10 things we didn't know last week

  • 31 July 2015
The Beatles
1. Dozens of Beatles songs were never recorded because John Lennon and Paul McCartney forgot them.
2. Butt-dials aren't considered private conversations in the US.
3. Romantic kissing is practiced in fewer than half of the world's cultures.
4. A UK court can determine how short your shorts should be.
5. Sanitary towels in Venezuela sell for £140.
6. Hackers evade virus scanners using passages from Jane Austen's Sense And Sensibility.
7. People feel significantly happier and their blood pressure comes down when they spend time in aquariums.
8. People who walk while texting take bigger swerves to avoid obstacles and lift their legs higher when stepping over things.
9. Pretending to eat chocolate can curb your cravings for it. 
10. Cockerels follow a strict pecking order that determines who gets to wake everyone up on the farm each morning.
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