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5 hrs
In this week's Astronomy magazine podcast, we'll help you observe the Small Magellanic Cloud, three double stars in Pisces, and irregular galaxy IC 10 in your…
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Lawrence Kreger
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Perfect Tattoos guys Hi I am Jessica I am 22 years old smile emoticon I live in usa wink emoticon smile emoticonI love making new friends what about you frown emoticon smile emoticon please like like emoticon my page in 2 secs I promise you smile emoticon i will send you a friend request and inbox you smile emoticon I promise heart emoticon
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Tahir Han
New Horizons is a NASA robotic spacecraft mission currently en route to the planet…
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An international team of astronomers has found the hottest and most massive double star with components so close that they touch each other.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Seán Kidd That's presto cool to be honest
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Anlaram Anlaram So how long before either scenario takes place?
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Astronomers have spotted a large rocky object disintegrating in its death spiral around a distant white dwarf star.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Jody CoolandComplex Harris I love astronomy. It's just so mind boggling.
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Sohaib Al-kamal Systematic universe: mystery of mysteries .
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Most scientists believe the Moon's formation resulted from a giant impact between the Earth and a mysterious object called Theia.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Rhea Stone That headline implies that Biologists, Physicists, Paleontologists, and people outside of the Astronomical sciences also have faith on the Theia hypothesis. 

How many Astronomers believe (wrong word!) that the Brontosaurus was really a Dinosaur afterall? 
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Studying the highest-energy particles in the cosmos provides scientists with a way to test how well they understand the cutting edge of physics.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Kuni Mihara Read: "The Electric Sky" - Donald E Scott PhD EE
Tahir Han
New Horizons is a NASA robotic spacecraft mission currently en route to the planet…
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