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Monday, August 24, 2015

Warsaw Voice- Referendum Questions Prove Controversial

The Warsaw Voice » Politics » August 24, 2015
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Polish PM scolds president for referendum questions
August 24, 2015   
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Polish PM Ewa Kopacz
PM Ewa Kopacz chided newly elected President Andrzej Duda for “the unconsulted, single-handed” decision to call a referendum on three subjects, including retirement age and demanded broader consultations to shape the list of questions.

PM Kopacz of the center-right Civic Platform (PO) said that President Duda hailing from the main opposition conservative Law and Justice (PIS) party failed to represent the interests of all Poles as he wants a referendum to ask only questions proposed by his political base.
She said that questions in a national referendum should be discussed with other parties, and that she expects Duda to expand the list of questions after consultations involving other parties.

PM Kopacz told reporters that she feels “disappointed” or even “cheated” by President Duda’s decision to hold a referendum on just three issues on 25 October together with the autumn national elections, in addition to a referendum on 6 September called by Duda's predecessor Bronisław Komorowski.

President Duda's decision to call a second referendum is a mere political ploy and the proposal will likely be rejected by the Senate upper house, junior coalition partner Polish People’s Party (PSL) MP Stanislaw Zelichowski said.

Duda is participating in election campaign by PiS and by no means a president willing to bridge divides on the political scene, PO MP Mariusz Witczak added.

President's decision to call a referendum will help PiS in its campaign, should increase voter turnout and will make referendum questions the leading themes of the election campaign, political scientist Rafal Chwedoruk said.

The referendum is a show of respect to six million Poles who demanded a popular vote on the issues, PiS election staff spokesman Marcin Mastalerek shot back.

Poland's Senate, will first ask the President to better justify and detail his questions, Senate Speaker Bogdan Borusewicz said Friday.

The three questions in the referendum are to be: "Are you in favor of lowering the retirement age and linking pension entitlements and seniority?", "Are you in favor of maintaining the existing system of functioning of the State Forests National Forest Holding?" and "Are you in favor of the abolition of compulsory schooling of six-year olds and return to compulsory school from seven years of age?".

Borusewicz finds the questions 'generic' and 'imprecise.' The Senate will also ask the National Electoral Office for information regarding the possibility and rules of joint voting in the national election and referendum, Senate Speaker Bogdan Borusewicz said Friday.

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