Two gunmen opened fire and killed 12 people Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo in Paris. It was the worst terrorist attack on French soil since the war of Algeria.
More than seven months after the attack that decimated part of writing "Charlie Hebdo", departures succeed.After Luz, ER Patrick Pelloux, a columnist for 12 years in the satirical newspaper, announced to end its collaboration early next year.
The designer of "Charlie Hebdo" Luz, author of the famous Mohammed cartoons, announced Tuesday that he would leave the satirical newspaper. In an interview with "Liberation", he explains the reasons for this choice.
Maryse Wolinski, widow of the murdered artist in the attack of writing "Charlie Hebdo" by the brothers Kouachi January 7, requests the opening of an investigation into alleged breaches of the police. "Why has not landed GIGN?" She asks in particular.
The police in charge of protecting the residence of Riss, director of "Charlie Hebdo", would have seen two prowlers photograph the entrance of the building, according to "Le Parisien" that reveals the information.One of the two suspects would be stuck with the information and close to the radical Islamist movement.
An original board Uderzo, Asterix cartoonist, was sold at auction for 150,000 euros Saturday 14 at an entirely devoted to comics sale at Christie's in Paris. The sum of the sale will return fully to the families of victims of the attack against Charlie Hebdo.
Two months after the hostage taking of Amedy Coulibaly to Hyper Hide Porte de Vincennes, the store reopened on Sunday morning. For the occasion, the Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, visited on site.
Cabu and Charb bodyguard, both killed by Kouachi brothers in the premises of "Charlie Hebdo" officially recognized "victims of terrorism". This mention was listed on their death certificates and in the Official Journal.
The police investigating the bombings Paris now have the certainty that the brothers and Kouachi Amedy Coulibaly coordinated their murderous actions.
The Higher Audiovisual Council issued this Friday the list of sanctioned media for their treatment of the events that hit France from 7 to 9 January.
Anti-French protests organized by Islamist activists protesting against the A "Charlie Hebdo", continued Monday. The largest has gathered a huge crowd in Grozny, capital of Chechnya.
Nearly 300,000 people had called naturalization and the Legion of Honor for Lassana Bathily, the Malian employee of the grocery hide hostages who hid during the attack Vincennes Friday 9. In response, announced Bernard Cazeneuve on Thursday, he will be naturalized next week.
The funeral of victims of the attacks of the last days in France continue. After Cabu Wednesday, Thursday will be held the funeral of Wolinski, Tignous, Elsa Cayat Bernard Maris and Franck Brinsolaro.
Cabu's funeral took place Wednesday in Chalons-en-Champagne, his hometown, in the strictest privacy.Ceremonies Wolinski, Tignous, Charb and Honoré are for their planned Thursday 15 and Friday 16.
At dawn on Wednesday, the latest issue of "Charlie Hebdo" was already found in many outlets in France. To meet the huge demand of readers, the newspaper publisher announced a circulation of 2 million additional copies or five million in all.
Following the terrible attacks of recent days, Francois Hollande wants "no inaction or precipitation." A formula which translated into action as soon as Tuesday, after the tributes, Manuel Valls opened the action sequence to MPs by delivering its new measures to fight against terrorism.
After a minute of silence charged with emotion, MPs and ministers sang "La Marseillaise" in the National Assembly on Tuesday. The national anthem, a symbol of the unity of the nation, had not sounded in the Chamber since 1918.
Hollande paid tribute Tuesday to Clarissa Jean-Philippe Ahmed and Franck Brinsolaro Merabet, the three policemen killed by Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly brothers, 7 and 8 January.
Lilian Lepère young designer of 26 years, was in the printing of Dammartin-en-jail Friday 9 when Sharif brothers and Said Kouachi have entrenched themselves in the building. He told the media long hours in a small closet before being released by the GIGN.
The first two gendarmes who spoke on the hostage taking of Kouachi brothers in Dammartin-en-Goële delivered their testimony to Europe-1. One of them, who shot Said Kouachi and wounded in the throat, says this face-to-face.
Since the attack on Wednesday, 7 which he suffered, "Charlie Hebdo" boasts an audience of sympathy and financial support from various organizations. The newspaper intends to continue and will publish its next issue on 14, fired three million copies.
During a search of an apartment in Gentilly (Val-de-Marne), the investigators found weapons, detonators and papers belonging to Amedy Coulibaly. The hostage taker kosher supermarket Porte de Vincennes have rented the apartment for a period from 4 to 11 January.
Following the terrible wave of attacks that killed 17 people in three days in France, "Charlie Hebdo", in Montrouge and Porte de Vincennes in Paris, nearly 4 million French were mobilized throughout the country and took to the streets to defend the Republic and freedom. A historic Sunday unprecedented in the country's history since the Liberation.
Many events in Paris but also in the provinces and abroad, marked Sunday the day, in tribute to the 17 victims of terrorism in recent days in France. A sea of ​​people took to the streets of the country to reaffirm the values ​​of democracy.
More than 3.7 million people and heads of state from around the world marched Sunday in Paris for a historic Republican march after the attacks that hit France in recent days.
While the world has its eyes fixed on the great citizen march Paris, Sunday, rallies were also held across around the planet.
