President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, right, with Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the  European Commission, in Brussels on Monday. CreditFrancois Lenoir/Reuters 
ISTANBUL — Tensions between Russia and Turkey widened on Tuesday over the Russian bombings of Syrian rebels and multiple violations of Turkish airspace, which have deeply undercut Turkey’s goals in the Syrian civil war.
“Our positive relationship with Russia is known,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Tuesday at a news conference during a visit to Brussels. “But if Russia loses a friend like Turkey, with whom it has been cooperating on many issues, it will lose a lot, and it should know that.”
Aside from blunt warnings, however, there appears to be little that Mr. Erdogan can do about Russia’s assertive military actions in Syria, which have upended his priorities to oust the Syrian leader, Bashar al-Assad, and establish a buffer zone on Syria’s border with Turkey.
While in many ways close to Russia, Mr. Erdogan is now leaning more heavily on his NATO allies, reflecting the shifting forces buffeting Turkey as it copes with the military, economic and humanitarian fallout of Syria’s war.
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Why Turkey Is Fighting the Kurds Who Are Fighting ISIS 

While the United States has long sought Turkey’s help in fighting ISIS, getting its help has revealed a tangle of diverging interests in the region. 
“An attack on Turkey means an attack on NATO,” Mr. Erdogan said.
Turkey, which from the outset of the war more than four years ago backed rebel groups in the belief that Mr. Assad could be quickly toppled, finds itself powerless to shape events in Syria.
What became increasingly clear after Russia began its bombing campaign is that Mr. Erdogan’s long-held ambition of persuading Western allies to establish a safe zone in northern Syria has crumbled.
“It’s quite clear to me that if we had spoken a month ago about a safe zone or a no-fly zone, it would have been a good idea,” said Marc Pierini, a visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe in Brussels and a former European Union ambassador to Turkey. “Talking today, I’d say it’s a no-go.”
Mr. Erdogan, in Brussels this week for talks with European leaders over the migrant crisis convulsing Europe, continued to push for a safe zone in northern Syria as the only acceptable way to create stability in Syria and discourage refugees who are increasingly leaving Turkey on perilous sea journeys for Europe.
“The polite reply here was that this is U.N. business and not for the E.U. to entertain,” Mr. Pierini said. “The idea is dead in the water.”
Underscoring the degree of Turkish concern about Russia’s military involvement in Syria, which seemed to expand this week when Russian officials in Moscow suggested Russian “volunteer” fighters would be sent to Syria, officials in Ankara, the Turkish capital, predicted a new influx of refugees. Speaking to the Turkish daily Hurriyet, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said that up to one million more Syrians could arrive in Turkey, which is already straining under the weight of nearly two million Syrian refugees.
At first Russia suggested that its priority was fighting the Sunni militants of the Islamic State, an aim shared by the United States, which is leading an international coalition that for more than a year has waged an air campaign against the group in Iraq and Syria. But Russia has deployed military equipment, such as ground-to-air missiles and interceptor jets, that has no use against militant groups that do not have an air force. This made clear that Russia’s priority is to buck up Mr. Assad, and it has raised concerns that if a no-fly zone or safe zone were established, as Turkey has pushed for, it could be challenged by Russia.
“The Russian presence has changed the entire parameters in Syria, including a safe zone,” said Mensur Akgun, director of the Global Political Trends Center, a research organization in Turkey. “No one will dare confront Russia.”
The Russians pushed back on Tuesday against objections that their military actions in Syria are not targeting the Islamic State. Maria V. Zakharova, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman in Moscow, said news media organizations that report such objections are part of what she called an anti-Russian misinformation campaign.
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Russian and U.S. Airstrikes Show Differing Goals 

Both countries have said they want to defeat terrorist groups like the Islamic State, but in Syria, Russia’s definition of terrorist encompasses some groups that are allies of the United States. 
Syrian fighters are in a continual state of churn, she said, alternatively forming alliances and fighting one another, and Russia will not make distinctions between the various groups she described as terrorists. “If they talk like a terrorist, if they fight like a terrorist, if they act like a terrorist, they are a terrorist,” she said, paraphrasing what Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov said at the outset of the campaign last week.
The new tensions between Russia and Turkey over Syria have highlighted a deeply complex relationship between the two countries. In some ways Turkey’s relationship with Russia is similar to its relationship with Iran, the Syrian government’s most important regional ally. In its dealings with each country, Turkey is able to separate sharp differences over issues like the war in Syria with deepening economic ties, not to mention a robust tourism industry between the two countries.
For instance, Turkey, with a growing economy and little of its own energy supplies to fuel it, relies on both Iran and Russia for natural gas imports. Turkey depends on Russia for more than half of its natural gas, and Russia has plans to build a nuclear power plant in Turkey. This week, even as tensions escalated between Turkey and Russia over Syria, Turkey’s energy minister said that talks would continue over a natural gas pipeline project through Turkey, which would benefit from natural gas at discount prices.
Mr. Erdogan’s leadership style has often been compared to that of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. Both men have been criticized for becoming increasingly authoritarian and cracking down on free expression, and both men have been their countries’ pre-eminent political figure from both the positions of president and prime minister.
On a visit to Moscow in September, Mr. Erdogan appeared with Mr. Putin at the inauguration of a new, giant mosque, and praised Russia. “I am sure that the opening of the mosque, at a time when we need humanity, will contribute to establishing peace in the world,” he said. “Russia is a good example for coexistence of people of different faiths.”
On the same visit, Mr. Erdogan also promoted Turkey’s economic relationship with Russia. He said that bilateral trade had reached $31 billion last year, and that Turkey’s goal was for that figure to hit $100 billion by 2023. “Let us hope that fortune is on our side and that we will succeed in reaching this objective,” he said.
Turkey’s relationship with Russia is also deeply clouded by history. Analysts have written of the fear of Russian ambitions that infect the Turkish psyche and are rooted in the history of the many wars — at least 17 by one count — fought between the Ottoman Empire and Russia over centuries.
Even before Russia’s recent military buildup in Syria, Russia was an important ally to Mr. Assad, a fact that analysts have said restrained Turkey from intervening more directly in the conflict. Writing in The Atlantic two years ago, Soner Cagaptay, an expert on Turkey at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said, “Turks suffer from a deep-rooted, historic reluctance to confront the Russians.”
“Consequently,” Mr. Cagaptay wrote, “Turkey is unlikely to confront Moscow even when Russia undermines Turkey’s interests, such as in Syria where Russia is supporting the Assad regime, even as Ankara tries to depose it.”
What is clear, though, is that Russia is willing to confront Turkey. By violating Turkey’s airspace twice in recent days — not a mistake, as Russia said, but a deliberate move, according to NATO — Russia seemed intent on warning any of Mr. Assad’s foes not to violate Syrian sovereignty.
NATO, whose officials have been critical of Turkey in recent years for not doing enough to crack down on jihadist fighters crossing its border to fight in Syria, objected to the Russian incursion, and Turkey scrambled its own warplanes to intercept the Russian planes. In statements, Turkish officials hinted that if it happened again it might shoot down any Russian jets that cross its airspace.
Yet those warnings not withstanding Turkey, because of history and its deep economic links to Russia, “will try its utmost to avoid any type of confrontation with the Russians,” Mr. Akgun said.
Correction: October 6, 2015 
An earlier version of this article omitted a word from a comment by Mensur Akgun. He said Turkey “will try its utmost to avoid any type of confrontation with the Russians.”