Translation from English

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Haiti-- Le Nouvelliste

Martelly and Medina signed a six-point agreement to warm relations between the two countries

Martelly met Medina in the back of Haitian bosses
Haiti VS RD: Medina President in turn will travel to Port-au-Prince
In the showroom of ITU Telecom World 2015
Haiti vs RD: Martelly will go to Barahona
the editorial

A surprising decision Martelly

The announcement impromptu bilateral meeting in Barahona, Michel Martelly between President and his Dominican counterpart Danilo Medina yesterday, Tuesday, quickly provoked reactions on both sides of the border. The Dominican press beat the big drum around the initiative Port-au-Prince to seek a meeting to end the cold that feeds the relations between the two countries for several weeks. At Port-au-Prince, employers remain wary about the organization of this meeting, which has not been brought to the attention of the business sector. Since the entry ban on Haitian territory of 23 Dominican products by land, in September, all the forces of the Dominican Republic expressed ...
01 August 2015


Opont requires a "heavily armed force" to secure elections

The Provisional Electoral Council meets this Wednesday NUMC on the security plan for the elections of October 25. According to Pierre-Louis Opont, the CEP take the opportunity to require national authorities and the international community "a heavily armed force fighting position" deployed at polling centers at least two days before the elections "In our other the CEP, there is only way to ensure the population to vote. It takes 25 October ...


Haiti: the social economy as of salvation

Save in times of scarcity, crisis! Difficult but not impossible. Even in situations of loss, like that of Haiti, we must get used to reconstruct the track of development. Thus, a small symbolic gesture that can bring others larger. And so on. Words with words, Professor Gérald Larose from the University of Quebec at Montreal shares, Tuesday, October 13, 2015, with Haitians, already proven virtues of Economy ...

Grenadier double face

To prepare its double appointment on 13 and 17 November in San Jose against Costa Rica and Port-au-Prince against Jamaica as part of the penultimate stage of qualifying for the World Cup FIFA , Russia 2018, the national team of Haiti was measured at Salvador and the Brazilian Olympic team. The Grenadiers scored three goals in only nine minutes by James Marcelin (14 '), Shelby Printemps (18') and Jean Eudes Maurice (23 ') to come ...

Paula Clermont Pean invited Festival 2015 Four Ways

Le Nouvelliste (LN): Special guest of the Festival Quatre Chemins this year, with what feeling did you welcome that? Paula Clermont Pean (PCP): This was a great honor for me when Mr. Guy Regis Junior, artistic director of the Festival Quatre-Chemins, came to see me at my office last year to tell me that I will be the Special guest of the festival 2015. As I always say, in such circumstances, to be recognized, to paraphrase Roland ...
See section

Out of the hole

"To get out of the hole, you must first stop digging" ... This quote is a former French ambassador in Haiti and expressed its comments on the state of our country on the edge of XXI century. Whatever may be said -with some reason- on the responsibility of "the international", that is to say, said Friends of Haiti, now grouped in the "Core Group", the French diplomat by this formula reflects a reality in the spiral ...

Take seriously the territorial authorities!

In the mad electoral atmosphere that prevails these days in Haiti, it appears that more sensible to cast a spotlight on Local Authorities with several elected positions to run. Unfortunately, the majority of these positions are often minimized by Haitian politicians.This fact is due, apparently, to a misunderstanding of the true roles of Local Authorities. This hard truth could be even extended to ...

Cap-Haïtien: the lead car train of economic development and culture of the Northern Region

On 1 January 1954, on the occasion of Tricinquantenaire celebrations of the National Independence, Cap Haitien city shone with beauty and carefree as the young girl waiting for her wedding day. This city, completely destroyed during the 1842 earthquake, was rebuilt on the original architectural model. Houses in the roof tile and slate, typical of the rural houses of the French regions of the Atlantic, conferred a special character ...
See section

The exercise of democracy Bar (continued)

Democracy is not reflected only in the art of speaking. It unfolds through the choices carried out by a majority at periodic intervals to renew its agents, that is to say output figures from within the company and who have capacity and quality to make timely decisions. Precisely, as many will invariably be the beneficiary of thoughtful decisions. Otherwise, it's a stampede, dispersion.Parodying Haiti-Observateur, ...

The "Grandet" Southeast between celebration and claims

The streets were Thiotte on Thursday, October 1, 2015, the scene of an unusual spectacle. People aged Thiotte were joined by those of Belle Anse, Grand Gosier, of Anse-à-Pitres, offering a parade that the whole city was applauded. October 1 is recognized and celebrated since 1991 as International Day of Older Persons. They were about 400 to tread the streets, men and women, placards in hand, armed with slogans and claims. It was close ...

Speech by outgoing President Robert Fritz St Paul

Mr. Prime Minister, Mr. President of the Court of Cassation and the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, Madam Chair of the Board of the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative contieux (CSCCA), Distinguished members of the Board of CSCCA , Minister of Justice and Public Security, Mr. State University Rector of Haiti, members of the government, Mr. Secretary General of the Senate of ...

Emilien Blaise, master of paper mache

Jacmel, a picturesque city that gave birth to so many artists and cultural effervescence. It is known for its carnival, crafts and in particular paper mache. The Sainte-Anne Street in this city is an artery cultural ferment. Several generations pass sublimating several disciplines including ceramics and papier mache. Blaise, since childhood, evolves in this ecosystem. A 3 or 4 years, his cronies at the time and it ...
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