The day after the unwinding of the double hostage at Dammartin and door Vincennes, Boumeddiene Hayat is still actively sought. Amedy Coulibaly's companion, the killer of Montrouge had exchanged last year more than 500 phone calls with the wife of Sharif Kouachi.
The hostage Porte de Vincennes Friday 9 has four victims presumably killed before the assault. The four victims were members of the Jewish community.
The alleged gunman Montrouge and author of the hostage Porte de Vincennes was identified as Amedy Coulibaly. A man widely known to police for his links with Islamist terrorist networks.
An event in honor of "Charlie Hebdo" and advocating national unity to be held in Paris on 11. If the gathering is apolitical, tensions between parties create controversy, particularly regarding the presence of the FN.
More than 24 hours after the attack against "Charlie Hebdo" which cost 12 people dead, Jeannette Bougrab, the companion of Charb draftsman, weekly boss died Wednesday 7, testified on micro BFM TV. In tears, the former secretary of state left express his emotion and anger.
The security forces have stormed, almost simultaneously, in Dammartin-en-Goële (Seine-et-Marne) and Porte de Vincennes in Paris late Friday afternoon. In the first place were the perpetrators of the shooting against "Charlie Hebdo", the second the alleged shooting of Montrouge. In both cases the police have ended two hostage.
The two main suspects of the attack which struck Wednesday the headquarters of "Charlie Hebdo" were still actively sought by the police on Thursday early evening. Identified on Wednesday evening, they were tracked towards Reims and then in the Aisne department.
"Charlie Hebdo" will be published next Wednesday, said the emergency doctor Patrick Pelloux, a columnist for the satirical newspaper. For its part the newspaper's lawyer announced that he would be drawn to more than one million copies.
The attack at the headquarters of writing "Charlie Hebdo" Wednesday claimed the lives of some of the greatest contemporary French artists. But were so Cabu, Charb, Wolinski, Tignous and Honore?
A netizen, JB Bullet, wrote a song called "I'm Charlie", in homage to the victims of "Charlie Hebdo". Posted on Facebook the day after the attack against the satirical newspaper, the video has received over 7,000,000 views.
The fugitive assailants "Charlie Hebdo" continues Thursday. According to several sources, the suspects were spotted in the Aisne.
In the aftermath of the attack against "Charlie Hebdo", which left 12 dead and 11 wounded, a minute of silence was held Thursday afternoon to honor the memory of the victims. The day was declared by François Hollande "national day of mourning."
Since Wednesday, 7 and killings occurred at "Charlie Hebdo", designers from France and elsewhere demonstrate their support for the victims and denounce the barbarity with drawings and cartoons, satirical newspaper specialties.
The two main suspects of the attack against "Charlie Hebdo" Chérif Saïd Kouachi and are actively sought by the police. A third suspect has surrendered to the spontaneous forces.
Two brothers, Said Sharif and Kouachi, were identified as the perpetrators of the massacre Wednesday, 7 in the premises of "Charlie Hebdo". One of their relatives, wanted, went to the police in Charleville-Mezieres.
The president spoke on television Wednesday at 20h to honor the victims of the shooting against "Charlie Hebdo". He announced a national day of mourning for Thursday 8.
At least 12 people died in the terrorist attack against "Charlie Hebdo", this Wednesday, January 7th. By late afternoon, the gunmen were still at large.
A Google Doodle was created on Wednesday to honor the victims of the shooting against "Charlie Hebdo", the search engine home page. A tribute in the form of small black ribbon.
At least 12 and wounded dozens: the attack against the newspaper "Charlie Hebdo", this Wednesday is a rare magnitude. The terrorists are still at large.
The attack of the newspaper "Charlie Hebdo" by two men armed with Kalashnikovs on Wednesday, an attack is a rare magnitude. This is the most serious attack on the national territory for at least 20 years, and the bombing of the Saint Michel metro station in Paris.
The attack against "Charlie Hebdo" Wednesday morning has so far not been claimed but on an amateur video, you hear one of the assailants shouting "Allahu Akbar", which supports the theory of Islamist terrorist attack.
Numerous politicians have expressed outrage at the attack against very violent "Charlie Hebdo" on Wednesday that left at least 11 dead according to hospital sources.
Tributes to victims of the attack on the headquarters of "Charlie Hebdo" were quick to pour on the Internet.Hashtag #JeSuisCharlie already retweeted several tens of thousands of times.
Following the extremely violent and deadly attacks which targeted "Charlie Hebdo" on Wednesday, several foreign heads of state joined the French political representatives to express their emotion, their indignation and their support.
The killing of 12 people in the attack of the satirical newspaper "Charlie Hebdo", on Wednesday, says a recent case yet. That of Abdelhakim Dekhar who, in November 2013, armed penetrated in several essays, wounding one before being arrested.
The Vigipirate "attack alert" has been put in place throughout the region of Ile-de-France. Places considered "sensitive" will be more closely protected by the police.
Four stars designers "Charlie Hebdo", Cabu, Wolinski, Charb and Tignous are among the 12 people killed Wednesday when shooting at the newspaper's headquarters.
Hooded men with automatic weapons attacked the headquarters of the satirical newspaper "Charlie Hebdo", shortly before noon Wednesday. The shooting left at least 12 dead.