Sunday, October 4, 2015

Le Monde- Science News


The scientific selection of the week (number 190) BLOG POST

The menu that crows learn of the death, NASA Venus is, what color were dinosaurs, etc.
Contrairement à l'idée communément admise, certaines fourmis ne travaillent pas.

A study destroys the myth of the ant BLOG POST worker

Researchers analyzed the activities of five colonies of ants to find that nearly half almost never does anything.
Dans un parc d'attractions à Téhéran.

Heaven and earth, united to liquidate the dinosaurs  19

For Berkeley scientists, a meteorite volcanoes in Mexico and India together have caused the extinction occurred there 66 million years
Le 2 octobre 2015, avant l'aube, Vénus, Mars et Jupiter envahiront la constellation du Lion.

Most interesting appointment in October astronomical POST BLOG

The program includes an exceptional month for planetary encounters with Mars and Jupiter, and Venus and Jupiter which frôleront in the dawn sky.

E-cigarette: the battle continues 18

While the debate on the benefits of "vapotage" is revived, divergent positions and specialists remain very trenches.
See news Sciences
Bruno Latour.
The challenges of climate change seen by the philosopher Bruno Latour

Science Videos

Achim Steiner, directeur exécutif du PNUE.
Achim Steiner: "The challenge of global warming concerns every country"
La fusée Atlas V 421 a lancé avec succès le satellite commercial mexicain Morelos-3, jeudi 1er octobre depuis la base du cap Canaveral, en Floride.
Atlas V launches a Mexican satellite successfully
Le doctorant belge Adrien Deliege, grand gagnant du concours internationale de « Ma thèse en 180 secondes », résume ses travaux sur le phénomène climatique El Niño, jeudi 1er octobre à Paris.
180 seconds to popularize a thesis: a challenge eloquently
See videos Sciences
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