigners. But their nationalism is colored Islamist.
This was also the first opinion of Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on election night in his hometown of Konya. In his short speech he let fall 21 times the word "Allah". The fact that he - citing a famous son of the city, the Islamic mystic Jalal ad-Din (Mevlana) - directed at the opposition a few conciliatory words, stands until further proof of guilt.
For a conciliatory speech also Recep Tayyip Erdogan had held last summer after his election as president. Nevertheless, he has followed ahead with the polarization, which has only recently right there in Konya showed - as thousands of football fans at a minute's silence whistled for the victims of the terrorist attack in Ankara and "Allahu Akbar" shouted. The death toll: "infidels".
In Erdogan's constant talk of "one state, one flag, one motherland" puts this Islamist moment: Because there is only one God, is part of the Islamic creed.And something else is in this formula: a party.
For several years, speaks Erdogan from "2023 target", ie the 100th anniversary of the Republic, to which he wants to make Turkey a leading economic power.And she wants to like him hold critics with some justice, deprive its secular foundations.

Growth on credit

Meanwhile, he even speaks of the year 2071, when the victory of the Seljuk Turkish is jähren Byzantium for the 1000th time. The possibility that one might by then lose one or the other option is not provided in this tend to be totalitarian program.
The AKP, once begun with a promise to clean up the legacy of the authoritarian Kemalist party state has taken a big step to Islamic quasi-party state since this Sunday.
Of course, Islam is not the only recipe of their success. On top of the - partly built on credit - economic boom or the system of loyalties, dependencies and sinecures, with which the AKP has intertwined state and business - to its own form of capitalism.

Can Ahmet Davutoglu moderate?

Another aspect: the secret libidinal affection felt by its followers for Erdogan. One only has to look at the screaming with ecstasy ACP supporter who ran on election night on the transmitter and half crying, half laughing shouted with joy: "I feel like I'm in paradise!"
On a completely different matter of course, is the inability of the parliamentary opposition, which has contributed to the election result. The opposition has been fighting separately, but lost together. Cause for hope that the badly battered Turkish democracy is not definitively buried, they do not exist until further notice;the extra-parliamentary pulse of Gezi was not enough.
This leaves a delicate hope: Unlike in June belonged to this campaign Ahmet Davutoglu. Let him have so far had no ideological differences with his patron Erdogan, he shares but not its vindictive character. Maybe he sets the polarization of society and the marginalization of the opposition certain limits. A faint hope. Until further notice, but the only one.

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