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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

FDNY Has its LGBT "Coming Out " Day

Let me say right here that the FDNY IS completely homophobic --

And that I am not surprised, given the 1) the nature of the job and personal relationships required 2) the social and religious background of 95% of the Firefighters.

The minority group new male FF's are just as homophobic as their white colleagues, if not more so.

I really don't expect this to change very much for some time, and hardly overnight. 

Published: October 11, 2015


Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro announced on Sunday October 11 that the FDNY has released its first ever "It Gets Better" video, in support of the It Gets Better Project.

The Project's mission is to communicate to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning youth around the world that life gets better, and to create and inspire the changes needed to improve quality of life for them. In the FDNY-produced video, twelve active FDNY Firefighters, Paramedics, and EMTs discuss the challenges they faced throughout their lives and the success they have found both as adults, and as members of New York's Bravest.
"As Firefighters, Paramedics and EMTs in the most diverse city in the world, FDNY members have the tremendous opportunity to inspire young people through their brave work every single day," said Commissioner Nigro.  "Through this video, they deliver an important message to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning youth around the world – it absolutely does get better."

"With their It Gets Better video, the brave men and women of the FDNY have made a powerful statement in support of LGBT youth," said Brett M. Peters, Director of Communications for the It Gets Better Project.  "By fostering such a welcoming community in the workplace, the FDNY is helping lead the way in encouraging LGBT young people to be whoever they want to be."

About the It Gets Better Project:
Founded in 2010 by Dan Savage and Terry Miller, the It Gets Better Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that uses all forms of media and engagement to reach LGBT youth worldwide in order to provide critical support and hope that life indeed gets better. Through the organization’s messages of hope, international resources and guidance, collaboration and mouthpiece in the media, the It Gets Better Project strives to continuously make life better for LGBT youth. To date, more than 60,000 inspirational videos have been uploaded in support of It Gets Better and the LGBT community, including support from President Obama and 500,000 others who have actively taken the pledge to spread It Gets Better’s messages of hope and speak up against intolerance. The Project has expanded its support of LGBT youth on both a national and global scale, serving as a resource on policy and legal matters. The It Gets Better Project is resolute in its mission to make the lives of LGBT youth, simply put, better. Connect with the It Gets Better Project: @ItGetsBetter,,

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