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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Washington Post Piece with False Conclusions about Firefighters- TODAY NFPA



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J Booth
Dumb, really dumb. Of all the issues before us, they give us this silliness?
Fire Medic/ MICU Medic
"The firefighter today is expected to respond to fires; hazardous material releases; technical rescues; vehicle accidents; medical emergencies and combinations of the above. If there is a vehicle accident involving hazardous materials a fire and injuries the manpower requirement is intense. Very few communities have sufficient firefighters on duty ether volunteer or career to meet the demands of worst case incidents that seem to occur with more frequency then the ivory tower types realize. I guess the author of this piece is volunteering his time or is he to busy writing articles on topics he doesn't understand."

Perhaps you are unfamiliar with how fire operations work, but automatic and mutual aid systems are in place to bring more resources to escalated scenes when needed. Another important reason the staffing in all cities, not just your own, is important. 
Fire Medic/ MICU Medic
"^I am sorry, but no, firefighters are not normally the first responders to medical emergencies... EMTs and Paramedics are. When a firefighter is functioning as such, that is what they are. They call us "the forgotten," for a reason. That said, God bless my fire brothers. I appreciate you all, I'm just tired of being left out when we work shoulder to shoulder to others."
Actually, you are wrong. Firefighters serve as BLS and ALS first responders in cities across the country. In many regions, to be a career firefighter you must be a Firefighter AND a Paramedic. 
And when operating as a Paramedic, you are not always "just" a Paramedic. There are times where FD Medics perform above and beyond the normal call of your standard private contract or municipal EMS in technical rescue, water rescue, extrication, etc. Not everywhere, but many places. 
So you generalizations are unfounded. 
Steve D
This is the kind of article you would completely expect out of someone who has no fire training, and no experience doing anything other than writing from the confines of an air conditioned office. This article from the Times is total garbage and lacks any in-depth detail about what we do one the job. 
Firefighters in my city (southeastern massachusetts) respond to every 911 call,about 9000 a year. Fires,medicals(always there before EMS arrives)we are First Responders, EMT's,and Paramedics,who have gone out on our own time and dime for these qualifications. We also respond to every public assistance call you can think of,and accidents of all kinds.So do you want to wait an hour or 3-5 minutes when your house or neighbors is on fire,or your loved one is having a heart attack,stroke,falls,or any other emergency?I know what I would want!!!Never before have firefighters done more work than they do today.
^I am sorry, but no, firefighters are not normally the first responders to medical emergencies... EMTs and Paramedics are. When a firefighter is functioning as such, that is what they are. They call us "the forgotten," for a reason. That said, God bless my fire brothers. I appreciate you all, I'm just tired of being left out when we work shoulder to shoulder to others.
G Bashioum
The Author Must be a Politician! Budgets are important, but most important is learning how to prioritize the items in that budget. One day that Author will have an emergency and realize that first responders and law enforcement officers are actually an insurance policy. You hope you never need to use them, but you better have them paid up when you do- because at some point in life.... You Will!

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