Sunday, October 25, 2015

Le Monde- China


China will join the Treaty of Free Trade Trans, a newspaper considers the Chinese PC

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Une usine de traitement du maïs dans la province de Son La, au Vietnam, le 13 octobre. Le pays communiste est perçu comme l'un des grands vainqueurs du traité transpacifique conclu début octobre, par la hausse attendue des investissements extérieurs.

The China should "timely" to join the Treaty of Free Trade Trans (TPP) whose objectives are consistent with the economic reforms of the country, says the Sunday, October 25 biweekly Study Times, published by the Central School Communist Party of China (CPC), which helps to training of executives.

China is not part of the 12 Pacific rim countries who agreed early October on the creation of a Trans-Pacific Partnership to liberalize trade and create common standards within this new group representing 40% of the 'Mondial economy. The Chinese trade minister said his country did not feel affected by this treaty, but he heard assess comprehensively the likely impact.
Study Times acknowledges that some managers perceive the TPP as a "conspiracy" aimed at isolating China and muzzling its ambitions globally.However, the newspaper, the TPP's general objectives such as reducing the administrative procedures and protection of the environment are among those that China wants to achieve. "The rules of TPP and the direction taken by the reforms and opening of China are consistent, "said the newspaper." China must remain very attentive and timely manner, consistent with the domestic reform process, join the TPP, while reducing the costs involved to the maximum, "Doesadds -he.
However the way public industries could be affected by joining the TPP will require careful examination, the party having recalled their key role in the economy, the newspaper said. Beijing has for its part a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (PERC) providing for free trade agreements among 16 nations belonging to the ten ASEAN plus six others: China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, bringing together 3.4 billion people. This partnership aims to compete TPP sometimes presented as a way to counter the Chinese economy and its expansion policy in the region.
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