Here's our fire boat showing off its capabilities for ITV's ‪#‎ThisMorning‬. The crew based at Lambeth River Station are on hand everyday to help with any incidents on The Thames.
Have you left your hairdryer plugged in? A family home was destroyed when a hairdryer had been left on when the electricity cut out. The hairdryer then came back to life once the electricity meter had been recharged. Share with anyone who might do this.…
Here are two examples of the 557 animal rescues we went to last year.We always be there in an emergency but not all animal rescues need our help. If an animal is injured or in distress please call the RSPCA's 24 hour helpline on 0300 1234 999 first. They'll call us if we're needed…/LatestNewsReleases_call-the…
What are your plans for tomorrow? Why not come to Wembley Fire Station (591a Harrow Road) from noon as we're hosting an open day. Lots of fun for all the family.
How at risk from fire is your borough? Is your landlord providing you with the right protection? From October all private landlords must fit smoke alarms and install carbon monoxide alarms in rooms with solid fuel burners or face being slapped with a £5,000 fine. To help them protect tenants the Government has given fire and rescue services, including us, a limited number of free alarms to give away to landlords. Let your's know about the offer. Find out more:…/LatestNewsReleases_landlord…
Our excellent control staff dealt with 400 calls in just 3 hours on Wednesday as a huge downpour hit North and West ‪#‎London‬. Very rarely seen our 999 call handlers are the unsung heroes who deal with your emergencies and make sure a fire engine gets to you as quickly as possible…
We'll be taking to the streets of London on Saturday, 12 September to raise awareness of the fantastic charity Children of Fire who support African young people who have been severely burnt. Like Perlucia, who lost all of her hair and sustained serious injuries to her face and hands. Sign up to join the walk or give what you can.…/LatestNewsReleases_Walkforc…
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